Sentences with phrase «whether vouchers for private schools»

Because much of the choice debate has focused on the question of whether vouchers for private schools should be allowed at all, less attention has...

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Recounting Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney's recent speech on educational policy, he noted that it focused on providing vouchers for children nationwide to attend whatever type of school they choose, whether public or private.
Education savings accounts operate like the «partial voucher» that Friedman envisioned more than a decade ago, allowing families to seek out the best educational opportunities for their students — whether those be in a private or parochial school or a mix of non-traditional education options.
Justices on the seven - member court also questioned whether public money for K - 12 schools should be used in private schools at all, whether other forms of state aid to religious institutions would be at risk if the vouchers are struck down, and whether...
For years, reformers of left and right have dueled over whether the best way to shake up poorly performing public schools is to provide parents with the opportunity to switch to private schools (through vouchers) or to allow parents to move their children to better public schools (through public school choice).
That estimate, Wolf noted, provides the impact on all those who ever attended a private school through the voucher program, whether for one month, three years, or any length of time in between.
In 2006, widespread student protests of inequalities in the education system prompted debate over whether entrepreneurs should be able to own and run private voucher schools for profit.
It says a large - scale voucher study would help determine whether giving public school students vouchers to pay for tuition at private schools can improve achievement, especially for students in poor, urban areas.
Private schools deciding whether to participate in a voucher or tax credit scholarship program must weigh multiple factors: Do they have room for more pupils?
We asked them also to survey private schools in communities served by four of the country's most prominent voucher programs (city - specific programs in Milwaukee and Cleveland, statewide programs in Ohio and Indiana) to ascertain how both participating and non-participating schools view those programs and their regulations and how heavily they weigh program requirements (and other constraints) when deciding whether to sign up for and accept the programs» students.
The federal private school voucher program is an exemplar subject for study because self - selection is assumed to be a major influence on whether or not a low - income urban student attends a private school.
With U.S. Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos at the helm of a federal initiative to spread private school choice even further, a new forum for Education Next brings together experts to assess the research on these programs — a tax - credit - funded scholarship in Florida and voucher programs in Indiana, Louisiana, and Ohio — and the implications for whether and how states should design and oversee statewide choice programs.
Alternatively, he must also examine whether arrangements like voucher systems for parochial and private schools would be better vehicles for his goals.
Advocates for public, charter and private voucher schools have been unable to reach agreement on numerous issues, including whether they all should take the same test to measure student performance, how that material should be presented, and whether any should face sanctions.
He noted that the DOJ did not get everything it wanted in the ruling — namely, the right to review student demographic information for a full 45 days before the state could let families know whether they'd been awarded vouchers to help them pay private - school tuition.
«The big debate really is whether students who are receiving vouchers who have never attended public schools, whether they would have attended public schools if it weren't for the voucher or if their parents always intended to send them to private schools, figured they'd find a way to pay for it and now here's a voucher so they're doing it,» Hinnefeld says.
Private schools participating in the school voucher program also do not have to be accredited by an organization that seeks to determine whether or not approved schools meet high standards for teaching and learning.
You don't really care about treatises on whether families are best being customers of schools, or ideological debates over the value of Common Core, or pablum from school choice activists with jobs to protect about why state tests shouldn't be used to hold accountable private schools taking vouchers for serving kids, or if an Obama Administration plan to address suspensions is somehow a punishment to traditional district schools that have been failing kids for decade after decade.
Kelsey's retreat calls into question the future of the voucher legislation in Tennessee, home to a perennial tug - of - war over whether to allow parents to use public money to pay for private school tuition.
Today, in Indiana, all schools are schools of choice, and all parents have the freedom to find the best learning environment for their children — whether that's a traditional public school, a public charter school, or a voucher participating private school.
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