Sentences with phrase «which cinemascope»

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A film like «The Robe» which was the first shown in CinemaScope should not be forgotten.
More important in that department is the debut of a CinemaScope visual style, which cinematographer Leon Shamroy anchors through often hauntingly precise coloration and lighting, in addition to a tight scope which is intimate and grand enough to immerse you into George Davis» and Lyle R. Wheeler's Oscar - winning art direction, which is immersive enough by its own right, utilizing Paul S. Fox's and Walter M. Scott's impeccable set decoration and Charles LeMaire's and Emile Santiago's costume designs to restore the look of Ancient Rome - from its high society to simple villages - lavishly.
Unlike The Kremlin Letter, Violent Saturday is presented in non-anamorphic widescreen, which means that the 2.35:1 CinemaScope image loses sharpness and clarity when blown - up to fill widescreen sets.
The very first image we see announces Chazelle's grand ambitions: we see a black - and - white square frame — the old pre-1953 Academy aspect ratio of 4:3 — with the word CinemaScope framed in the center, its right and left syllables cut off, which suddenly expands to the wider aspect ratio that the word implies (in this case, 2.55:1), gaining color at the same time.
Inspired by a letter he received from an eighth grade class, Coppola turned The Outsiders into a devouring CinemaScope fever dream: an homage to Robert Wise and Nicholas Ray that took its chief inspiration from the timeless backlit twilights of Gone with the Wind, which the boys read to pass their time in self - imposed exile.
The Man From Laramie (1955), their final collaboration, was made for Columbia and it was the first film that Mann shot in the still novel CinemaScope anamorphic widescreen format, which debuted just a couple of years earlier.
There is the fact that the movie was created in CinemaScope, the wider aspect ratio with which film responded to television, a screen format briefly very popular, mostly in the middle of the 1950s.
For this exhibition she has selected some of her most significant landscape drawings and collections of found natural objects and has created a body of new work culminating in a major, one hour - long, two - screen 35 mm Cinemascope film, Antigone, which uses multiple exposures to combine places, people and seasons into a single cinematographic frame.
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