Sentences with phrase «where snowy plovers»

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The snowy plover frequently raises two broods a year, and sometimes three in places where the breeding season is long.
The snowy plover frequently raises two broods a year, and sometimes three in places where the breeding season is long.The female deserts her mate and brood about the time the chicks hatch and initiates a new breeding attempt with a different male.
In winter, snowy plovers are found on many of the beaches used for nesting as well as on beaches where they do not nest, and on estuarine sand and mud flats.
A public friendly program carried out at UC Santa Barbara's Coal Oil Point Reserve sandy beach by volunteers has been instrumental in changing the beach from one abandoned by Western Snowy Plovers as a breeding site to one where eggs are now being laid once again.
On a beach where only a few years ago almost no beachgoers could identify a Snowy Plover, now beachgoers understand them and how to share the beach with these little shorebirds.
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