Sentences with phrase «whether being a human person»

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And when we collectively move on, the people who create a lot of the content touting this technology never take a moment to reflect on our collective obsession with technology and whether any of it is actually making human beings happier, healthier, smarter, or better off.
Because one of Shomi's differentiators is human curation, we have the opportunity to take that content and test whether it was an anomaly or are people really digging it, or is it just not fitting our brand our audience?
The human element is what draws people to one another, whether they're friends or companies people support.
Any large - scale human cooperation — whether a modern state, a medieval church, an ancient city or an archaic tribe — is rooted in common myths that exist only in people's collective imagination.
It is a lesson of human experience whether the issue is playground bullying, Enron or Europe in the 1930s that the worst outcomes occur when good people find reasons to accommodate themselves to what they know is wrong.
The UN Human Rights Committee, which regularly reviews whether states are living up to their obligations under the binding International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, today made more than a dozen recommendations for fundamental changes in Canadian law and policy in respect to the treatment of First Nations, Inuit and Métis peoples.
In the survey, we asked people whether they think human rights should be the Canadian government's top priority in its relationship with China, and whether they agree that Canada, in considering its trade relations, should not engage with a communist country with different values and cultures.
And it's that upside from the part where human accumulation of science, technology know - how, deployment in creative ways whether it's a technology product, something that somebody uses technology to produce a non-technology product or just somebody with a crazy - assed idea that people end up liking.
Were a person to have violated a court order directing the return of a runaway slave when Dred Scott was the law, would a genuinely held belief that a slave was a human person and not an article of property be a matter the Court could not consider in deciding whether that person was guilty of a criminal contempt charge?
Neuroscience, Psychology, and Religion: Illusions, Delusions, and Realities About Human Nature By Malcolm Jeeves and Warren S. Brown Templeton, 168 Pages, $ 17.95 There was a time when people worried whether God existed.
People often can not understand the question of human nature because their way of understanding it is framed (whether they know it or not) by the ideas of positivist empiricism.
Every people has its culture, whether primitive or advanced, and this culture is discerned in the folkways and moral standards, forms of family life, economic enterprises, laws and modes of dealing with lawbreakers, forms of recreation, religion, art, education, science, and philosophy that constitute the social aspects of human existence as contrasted with the bare biological fact of living.
Historians of the French Revolution have debated the point as to whether or not it was the ideas of the philosophers concerning human rights, equality, justice, democracy, freedom or the interests of the ordinary people pinched in belly and pocketbook that led to the uprising of 1789.
Uncouth: No, my point is that religion influences human decisions, whether that is to go to war, to torture people, etc..
«The judgment whether a people is virtuous or not virtuous can hardly be passed by a human being.
The differences of opinion among Muslims as to whether or not God resembles human beings, and the opinion of some common people that God resembles a medieval absolute king, arise only from different patterns of education; they are not fundamental to Islam.
Most of all, of course, it is the sanctity of the human person which we are to uphold at every stage of development, at all times of vulnerability and of suffering, but this must be accompanied by love, care and the relief of suffering, whether physical, mental or spiritual.
If we were able to conduct a survey of those human beings who are giving the most devoted service to people in need, whether it is to the blind, the deaf and dumb, the leper, the spastic or any other of our afflicted fellow human beings, I am confident that we should find the Christians in the majority.
But while institutions are always the creation of human beings, and whether they are just or unjust, effectual or ineffectual depends entirely on the people who use them.
Actually global heating (climate change) will make the point of whether these fantasy gods are whatever stupid people believe them to be a moot point in a few years as humans and all living things do a slow roast as temperatures climb higher and remain there for hundreds of years....
Though I am not a utilitarian, I believe that it is mandatory to ask whether other projects would serve the well - being of a greater number of people than research into human cloning.
Whether you suffer in this world or the next, Human actions create reaction by this GOD and that is the Doctrine people have been taught for centuries.
Now, my question becomes, is the reason for the delineation so that we don't get into arguments about whether a fetus is a person, or are we saying that a fetus is not a human being but we want it included in the definition of the law?
Our destiny is to be in God but whether this is negative or positive will depend upon the openness of the human person to the divine Love and the expression of that Love in and through the affairs of our daily living.
The challenge to the Marxists is to re-examine their philosophy to see whether they take into consideration the human person in wholeness.
(Note that Arthur readily admits that «whether something is a living human is not the same as its being a person, nor is it necessary that persons also be human.»)
Whether or not you removed all the gays from a population, new gay people would be continue to born in the original population because it is (clearly) a natural variant in human sexuality.
According to the former, one is more or less human according to whether he is more or less a person; according to the latter, he is more or less a person according to whether he is more or less able to act with mature and thoughtful purpose.
And with situations like this it is public whether the families want it to be or not and most of the people who hear this kind of thing are saddened and mourn the loss of the victims as well — or at least civilized human beings do.
In fact, if we agree with him that human experiences of as brief a duration as one - tenth of a second may be distinguished in consciousness, and if we disregard the problem of whether a sleeping person also experiences at about the same rate of ten occasions per second, then simple arithmetic enables us to conclude that the concrete reality of a human being that lives seventy years is well over two billion individual «selves»!
I do believe that Atheists, Agnostics and any other religious or non-religious person, whether it be Ali or Buddha, all have within them to be decent humans.
Inevitably, opponents of the Church's message sought, after the publication of DV, to attempt to denigrate it, by seizing on the question of whether or not an embryo is a full human person in every sense of that term.
It's hard acknowledging the limits of a medium through which my own writing career has flourished, but I want you to know: The conversations we have here — as encouraging, informative, and life - changing as they can often beare meant to be brought to dinner tables, coffee shops, AA meetings, parks, church fellowship halls, long car rides, dorm rooms, and diners, among people who (whether they agree or disagree) can look you in the eye and take you in, not as a brand but as a human being.
As Bok argues: «The premises supporting confidentiality are strong, but they can not support practices of secrecy — whether by individual clients, institutions, or professionals — that undermine and contradict the very respect for persons and for human bonds that confidentiality was meant to protect» (p. 30).
Whether people like it or not, appraisal is a genuine and persisting factor in human existence.
How does whether a person believes in a god or not invalidate their opinions on equality for human beings?
If there is an agenda (there isn't), the focus is more on making people understand that it DOES N'T MATTER whether or not you can «spot» sexual orientation, or even that there is a difference in orientation... what matters is that we are all human and we all have the same basic rights.
But the question has long been raised, by Weiss among others, whether this view of events, and of persons as event - sequences, properly accounts for the continuity of the enduring human being.
To proclaim certain moral norms to be universal — whether because they are rooted in the psychological predispositions of the human person, the anthropological constitution of all human civilizations, or the social contract of a human community — means that these norms are not controversial and will not be contested.
However, should there be at least two persons not guilty, the trade does seem to put little respect on human life and dignity, values we have come to appreciate, whether we are Christians Jews... or hopefully, muslims.
This human obsession with squeezing reality into containers that are not large enough needs to be challenged whether it is being done by scientists or by religious people.
Questions such as whether the language of «faith» has any authority in a scientific age, or whether mind and life are reducible to atoms and molecules, whether only the tangible is real, whether the human person is anything more than a complex physico - chemical mechanism, whether we are free or determined, whether there is any «objective» truth to the symbols and myths of religion — all of these questions are asked at all only because what is fundamentally at issue is whether there is an ultimate context that gives meaning to cosmic process and significance to our lives in this process.
And if people are rigid in their thinking, are biased, are ignorant, doesn't this point to the fact that we are ALL human, whether Christian or not, and we ALL make mistakes?
The first and most fundamental human right is the right to life, or, to be more precise, the right of an innocent person not to be deliberately killed, whether by public authority or private license.
One great need of depressed people is for human contact, whether through greeting cards or visits.
Whether formulated by Durkheim (a system of beliefs and practices related to sacred things), by Weber (that which finally makes events meaningful), or by Tillich (whatever is of ultimate concern) religion in its «classical» sense refers not so much to labels on a church building as to the imagery (myth, theology, and so forth) by which people make sense of their lives — their «moral architecture,» if you will.6 That human beings differ in their sensitivity to and success in this matter of «establishing meaning» there can be no doubt.
The thing about being human is that no matter how noble and honorable your philosophy, you will always find that some of the people who share that outlook are total dumbshits who will makeyou rethink whether you want to be associated with them.
Gratitude is not a self - enclosed or self - sufficient feeling but a human person's response to another person or persons» whether human or divine» for benefits, gifts, or favors received from them, such as the gratitude due to caring parents, loving friends, and dedicated teachers or mentors.
The principles that have emerged thus far are these: We should seek new knowledge of our genes (and we can say this without deciding whether the Human Genome Initiative is the wisest and most cost - effective way to do so) We should seek therapies for the genetic disorders that afflict many people.
Rather, it resides in the relationship with God which such existence may and does enjoy, whether this is realized or actualized in a vivid manner or is present only as a kind of Leitmotif which runs through the whole history of the human race and the personal history of each and every human person as a member of the society of men and women.
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