Sentences with phrase «whether hip dysplasia in dogs»

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Whether you are battling canine hip dysplasia, TPLO, or dog ACL surgery (CCL) recovery, we understand the stress and fear that can come with bringing home a pet in poor health.
The USDA has not the slightest interest in... whether the breeder knows anything about his breed whether the dogs used for breeding look like their breed whether the dogs used for breeding act like their breed whether the dogs used for breeding are free of genetic health problems such as hip dysplasia, eye diseases, or heart defects — all of which show up long after you buy the puppy.
Ask your breeder about the prevalence of Syringomyelia in their dogs and whether their dogs have been scored for Hip Dysplasia.
The greater majority of radiographs are sent to the Orthopedic Foundation for Animals (OFA) for a determination as to whether or not the dog in question has, or is prone to, Degenerative Joint Disease or Hip Dysplasia.
There seems some controversy over whether a dog with this problem may in fact be a strong candidate for hip dysplasia later.
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