Sentences with phrase «where people talk»

I've been at a few events recently where people talk about the «market cap (italisation)» of utility tokens issued in ICOs, and comparing them to the market cap of cryptocurrencies or (even worse) listed companies.
The first step is to find out where people talk about topics specific to your firm or practice area.
She believed that residential and commercial activity should be in the same place, that the safest neighbourhoods teem with life, short winding streets are better than long straight ones, low - rise housing is better than impersonal towers, that a neighbourhood is where people talk to one another.
I find this to be the case where people talk about «deniers» but have little knowledge or experience about the sceptical community.
«Likewise with the Tino Sehgal work where people talk about... shortlisted artists — David Shrigley, Laure Prouvost, Tino Sehgal and Lynette Yiadom - Boakye...
Jazz, blues, art and especially dance are woven into a matrix of great joy and ineffable sadness, of derelict lofts and quiet living rooms where people talk, muse and look out windows.
Find web forums where people talk about subjects related to your art, and share your blog posts there as appropriate
Run a postmort where people talk about why the game has failed.
I was certainly worried about this from the outset, but after reading dozens of travel rewards websites and frequenting forums where people talk about this, I couldn't come across one instance where someone's credit was significantly damaged because they decided to take advantage of this.
This is a great group where people talk about all things self - publishing.
But Kurzel doesn't know what to do with the scenes where people talk.
Or maybe Isabelle's the problem; this is one of those movies where people talk about sex more than they have it, even if the opening scene features the heroine in the raw and in bed with a selfish married lover named Vincent (Xavier Beauvois).
E-chat is a chat rooms website, where people talk online with each other on various topics.
It is a chat rooms website, where people talk online with each other on various topics.
The committee hosts house parties where people talk about the campaign and make donations.
In addition to these sessions, we will offer an Expert Q&A panel and a Hear Our Voices panel where people talk about their lives and recovery from SM.
They have this thing when you are asleep called a «dream», where people talk to you and do all sorts of stuff that is IMAGINARY.
We live in a weird time where people talk about lies as «fake news» or «alternative facts.»
Thirdly, we see various places in the Bible where people talk about what happens after death, and there does not seem to be any «unconscious waiting period» of soul sleep at all.
We're helping build community, a community where people know each other and care about each other, a community where people talk about inconsequential things as well as about really important things, including Jesus.
Though this usually takes place in a populated area where people talk to each other.
I have been to Hajj and it is not in any way shape or form a place / time where people talk politics.
However easy it is to demonize and to hate from a distance (I won't provide links, but, trust me, the demonization and the hate was quite evident online), it's a bit harder to do so in the context of a small college, where habits of conversation are encouraged, where people talk the talk (even if — sinners as we all are — we don't always walk the walk) of fairminded openness to the truth, and where Others (not «The Other,» which, as a colleague rightly suggested, is too abstract) are people we encounter day in and day out.
Where people talk about sensible things Truth should not be commenting.
It's the supervisors and superiors who set the tone, not the company retreats where people talk endlessly about feelings, or participate in «trust falls.»
Imagine a place where people talked about star wars more than vine; that Avatar the Last Air bender seemed much cooler than Justin Bieber.
«When's the last time you remember a story where people talked about a Republican bench.
One day I came along on a senior site where people talked about your site.
Why couldn't we live in a culture where people talked more openly about sexuality?»

Not exact matches

This is just a page for each person I interact with a lot, where I jot down things I need to talk to them about as they occur to me in between meetings or conversations.
«I was summoned to a working - man's cafe in London, and all around me, people were eating bacon and eggs and beans and chatting about the football scores, and I put these headphones on and I was transported into another world where Diana talked about her eating disorders, about desperate cries for help, about her loneliness, about her childhood, about her royal life, about Prince Charles.
And where do a lot of people talk about things?
Then I started to think of it in terms of probability, which is when that poker craze happened — at least in Canada — where poker became a thing and people were talking about odds and stuff.
I'm not a big fan of organizations where people backstab or talk behind others» backs.
to questions that get people talking (If you could move anywhere in the world, where would you go and why?)
They encourage an open and psychologically safe environment where people can talk openly about their specific needs, desires, interests, ideas, strengths, and talents where everyone feels valued.
«Mistakes will be made... some people will not know what they're talking about, but I think it is so much better than where things were not very long ago.
This is where a person in a relationship of trust talks another into investing with them and doing so without proper legal documentation or review.
«People go through their lives for 20 years trying to go up the chain where they can sit in the same room and talk to Kevin,» Spieth told CNBC in an event in Boston unveiling Beantown's first Under Armour store.
And he talked about the company's investments in self - driving cars, a new office in Silicon Valley, and transforming Ford into a «mobility» company that was thinking about a world where people might not own cars outright.
Turner: One of the things that people in the industry often talk about when it comes to money management is this barbell, where as you said you have low - cost, passive index tracking funds and at the other end you have higher fees, higher active share, things like private debt which you mentioned, and it's those in the middle that are charging higher fees for something that looks quite a lot like beta that are really going to struggle.
No matter where I was, or who I was talking to, the questions were all very similar — people wanted to know how to navigate the changes technology was influencing in their every day lives.
There's also entrepreneur, inventor and head of X (formerly known as Google X) Astro Teller's talk, «The unexpected benefit of celebrating failure,» where he explains how X has built a comfortable culture where people aren't afraid to take risks and try new things.
Pryor: What we see anecdotally is that people write these long blogposts about how to use «Trello for X.» Unbeknownst to us someone would write a long article with 18 screenshots of how to use Trello to plan a wedding, and it's on a wedding blog where she's talking to other people about planning their wedding.
Steve Ballmer, former Microsoft CEO talks about the launch of USAFacts, a new website which offers a the American people an «annual report» on where the government is spending its money.
You need to create a safe space where people are free to talk about their differences.
The Clinton campaign used the word «cafecito» instead to describe a potluck type event where people gather and talk politics.
But the other day we had a vending machine in India and a vending machine of Coca - Cola in Pakistan, and had cameras on the vending machine where a consumer in India shared a Coke with a consumer in Pakistan, and that collapsed all the social media networks because so many people were talking about it.
«The thing that's been interesting to me about tech is that when I talk to other companies, people talk about where other people went to college,» she says.
I mentioned in yesterday's note that attendance is unfortunately limited, due to our desire to create an intimate environment where people can freely talk their minds and share their experiences.
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