Sentences with phrase «where prams»

To visit places with a lot of stairs (where prams would be inconvenient) such as a museum or library

Not exact matches

I've grown past that stage in my life, where you throw the toys out the pram when things aren't 100 % going your way.
We are travelling with twins and last time I simply could not walk from the plane to the baggage area, where they now deliver the prams.
Pros - Looks stylish especially brown leather detailing Very roomy, good for growing baby Easy latch system with isofix, good for car users Spacious storage beneath pram Easy brake system Cons - Car seat does not match rest of pram Slight rock to it Not good for rough pavements best for flat shopping centre type floors otherwise baby is shaking all over the shop (i guess this is where rubber wheels come in) Not good over kerbs no foot tilt to help Handle poor design when folded away the handle scratches on the floor Cant fit into fiesta boot The hood keeps falling backward when walking, not robust to hold itself Could be slightly smoother at turning corners Overall the venti is a good looking pram however due to the comfort of the drive i would not recommend it as a sleeping newborn quickly wakes up due to the rattling.
A few have a pram option where you can convert it into a pram by replacing the seat with a bassinet.
He hates that he can't see everything that's going on, he much prefers being carried, and after many trips where I have skilfully carried him on my hip whilst manoeuvring the pram, I have learnt that the baby carrier is a must have on any trip out!
When you go out for a meal, you have to think about where is baby friendly, whether you can take the pram in, are there changing facilities?
This pram is a gorgeous looking pram and incredibly easy to push, and I'm afraid that is where it ends.
knows where she can rent a pram in Paris, France.
We're still at that stage where we can't walk more than 10 feet without someone sticking their head into the pram and cooing over BB, which obviously becomes exponentially worse in Waitrose because the main demographic of shoppers is already drawing a pension and therefore are drawn to small babies like a fly to the proverbial «you know what».
I used the pram, for example, to wheel her to the change table where I could then lift her up.
Next door, a three - channel video installation, Passage / s: The Pram Project (2014 — 16), projected footage from a GoPro mounted to the stroller of Suh's daughter, cutting between excursions in Seoul and London, where he has lived since 2010.
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