Sentences with phrase «whereas women»

The author of I Don't Want To Talk About It, Real analyzes the reasons why men and women don't speak the same emotional language: boys» emotional relationships are squelched early on by peers, siblings, and fathers, whereas women learn to accommodate.
In addition, some studies distinguishing positive and negative dimensions show that, in general, men are more sensitive to positive aspects of relationships, whereas women are more responsive to negative features (Fincham & Linfield, 1997).
This gender difference in sexual activity was due, in part, to the fact that men tend to agree more often than women when their partner wants to have sex (Item 13 in Table 1) and to the fact that men tend to have younger spouses, whereas women tend to have correspondingly older spouses.
For example, mothers reported engaging in 2.36 hours of MVPA per week whereas women without children reported engaging in 3.19 hours of MVPA per week (P =.002).
Men are commonly guided by more traditions patterns of relationship configuration, whereas women focus more on planning.
Previous findings indicate that men may feel most comfortable and productive when discussing ideas and thoughts, rather than emotions, whereas women may prefer more supportive, emotional discussions (Tannen & Aries, 1997).
There is some evidence that men are more likely than women to adopt an agapic (unconditional, selfless) orientation to romantic relationships, whereas women are more likely than men to adopt a more practical, conditional orientation (e.g., Hendrick & Hendrick, 1987, 1995, 2002; Sprecher & Toro - Morn, 2002).
David Buss et al. (2011) reviewed numerous studies on this point, noting the following highly replicable findings are relevant for evaluating sex differences in the psychological design of short - term mating (to paraphrase): Men generally relax their level of selectivity when short - term mating, whereas women's standards, especially for «sexiness,» go up when short - term mating.
In Egypt, there was a significant interaction between relationship type and participant sex, Wilks» Lambda =.75, F (2, 36) = 6.13, p =.005, partial eta squared =.25, such that whereas women reported similar ideals for communal strength towards spouses and mothers and less towards best friends, men reported lower communal strength towards spouses and best friends than toward mothers.
Men are told to brush off their feelings and keep going, whereas women are taught to process and resolve conflict.
1,2 In a nutshell, evolutionary processes have created differences between men and women with regards to sex — men are motivated to mate with an increased number of women, due to the low cost of sperm and lower parental investment, whereas women are motivated to be choosier about who they mate with, due to higher costs associated with childbirth and inability to reproduce with someone else when pregnant.
Men tend to have more romantic beliefs about relationships than do women.1 For example, men are more likely to believe «love can conquer all,» whereas women tend to be more practical.
Men, in particular, are able to separate sex from a relationship; whereas women, in general, bond more quickly once sex enters the dynamic.
For example, men were more likely than women to experience schadenfreude after a same - gender friend experienced a loss in social status (e.g., by missing a big play in a sports game), whereas women were more likely than men to experience schadenfreude after a same - gender friend experienced a loss in physical attractiveness (e.g., by breaking out in acne).
Regardless of hand - holding, men significantly slowed their pace when walking with their romantic partners, whereas women did not adjust their pace.
Perhaps not surprisingly, the major gender effects that emerged were that men tended to increase their heights, whereas women tended to lower their weights.
In general, men are more likely to report being avoidant, whereas women are more likely to think of themselves as anxious.5 This is likely due to gender - role socialization, with men conditioned to be more emotionally self - reliant and women conditioned to be more focused on emotional closeness and intimacy.
Nevertheless, men engage in more problem - focused and avoidant coping behaviors, whereas women are more likely to use strategies that involve verbal expressions to others or themselves, to seek emotional support, to ruminate about problems, and to use positive self - talk.
Researchers in this camp have found that men tend to be more jealous about sexual infidelity, whereas women are more disturbed by emotional infidelity.
Men don't seem to discriminate between men and women targets, whereas women bullies are more likely to bully other women.
Men are usually more vocal about their ambition compared to women; whereas women will rely on their managers to recognise their competencies and promote them accordingly.
And other psychological studies have shown that men tend to be more aggressive and take driving as something that is instinctive, whereas women tend to pay more respect to the learning part of driving.
Men will accept praise regardless of their role in a project, whereas women will deflect it by saying, «Thanks, but it was really a team effort.»
Men are usually the first ones to get a life insurance in their own name, whereas women lag behind, unsure and under - confident about the value a life insurance policy will have for them.
Research by legal recruiters Laurence Simons among nearly 1,000 in - house and private practice lawyers found men received an average of # 162,689 last year, whereas women received # 111,293.
Whereas women felt that employment prevented them from fulfilling nurturing roles, men felt that employment was essential to fulfilling their family roles.
Men are likely to leave more money to their spouse (35 percent) whereas women are more likely to leave equal amounts to each beneficiary in their Will (43 percent)
They were dealing with formalism, abstraction, minimalism, whereas women were questioning all of those ways of working.
«Men tend to be a bit more literal, even when they're surreal, whereas women will approach the body more as a series of ethereal layers.
Only because men are used as cannon fodder as games whereas women seem to be free from this disposability.
The report finds that in 2010, men received $ 17,856 in median retirement income from a pension, whereas women received $ 12,000 — or 33 percent less.
The mean credit card debt held by men is $ 7,407, whereas women tend to hold 22 % less — with an average of $ 5,245.
It would seem that male writers were more often than not tasked with selecting books for the «serious» sections — such as economics, business, politics, history, music, sport and science — whereas women writers were almost exclusively in charge of food and gardening, with the additions of style, fiction, poetry and photography.
Gove and others attribute the disadvantages of the married female to several factors: role restriction (most men occupy two roles, as household head and worker, and therefore have two sources of gratification whereas women have only one); housekeeping being frustrating and of low prestige; the unstructured role of housewife, allowing time for brooding; and even if the married woman works, her position is usually less favorable than a working man's.
Men film critics wrote an average of 25 reviews whereas women film critics wrote an average of 19 reviews.
Men critics in areas other than film wrote an average of 6 film reviews whereas women with this job title wrote an average of 3 film reviews.
Perhaps not surprisingly, the major gender effects that emerged were that men tended to increase their heights, whereas women tended to lower their weights. allows men to subscribe to their site whereas women can access the site for free of cost.
They discovered that women who talked about the kind of partner they wanted were more selective, whereas the women advertising themselves were just looking to have fun.
Men are always very much clear about what they actually want from a date whereas we women are always bounded by emotions.
Few features of this website are gender specific, for example males can access the page Hottest Girls whereas women can go to the most attracted list of male users.
Men can meet sophisticated and beautiful women, whereas women can meet talented, successful and wealthy men of high status, who are willing to share their fabulous lifestyle with them.
Whereas women spend 79 minutes a day on dating apps, typically browsing for 7.6 minutes each session to find a potential suitor.
Women from North China are usually taller, whereas women from South China are smaller but more fashion - conscious.
They tend to concentrate on physical aspects whereas women are much more interested in lifestyle and background,» said Justin Parfitt, CEO of speed - dating company FastLife International.
MSNBC - Mar 29 - According to a study in the Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, men are «more likely to misrepresent personal assets, relationship goals, personal interests and personal attributes whereas women are more likely to misrepresent weight.»
Men were more likely to describe themselves as funny, whereas women were more frequently found to say they were looking for someone with a great sense of humor.
They like risk whereas women like security.
Whereas women's number one fear is that they're going to get murdered.»
The product update comes shortly after a recent research report into how male and female singles use other popular dating apps, which revealed that men tend to like other users more, but receive less matches, whereas women tend to be more picky when it comes to potential dates, liking less but getting a greater number of matches.
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