Sentences with phrase «which usenet»

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Early cybernauts accessed these Usenet «newsgroups» through a «newsreader,» a standalone program that displayed the discussion threads to which you'd subscribed.
The next layers of code built on top of that base, including Usenet, were created mostly in the countercultural climate of the 1970s and 1980s, and particularly in the San Francisco Bay Area, which includes Silicon Valley.
He posted the message to around six thousand of the electronic forums known as «Usenet newsgroups», on which people round the world exchange information and opinions with others who have similar interests.
Blanket posting to all newsgroups breaches the informal «netiquette» that has evolved to govern behaviour on the Usenet, which says that postings should be relevant to the topic of the newsgroup, and that you should give back as much to the Usenet as you take out.
Spamming is unpopular because it clogs the Usenet, obscuring its purpose, which is to let individuals communicate with each other about subjects that interest them.
After Canter sent his message, anyone who logged onto a Usenet newsgroup hoping to find the latest gossip about their chosen topic — which range from Amazon women to the Vietnam war — would have been greeted by a message headed: «Green Card Lottery 1994 May be the Last One!!
The scientologists accuse Erlich of posting material to which it claims the copyright on one of the Internet's bulletin boards, or «Usenet newsgroups».
A physics lecturer from London has issued a writ for libel for a series of messages sent over the Usenet computer network, which links universities worldwide.
Many academic scientists who want to talk shop use the major computing networks, such as JANET, which links British universities, and the worldwide Usenet.
If the publishers would agree a deal with Tom Kabinet, they would get a share for every sold e-book, even when that was an illegal one, they did get some money to compensate that which they would never got if people only download them from usenet, but they didn't even react on that offer made by Tom Kabinet.
Back in the prehistoric days of usenet, any newsgroup worth its salt had an FAQ in which newbies were advised to silently lurk in order to get the lay of the land, so to speak, prior to engaging their keyboards.
I once (long ago in my usenet days) had a simple explanation of my own for this which, has also been shot down, so I won't venture an alternative.
There is a tradition in many Usenet newsgroups that once such a comparison is made the thread in which the comment was posted is finished and whoever mentioned the Nazis has automatically lost whatever debate was in progress.
I got the modem and I found Usenet newsgroups, which they're still around, I guess.
You access Usenet via Google Groups, each of the classic newsgroups being considered a Google Group, many of which you can still join.
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