Sentences with phrase «whether effective relief»

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With Rachel's Remedy Breastfeeding Relief Packs, there is a simple, natural and effective way for you to improve their milk supply and resolve breastfeeding discomforts so that you no longer have to worry whether your baby is getting enough food, and you do not have to resort to supplementation if you prefer to exclusively breastfeed.
We have no reason to believe that leg muscles would react differently to compression clothing than upper body muscles, so these studies will do just fine for the purposes of examining whether copper shirts for pain relief are actually effective.
But in the last decade, the research on the side effects of epidural pain relief have begun to look beyond the simple hypothesis of whether epidural is effective in reducing pain (Answer: IT IS!)
«We are now using these measures in the Procedural Pain in Premature Infants (Poppi) trial to test whether [they] can provide effective pain relief for prematurely born babies during invasive medical procedures,» she says.
«Morphine is frequently given to adults when they experience pain, but it is not clear whether it provides effective pain relief in babies.»
«Whether you are a parent of a baby with atopic dermatitis or an adult with the condition, your dermatologist can help you develop a treatment plan that provides effective relief for this dry and itchy skin condition, maintain that relief, and prevent flare ups or complications,» said board - certified dermatologist Brett M. Coldiron, MD, FAAD, president of the Academy.
A second report issued today by Advocacy to Control TB Internationally, a partnership of advocates from eight countries, claimed that the four largest TB funding donors — including the U.S. President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief and the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria — made it difficult to discern where they spent money on HIV / TB and whether the programs were effective.
For any one patient, safe and effective pain relief is what matters — regardless of whether it's working partly via the mind, Danesh added.
Whether you get tension tightness or big, bad migraines, effective relief has arrived — $» and prevention tips, too.
The lack of the M2 metabolite in the dog has created a great deal of controversy regarding whether tramadol truly is an effective pain reliever in dogs or what its role in pain relief actually is.
Our lawyers recognize the severe impact that may arise if sensitive, confidential information is made publicly available, and are familiar with the most effective strategies to contain and resolve such matters as quickly as possible — whether through emergency injunctive relief, by sealing court records, or by obtaining protective orders related to the trade secrets at issue.
The Court of Appeal then went on to consider whether it was proportionate to grant the injunction sought by Cartier, bearing in mind the requirements identified by the High Court that the relief must be necessary, effective, dissuasive, not unnecessarily complicated or costly, avoid barriers to legitimate trade, be fair and equitable and strike a fair balance between the applicable fundamental rights, and be proportionate.
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