Sentences with phrase «whether dog»

Because of this fact, the size of the dog or puppy can have a dramatic effect on whether the dog gets sick or dies.
The question of whether dogs need sweaters for cold weather can be a divisive one.
Ask your veterinarian about whether your dog needs any extras before starting it on a regimen of supplements.
Without foster homes we wouldn't know whether a dog needed a quiet or active home, if they like toys, how they get along with other animals, etc..
There is no way of telling whether this dog will acquire or pass along the disease.
Another factor that comes into play with whether your dog likes cuddling or not, is the weather and climate.
The first step in deciding whether your dog needs medical care lies in recognizing his or her symptoms.
If you aren't sure whether your dog's fit to run, check with your veterinarian.
Perhaps the fairness is more in questioning whether the dogs, unlike their humans counterparts, are given a choice to participate.
Other insurance companies don't ask the breed of a policyholder's dog, but they do ask whether the dog has previously bitten or attacked anyone.
First, the court will consider whether the dog owner was aware that the dog had a dangerous propensity.
Experts wondered whether the dogs enjoy the act of solving a problem or if they only like getting a treat.
To save yourself money, you can choose a small bag to start with to see whether your dog will eat it.
It doesn't matter whether the dog sees you do it or not.
Not all dogs will experience antibiotic - induced diarrhea and there are a number of factors that will determine whether your dog does.
In some cases, the vet needs to test whether the dog responds well to flea medication in order to be sure the diagnosis is flea dermatitis.
Finally, by understanding another cue that indicates play, we can better assess whether a dog is playing.
These factors influence whether your dog gets taller or heavier sooner compared to the others.
Whether dog owners want their dog to calm down or engage in an alternate behavior that is less troublesome, the down command can be used anywhere and virtually at any time.
If your dog is older, you will want to rule out more serious concerns and identify whether your dog's mobility problems are due to degenerative joint disease.
However, it is necessary sometimes whether your dog likes it or not.
Previously, we've looked at whether dogs can feel emotions like guilt or jealousy with mixed results.
If you're unsure whether dogs are playful or about to start a fight, look for play bows.
A direct gene test will reliably show whether the dog has one, two or no copies of the mutation.
There seems some controversy over whether a dog with this problem may in fact be a strong candidate for hip dysplasia later.
Definitely, it would attract your pets but be careful whether your dog loves orange or not.
Whether your dog comes from a breeder or a shelter, and regardless of its age, it is important to research breeds and spend time with different types of dogs.
Researchers claim that some of the factors that affect whether a dog eats feces include: the overall health of the dog, shame, natural instincts, dominance and neglect.
He hopes his initial foray will spur future investigations into the mysteries of the canine brain, such as whether dogs have empathy.
This is a certain method for detecting whether your dog's discomfort is due to fleas or another issue.
An individual should also note whether the dog has bitten before.
Hopefully this will help you arrive at the answer to the question of whether your dog really needs a grain free diet or not.
Next, she wants to study whether dogs feel empathy with humans.
Whether your dog spends time regularly with other dogs, or your dog is somewhat isolated, vaccinations are important to their overall health.
That's why I feel it's important to discuss whether your dog can contract herpes.
We are currently investigating whether dogs with hypothyroidism can be successfully treated using a lower dose of thyroid hormone and the best way to monitor this treatment.
This means there is not just one gene that causes it and there are other factors that influence whether your dog goes onto develop «bad» hips.
If a relative has not been screened or the results of that screening aren't shared, you have no idea whether the dog is clear or not.
All renters need to find out definitively whether their dog, or a dog they are considering getting, is covered by their insurer.
Whether a dog bites depends on how it's kept and treated, not its breed.
Whether a dog suffers from skin or food allergies, all natural diets help to improve overall health and boost the dog's immune system naturally.
Use common sense to judge whether a dog is getting enough exercise.
The second comes in handy to evaluate whether your dog has a healthy weight or not.
Whether dogs live with previous owners or in a shelter, moving into your home can be a stressful experience.
Our findings do not reveal whether the dogs were being walked on or off the leash.
This mutation is found in many breeds of dog, though it is not clear whether all dogs carrying two copies of the mutation will develop the disease.
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