Sentences with phrase «where plenty of resources»

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Cryptocurrency mining operations, illegal or not, are becoming a real problem for the higher education sector, where hackers have found plenty of easy to hack systems, but also where students are using university resources to make an extra profit via deliberate cryptocurrency mining.
The best place is the website —, where you can find plenty of helpful free resources, diet, exercise, and equipment guides, and is the only place to get the award - winning FODMAP Friendly Vegan eBook.
I took the CPR class at Newton - Wellesley Hospital (where I gave birth) and the breastfeeding class at Harvard Vanguard but there are plenty of options and resources.
«There are plenty of reputable resources they can use to learn about local seafood and where to buy it,» he said.
Whatever your PCOS needs, we've got plenty of resources to get you where you need to go!
They stem from the US because that's where a lot of the work is being done, but I look at for example the EGFI website, Engineers Australia have got some resources, there are plenty of resources that explain to teachers about the engineering activity, what the objectives are, the core content.
But that's not the end of the story: guides also know a lot about Belize's history, culture and wildlife, so as you ride beneath tree canopies and along the Sittee River, where jumping off the horse to take a swim is part of the tour, you'll learn plenty about Belize's natural resources.
«Home is Where the Heart Is» is part of the 100 Mile Diet Society Vancouver website which has plenty of resources for area residents, including a map identifying local food producers.
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