Sentences with phrase «whether societies of men»

«It has been frequently remarked, that it seems to have been reserved to the people of this country, by their conduct and example, to decide the important question, whether societies of men are really capable or not, of establishing good government from reflection and choice, or whether they are forever destined to depend, for their political constitutions, on accident and force.»
In the first paragraph of the first essay of The Federalist Papers, Alexander Hamilton introduced the basic theme: «It seems to have been reserved to the people of this country, by their conduct and example, to decide the important question, whether societies of men are really capable or not of establishing good government from reflection and choice, or whether they are forever destined to depend for their political constitutions on accident and force.»

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Indeed my basic position is that for the understanding of human behavior in society the whole controversy as to whether material conditions (appetites, interests, «drives,» or in Marxist terms, the «means of production» and the consequent «class struggle») cause men to act is at bottom pointless and unprofitable.
If it is true, as Holloway argues, that the very foundations of matter and the identity of human nature are aligned upon the coming of the Word made flesh, then a society which is uncertain about the existence of God and whether Man has any meaning or purpose must be subject to crisis, alienation and chaos even more inevitably than CiV is able to show.
What matters is whether a Christian in the purity of his faith and his understanding of man joins the struggle and demonstrates by the audacity of his faith, by his love for his neighbour, and his optimism about the future, that he is not just the passive object of history or even of the new society, but rather the co-author and co-architect of the new order.9
It affirmed that the church is constituted by the will of God» not by the will or consent or beliefs of men, whether as individuals or societies.
It is also being asked whether women and youth and minority groups and even white men have to play just the roles they have been assigned in the past in order to maintain just the right balance of energy and repression in an industrial society.
How full and deep is this volume of accumulated resources transmitted from generation to generation, and whether the volume is made deeper with values more profound, or made shallow with values more superficial, depends on how full and deep is the communion between parent and child, between man and man, between diverse divisions of society and of humanity.
Imperative Christianity does not ask whether the love of neighbor will bring forth a society in which all men will love their neighbors; it acts in hope, to be sure, but love and justice are its immediate commands and not its far - off goals.
Recognition of the social character of the individual and of the interpersonal character of society brings the parties somewhat closer to each other and both are challenged by the question: What is the chief end of man, whether as redeemed individual or redeemed community?
I do not know whether some sort of decentralized democratic socialism can supply a healthier economic base for the kind of change that seems necessary if we are to continue as a society of free men and women.
Rather, it resides in the relationship with God which such existence may and does enjoy, whether this is realized or actualized in a vivid manner or is present only as a kind of Leitmotif which runs through the whole history of the human race and the personal history of each and every human person as a member of the society of men and women.
Men sinned — they failed whether in their relations with each other, or with themselves; when the failure had an element of deliberation in it, it was in some sense an attack on the Church, on society and on the inner life of grace in a person.
The question is how representative of the whole Church these men and societies will be, whether the Augustines and Thomases, not to speak of the Senecas and Ciceros, who belonged to the Reformers» community of discourse are to be heard directly; whether the response of Christians to the fall of the Roman Empire is to be understood or only their response to the decay of medieval civilization; whether the thirteenth - century revival of the Church or only its eighteenth - century awakening is to be regarded; whether only the fathers of a denomination or also the Church fathers on whom they relied are to be included in the community of discourse.
We should be brutally frank here, we should not encourage the deliberate killing of the image of innocent people, it does not matter whether the person is a woman or a man, we can not live in a society where people can speak evil, very deep stinking evil about others, disgrace innocent souls, destroy innocent leaders, and go dance with the gods, no way!
To examine whether or not lower status is more benign in small - scale, relatively egalitarian societies in which group members frequently share food and other resources, lack coercive authority, and where people have little wealth to contest, the investigators studied the relationship between status and biomarkers of stress and disease among Tsimane men.
«Women in our society have been held up as the moral paragons, so the increase in female infidelity causes us to consider whether infidelity is as immoral as we believe,» said David Ley, a New Mexico psychologist and author of Insatiable Wives: Women Who Stray and the Men Who Love Them, a recently released book that documents female infidelity.
Detectives are investigating whether the shooting murder of a man at Bankstown on Tuesday afternoon was a Profile of a society murder and the woman who lived to tell about it.
by Stephanie Thompson The men and women of San Diego Humane Society know they're helping animals in need whether they're working from a desk, in the shop or behind the...
Holograms appeared on screens as a leader from the imagined land spoke in praise of a «fully functioning homo - society where men» — whether clone or naturally born — «can come together freely and fully.»
At the inception of the Al Gore era of the global warming issue, Stephen Schneider and the Society of Environmental Journalists spotted the very thing that could stop the issue in its tracks — if the public only saw scientists contradicting each other over whether man - caused global warming was a problem, the issue would never advance as a problem in need of a solution.
This trial is not only about a man and four cases of sexual assault, but whether we, as a society, trust women who tell.
As our society now contains a wide variety of family forms, such questions are pertinent in relation to all men who find themselves in a position of fathering a child, whether or not they are the biological fathers.
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