Sentences with phrase «whether smiling at»

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Whether someone wants to throw demands or insults at you, keep a smile and retain your inner strength.
Whether in an elevator, a community event, or at lunch at YOLO, he was always smiling and making others feel important.
If you're not at least smiling after hanging around with him and his many puns, you may need to check whether you're clinically dead.
The verdict is still out as to whether or not this thing actually gave me an energy boost, but it was delicious, so at the very least I got a smile out of the deal as I sipped it and lazily edited photos on the computer.
Or whether your child is average at moving, smiling, cooing, peeing or eating.
This collection featuring Minnie Mouse will have baby smiling from ear to ear, whether you're at home or on the go.
Interestingly enough, by the time he / she reached 5 months of age, a baby will almost always smile back (whether or not he / she wants to) when someone smiles at him / her.
Whether you're nursing your little one at night (easily done with Loving Moments» nursing sleep bra) or playing with him or her during the day, a smile might appear in the midst of a peek - a-boo game.
Whether it's a stop off at an ice cream shop before dinner or a surprise trip to Disney World, adding fun and spontaneity to your days will bring joy and smiles to everyone in your family.
The «budget handshake» at City Hall — touted as the earliest since 1992 — was all smiles and self - congratulation until a reporter inquired whether the mayor and speaker, both liberal Democrats and longtime allies, had resolved their difference on the matter.
The authors also looked at whether smile intensity in the pre-fight photos predicted dominance and outcomes in other future fights.
«The mothers did not change how they talked but whether they touched or smiled at the baby,» team member Meredith West of Indiana University explains.
The researchers used emoticons with smiling or frowning faces at each end of a continuum to get people to identify whether the music made them feel good or bad.
He looks at me with a slightly mocking smile, as if he is wondering whether I've been paying attention for the last few hours.
Teens also can play games that require them to make choices, such as whether to pull a trigger, smile at an attractive face or accept a tempting offer.
When we feel any emotion at all, whether that is happiness, anger or sadness, we experience hormonal reactions which create physical reactions such as smiling when we feel happy or crying when we have feelings of sadness.
Whether you're hosting Easter brunch at your house or just want to bring a bit of spring to dessert, these will put smiles on faces and make tummies happy!
Every date and relationship starts with some form of flirtation, whether it's a smile across a room, the brush of a hand on the armrest next to you, or witty back - and - forth banter at a bar.
But the small hairs on your neck tingle anyway and you smile with recognition, regardless of whether you've ever experienced that most peculiar sensation of love at first sight.
Life presents a gallery of Allan Grant's celebrity photographs, which convey a vibrant immediacy whether they're backstage shots of Audrey Hepburn and Grace Kelly snapped on the fly or as staged as a hundred Shelley Winters smiling at you from mirrored walls.
Whether it was through his good looks or outgoing personality, Jasper always found a way to put a smile on everyone's face here at the shelter.
Whether it is a booth at a charity fundraiser or community outreach and education, our employees find fulfillment in bringing a smile to someone's face through a mutual love of animals.
Whether you start a chat at a bar, invite people to sit down with you at a busy restaurant, or just smile to someone on the street, the locals are happy to chat with a solo traveler.
WORKING HOURS Snack: 14:30 - 17:00 Pool Bar: 19:00 - 22:00 LOBBY & POOL BAR Whether at the lobby bar or at the pool bar, You will find a wide variety of alcoholic and non alcoholic drinks offered with a smile and professionalism.
Whether it's a romantic weekend away, a family reunion or a corporate retreat, I specialize in putting a smile on your face and a song in your heart... okay well at least I can find you the perfect place to stay.
Like almost LEGO game that came before, LEGO Batman 2 rarely failed to have me smiling, chuckling and laughing throughout, whether it's just the expression on Robin's face when he gets something wrong, Superman's ridiculously over-heroic mannerisms or the ticker at the bottom of the short news segments that often act as the set - up for each level.
And yet, whether you find yourself zooming down a desert highway, running from a gigantic bear, or just bouncing over a bridge of crates, you can't help but smile and know that, at the end of the day, Crash is still a whole lot of fun.
Whether you're a cat fan like Lupien or not, it's difficult not to smile at these fun photographs.
Whether it's about insurance, fintech, design, female entrepreneurship, or more, there's a good chance you'll see a member of the PolicyGenius family with a friendly smile and a funny story at an industry event.
Whether it was buying a cup of coffee for the next person in line or simply smiling at a stranger, the pay it forward principle is all about one thing: kindness.
It's not about perfect, it's about whether or not you smile every time you look at it.
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