Sentences with phrase «whether gender interactions»

girls, we can assess whether gender interactions matter after adjusting for the teacher's unobserved traits.

Not exact matches

To examine whether the effects of breastfeeding varied for boys and girls, the analyses were extended to include tests of interactions between gender and measures of breastfeeding in their effects on cognitive and educational outcomes.
Much depends on whether the gender impacts are due primarily to interactions within the classroom or more subtle «role - model» effects.
They describe skilled dialogue as: «An evidence - based approach for transforming difficult conversations; a tool for establishing respectful, reciprocal and responsive interactions between people holding diverse perspectives, whether due to cultural backgrounds, gender, experience, beliefs or other factors, and a framework for breaking out of dualistic either - or thinking and generating more inclusive «third» options.»
To further confirm whether the predictive validity of the profiles differed between men and women, we conducted an additional regression analysis testing gender × profiles interactions.
In Step 2, models included interactions with gender of individual i in couple j to examine whether links between actor and partner ever drinking and relationship quality were moderated by gender.
Since the Big Five personality dimensions, gender and age have been associated with different parenting styles (Prinzie et al., 2009), we analyzed whether this would be the case also in regard to owner interaction styles.
To test for the potential moderating effect of gender, we checked whether the interaction terms contributed significantly to the regression equation.
In the third and final block the three - way interaction between gender, sample and YPI scale was included, to investigate whether the moderating effect of gender was comparable in the high - risk sample and the general population sample.
Secondly, we explored whether there are associations between individual characteristics of the owners (i.e., personality, age and gender) and their dog interaction styles.
Last, we conducted a series of interaction tests to assess whether the associations between depressive symptoms and current or recalled MDT were moderated by children's gender or birth order.
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