Sentences with phrase «whether there»

Whether there is no marriage or sex in Heaven just shows Jesus» possible celibate, end - time tendencies — he wanted everyone to give up money and family.
If we are asking whether there are good reasons to continue to follow Jesus today, we will need also to ask what is entailed in following of Jesus.
Meanwhile, I'm still musing my way through whether there are «inherently abusive fault lines» in * every * theology that we need to be aware of and beware of overemphasizing them.
One often doesn't know if someone was divorced years ago — and it's even more rare to know whether there was an annulment.
The dispute is over whether there is one, and what the ramifications are of this for curricular coherence and hence for pedagogical effectiveness.
It would still be true, I think, that the content of such an experience, and even a fully adequate and somehow (impossibly) guaranteed inventory of that content, would not alone provide any nonarbitrary basis, intuitive or articulate, for distinguishing what is essential to the experience simply as an experience, and what is essential to it as a specifically human experience — nor even for determining whether there is anything peculiarly one's own in the experience, as distinguished from what is essential to human experience as human or as experience.
I withdraw from speculating on whether there is such a being until sensible proof for one has been provided, and the religiously inclined have never been able to come up with any even as many of their number insist that their beliefs are factual.
More importantly, here's some further thoughts from the God of the Bible (Old Testament Bible Verses) on whether there is «A God of the World - or - a world of the gods»... link:
I can't say whether there is a god or supreme being, but I sure have problems with the people who think they have all the answers and that others must live how they believe.
(Atheism is a claim to know that God does not exist, whereas agnosticism says that we don't or can't know whether there is a God.)
And, unlike religious issues, we can assume a person with normal vision has the ability to know whether there are colors or not.
If there were a God, a real God that existed, why would what people believe about him vary so dramatically from culture to culture, to the extend people couldn't agree on whether there was one god or many gods?
Essentially, I don't believe in a god, but I don't disbelieve in one either, I'm just humble enough to admit that I don't have enough information to make a decision whether there is a god or not (in any capacity).
They can't even agree on whether there is one god or multiple gods.
I used to be unsure about whether there was a god, and as I got older and approached my late twenties, I decided I was not going to believe or participate in any organized religion.
But I don't know whether there is one Catholic theologian who teaches such nonsense.
They tend to be agnostic because they can't know with 100 % certainty whether there are any gods.
She added that he doesn't have any influence on whether there should be public Muslim holidays or not because according to German law, individual states have to decide.
The question realistically becomes whether there was any provable bias.
It is beyond their mental capacity to realize that people can feel that it is good for themselves and mankind to be considerate of each other REGARDLESS of whether there is a God peeking into windows or not.
Leaving aside the question of whether there can be amnesty for anything but the past, this is yet another in a sordid series of instances in which unbridled vindictiveness disguised as a passion for justice has done great wrong.
Whether there is a god or is not a god, all that really matters, in the end, is love and forgiveness.
Today's New York Times website is hosting a debate on whether there should be a federal tax credit for parents who homeschool.
Whether there were fewer martyrs than previously thought seems to me to be an irrelevant detail.
Whether there is a single or multiple causes to our existance will be debated for centuries to come.
When asked whether there was a place for the laity in the Church, Newman replied that we (meaning clerics and theologians) would look pretty silly without them.
You are correct, if one assumes atheism or a fundamentally different religious cosmology, that the possibility I stated will seem like a false cause (this unemployment came later, therefore that cosmic battle caused it), but again, that would come down to the age - old debate over whether there is a God v. Satan battle in the classical Christian sense (do either God or Satan exist and, if so, how?).
The universe doesn't care who we are or how we live or whether there's God or not.
In the end, whether there is or is not a God, I hope my faith has allowed me to lead a better life and be a better human being.
Whether there will an impetus to make those changes, especially when it can hurt profitability in the short term, remains to be seen.
If you're living in Alberta today, you don't really care about this debate over whether there's a recession or not; you know the Alberta economy is contracting and labour market conditions in Alberta have weakened a lot.
Such an approach fails to address whether there were any superior alternatives at the time when such a policy was made.
Not knowing (and not caring) whether there is anything after I die allows me to focus on who I should be now.
How corporate misdeeds come to light can seem almost random, sometimes depending on whether there is a damning video or someone willing to come forward to blow the whistle on misconduct.
A periodic review of the conditions in the underlying interest to assess whether there have been structural changes to the interest that might require changes to the design of the methodology.
Companies should consider whether there is significant offline interest in their raise, consider how much they should realistically target for their raise, and whether their business would resonate with the general public.
We can quibble about whether there are more or less than in other industries and other places, but that's not the point.
Ask whether there is a demand for that product whether the underlying business would do well using a token model.
Potential qualification for cosigner release is based on creditworthiness and whether there have been 36 consecutive on - time principal and interest payments.
Whether there are any competing fund rules that may restrict participants» ability to exchange from a stable value fund directly to other similar investment options,
Consider too, whether there are opportunities for you to make money grocery shopping for neighbors and taking seniors to doctor's appointments, or taking other people's kids to their after - school activities.
Accrual accounting recognizes the effect of transactions and events in the period in which the transactions and events occur, regardless of whether there has been a receipt or payment of cash.
The argument here is not whether there's opportunity for Tesla to carve out a sizeable niche in the electric market.
In California, the risk capital test considers whether there is attempt by an issuer to (1) raise funds for a business venture or enterprise (2) through an indiscriminate offering to the public at large, (3) where the investor is in a passive position to affect the success of the enterprise, and (4) the investor's money is substantially at risk because it is inadequately secured.
The test checks whether there is (1) an investment of money (2) in a common enterprise (3) with an expectation of profits (4) which are derived solely from the efforts of the promoters or third parties.
Another key question is the support system you have in place, particularly whether there's a business mentor out there to help you.
Or in the oil market you might be looking at whether there are any supply disruptions in the middle east.
Whether a personal loan is secured or unsecured refers to whether there is collateral tied to the loan.
If we're living in a low - rate world, and our only option other than holding cash is to buy the S&P at 30 times earnings, or a 30 year treasury at 2 %, or whatever other shitty deal is on offer, and you ask me what we should do, I can only answer the question by asking whether there will continue to be a ready supply of buyers at those valuations into the future.
«There's just so much to consider — how big are the windows, what's the insulation like, whether there is tree covering,» Washam said.
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