Sentences with phrase «whether breastfeeding mothers»

Because Allen never proved this element of her case (according to the court), it never reached the issue of whether breastfeeding mothers are protected by pregnancy discrimination laws.
At this time of year particularly there seems to be lots of discussion about chocolate and whether breastfeeding mothers should not eat it.
Whether a breastfeeding mother plans to return to work or if she simply needs a break, using a breast pump is always an option.

Not exact matches

Level was referring to whether you'd go to your mother and breastfeed now, as an adult.
When it comes to deciding whether or not a person should breastfeed or not, if they're unsure about their options, the best person to go to for advice would be a licensed nurse midwife, though most levels of healthcare for women should be able to offer suggestions for the best path for an expecting mother to follow.
The point here is that the formula companies know that as along as breastfeeding mothers are successfully marketed the convenience of supplementing, whether occasionally or exclusively, they won't fight for better maternity leave (the U.S. has one of the worst of industrialized countries), better employee lactation programs, health care coverage for lactation counselors and pumps, and for hospitals that score better than a «D» on breastfeeding support.
And we know that mothers and babies breastfeed in many places, and in many situations, and in many configurations, whether in public, in a corner, with a little breast showing, or under a cover.
As more is known, an increasing number of HIV - positive mothers in industrialized countries are questioning whether the risk of HIV transmission through breastfeeding is as high as they have been led to believe and, if it is not, they are asking if they, too, can breastfeed.
Things that, honestly, every mother, regardless of whether or not she ends up using formula or breastfeeding for an extended period of time, should know.
Whether or not medication taken by the mother will harm the breastfeeding baby depends on many factors.
What information will help these mothers to make an informed decision about whether breastfeeding will be safe for their babies?
So whether you're a breastfeeding mother or not, this scarf will rock your world and makes a great gift!
Researchers at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found that several factors influenced whether mothers of newborns would stick to their plan to breastfeed only, including actions by hospital staff in the first hours and days after delivery.
How mothers deal with the «uncomfortable» people who want them to cover up when breastfeeding is the topic for discussion in our mothers» letters, with a new situation that seeks your responses about whether breastfeeding makes toddlers clingy.
Additional studies should evaluate whether increased competence in caring for breastfeeding mothers and infants correlates with longer duration of breastfeeding or fewer reported problems.
Because, if the mother is not helped, the alleged choice whether to breastfeed turns into a farce.
One of the biggest decisions a mother has to make is whether to breastfeed her baby or feed them formula.
This represented a stark change from the colonial era, when mothers normally breastfed at least through infants» second summer.3 The move to early weaning was so relentless that doctors complained bitterly in a 1912 issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association that breastfeeding duration rates had been declining steadily since the mid-19th century «and now it is largely a question as to whether the mother will nurse her baby at all.»»
Because insufficient breastmilk is common (up to 15 % of first time mothers in the days immediately after birth) and severe dehydration, jaundice, failure to thrive and death are the inevitable results of pressuring women to exclusively breastfeed regardless of whether the baby is getting enough.
Attachment Parenting helps motherswhether breastfeeding or bottle feeding — view infant care in the context of the holistic parent - child relationship and learn how that give - and - take interaction that builds the foundation of secure attachment can be applied beyond feeding with love and respect.
Well - known blogger Suchada Eickemeyer shares the key factors in creating a positive sleeping environment, whether the mother is breastfeeding or not.
Arsenic is also found in higher concentrations in brown rice and rice milk, leaving us to wonder whether there is any risk to breastfeeding babies if the mother consumes large amounts of brown rice or rice milk.
The Museum does not have a specific position on whether mothers should use formula or breastfeed their children, as we largely comment on subjects which are active elements of our scientist's research.
These first two stages of lactation are hormonally driven — they occur whether or not a mother is breastfeeding her baby.
And, any mother on the edge of the deciding whether to continue breastfeeding a one, two or three year old was most likely snapped back into the other side.
Whether physically or emotionally, breastfeeding can take a definite toll on a mother, negatively affecting her overall well - being.
When the first period returns depends upon several factors: how frequently the baby is nursing, how often the baby is supplemented with bottles, whether or not the baby takes a pacifier, how long the baby is sleeping at night, whether or not solids have been introduced, and the mother's own individual body chemistry and the way it responds to hormonal influences associated with breastfeeding.
Nothing is more confidence building for a breastfeeding mom (or a mother - to - be that is trying to decide whether or not to breastfeed) than to see a baby happily nursing!
If hospitalization or surgery is recommended, inquire as to whether the hospital has a specific policy regarding breastfeeding mothers and babies.
One of the most controversial and least understood topics about being a mother is the effect of alcohol on breastfeeding, as well as whether it is safe.
Alright, when we come back we will discuss whether mothers of multiples benefits putting their babies on feeding schedules as well how pumping fits into the breastfeeding scenario.
So whether we choose to breastfeed our babies for 2 years, 2 months, or not at all, we should respect each mother's choice, feel confident in our own, and most importantly, be honest with each other about both the gift and the sacrifice that comes with deciding to breast feed (or not).
Whether or not they care that nursing is good for their health, most nursing mothers would say that breastfeeding's primary benefit is convenience.
Maternity care in hospitals or birthing centers has an enormous impact on whether or not a new mother breastfeeds both at the hospital and after discharge, and whether or not a new mother breastfeeds exclusively.
But those studies compared mothers who chose whether or not to breastfeed - so they and their kids could have been different in other important ways, researchers said.
According to Jewish law, a mother is considered a breastfeeding mother for 24 months after birth whether the child breastfeeds or not.]
Whether you're a first - time mother or an experienced mom with new questions, our breastfeeding clinic is designed with you in mind!
Attachment Parenting helps mothers --- whether breastfeeding or bottle feeding --- view infant care in the context of the holistic parent - child...
Attachment Parenting helps mothers --- whether breastfeeding or bottle feeding --- view infant care in the context of the holistic parent - child relationship and learn how that give - and - take interaction that builds the foundation of secure attachment can be applied beyond feeding with love and respect.
Whether to breastfeed or not is a very personal decision, one that new mothers make for themselves or that Mother Nature makes for them, in the case of those women who for some reason aren't able to nurse their babies.
And the Torah doesn't comment on the complexity of factors that affect a mother's decision whether to breastfeed or not.
Maybe it's because formula is so damn expensive or because it smells terrible or because I was suddenly having to wash so many bottles, or maybe it was because of the stigma our society puts on mothers who don't breastfeed (whether by choice, or not).
There are several things to consider when deciding to return to work after the birth of a baby, including a mother's recovery after childbirth, how well established the breastfeeding relationship is and whether the mother wants more time to bond with her new baby.
As a politically active feminist and a mother myself, I believe her time and ability to command editorial space in The Wall Street Journal would be far better spent opining about things like the need for better family leave and health care policies, improved access to birth control and higher education and affordable child care for working mothers rather than whether Angelina Jolie plans to adopt again or how long my friends plan to breastfeed their babies.
However, mothers accurately recall initiation and duration of breastfeeding, especially when recall is within 3 years; whether accuracy of recall varies by race / ethnicity is unknown (9).
These products are consumed by the most vulnerable of consumers and «buyer beware» approach to promotion does a disservice to mothers and babies, whether breastfeeding or formula feeding.
The decision about continuing to breastfeed when the mother takes a drug is far more involved than whether the baby will get any in the milk.
Baby carrier use is an invaluable tool that supports so many different end goals, whether care providers are supporting fragile infants who need kangaroo care to thrive, assisting mothers as they establish breastfeeding, and everything in between.
Many mothers question whether their babies are breastfeeding more because they're hungry or simply because they find it comforting to breastfeed.
Whether bottle or breastfeeding, mothers will find many uses for these handy pillows.
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