Sentences with phrase «whereas female»

Interestingly and unexpectedly, whereas female adolescents within dyadic relationships also appeared to be at risk for alcohol socialization, this did not seem to be the case for male adolescents.
«The feminist critique of objectivity rests heavily on the psychoanalytical perspective of Nancy Chodorow, who has argued that female and male children articulate their adolescent identity through fundamentally divergent responses to the maternal bond: To forge their identity as men, male children must detach themselves from their primary love - object, whereas female children forge their identitites as women in continuing identification with the mothers.......
Whereas female travelers are pretty safe to roam wherever they wish in daylight, under no circumstances, should you ever walk home alone after dinner, or get yourself into a position where you'll have to grab a tuk - tuk back to your accommodation alone late at night.
That said male dogs are often more affectionate and playful than their female counterparts, whereas a female will bond with one member of the family a male will happily bond with everyone equally.
Male hamsters of all species have a fur - covered gap between the penis and anus, whereas female hamsters have a smaller, baldish gap between their two openings (anal and reproductive).
Whereas his female readers would like to DATE Donovan Creed (although they recognize that he wouldn't make good marriage material).
Teenage boys are better off playing a video game whereas female admirers of the male form should just flick through a guy's underwear catalogue instead.
Vibration Technology - site director for the Weisman Delray Community Center, whereas female.
Whereas my female friends, you know, it's really about kind of dating guys and the right kind of guys into messaging you.
A commercially available calibrated dinner plate and breakfast bowl constituted the intervention (Figure 1).13 The plate sizes are sex specific; the male plate is calibrated for an approximate 800 - cal (3347 - J) meal, whereas the female plate is calibrated for a 650 - cal (2720 - J) meal.
In general, male hearts use more glucose, whereas female hearts prefer lipids (295).
Males generally live about 30 years, whereas female killer whales stop reproducing in their 30s and 40s and live for many more decades.
In one department, for example, they discovered that although both male and female junior faculty members had roughly 185 square meters of lab space, senior male faculty members had about 280 square meters, whereas their female counterparts had the same amount as their juniors, according to unpublished charts assembled by the committee.
But male cells dominated one side, whereas female cells dominated the other, accounting for the split appearance.
Gottman found that the reduction of the male's heart rate during these intense discussions was critical for a successful marriage (whereas the female's heart rate made no difference).
The difference between males and female biting behaviour in the aggressive strain is possibly due to their hormonal responses to stressful situations, as Dr Becerra says: «Stressed male rats might bite to protect themselves alone, whereas female rats might have the natural instinct of biting to also protect their offspring, so presumably will be fiercer.»
Male - led proposals were selected 22.2 % of the time, whereas female principal investigators won time only 16 % of the time, according to the study, which was published on the preprint server arXiv this week.
The rain bull in myths and stories embodied the lethal thunderstorm, whereas the female rain animals brought gentle rain.
Male sniffers rated the scents of women in mid-cycle, around the time of ovulation, as most attractive, whereas the female sniffers did not.
And whereas female students gave a a slight nod to women teachers, male students thought male teachers were vastly better.
Male smokers are up to 3.6 times more likely to lose their teeth than non-smokers, whereas female smokers were found to be 2.5 times more likely.
Fiona Mathews of the University of Exeter, UK, who led the study, says the findings echo those in animals, which are also more likely to produce boys during times of plenty, whereas female mice with low blood sugar also seem more prone to producing girls.
Male raters preferred a candidate who took a 1 - year parental leave, whereas female raters preferred the one who did not take a leave.
Whereas female applicants to a faculty position at a medical school were called «teachers» and «students,» men were «researchers» and «professionals.»
Males also spend their lives in the group they were born into, whereas females leave at adolescence.
Animals with elongated bodies and shells are males, whereas females are usually smaller with a squatter shape.
Male mourning cuttlefish (Sepia plangon) normally display pulsating stripes, whereas females are mottled.
The researchers aren't sure what's behind the disparity, but experts say the finding supports the idea that — in some situations — male dogs trust their noses, whereas females trust their eyes.
According to a study conducted by sociologists at the University of Rovira i Virgili (Spain), there is a feminine way as well as a masculine way to behave on the Internet: males tend to directly allude to ethnic and cultural issues whereas females are less obvious in doing so.
Males sacrifice themselves for the sake of their offspring, whereas females are aggressive attackers.
Male mountain lions preyed on deer in areas of riparian woodlands, whereas females avoided these areas.
Males ascend the ranks by fighting, whereas females pass their status down to their oldest daughter.
For all in vivo experiments, we used male mice because they all develop spontaneously pathological and clinical alterations of T2D, whereas females develop the abnormalities late and only a proportion of them develop the alterations.
Males scored significantly higher on global and athletic self - concepts whereas females obtained significantly higher scores on social self - concept.
Males tend to have bigger, broader heads and tails that «square off» on the undersides, whereas females tend to have rounded tails.
The males are usually about 26 - 28 inches tall and weight about 70 - 88 pounds, whereas the females are about 61 - 66 inches tall and weight about 66 - 78 pounds.
Their overall personalities are similar but males are generally more extroverted, whereas females are more reserved and tend to need more encouragement initially, especially when it comes to training.
Males generally weigh in between 28 and 34 pounds whereas females average 26 to 32 pounds.
Male German Shepherds stand between 24 and 26 inches tall whereas the females are a little shorter standing between 22 and 24 inches tall.
Males tend to be more dominant and self - confident, whereas females may be more affectionate and home - loving.
Males journey north to the Aleutian Islands and the Gulf of Alaska, whereas females travel further west to the open ocean.
The males have the bright and showy red plumage whereas the females are much darker.
This is to say that it's the males who work to attract the females whereas the females simply choose who they want to mate with.
(Applicability of this result to broader populations of male and female offenders is unclear, because the males were chosen on the basis of their long - term criminality, whereas the females were chosen on the basis of their relationships with the males.)

Not exact matches

The faculty is currently 40 percent women — whereas «Cal - Tech recently made it into double digits,» said Klawe — and six out of seven department chairs are female.
Whereas, a whopping 95 percent of the female - founded companies had met their goals.
Floodgate has reported that 20 % of its pitches come from female founders, whereas other VCs say they see roughly 1 % to 2 %.
Perhaps because of this focus on relationships, smartphone addicts tend to be female whereas internet addicts skew male, though statistics on the exact gender split are hard to come by.
Whereas coaches can «verbally abuse» kids on the playing field, using all sorts of expletives, female.
Achtemeier also argues that feminine images for God in scripture are similes; they only compare God to a female person, whereas scriptural metaphors actually identify God as King and Father.
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