Sentences with phrase «which became»

ìWar, î as Hauerwas puts it, ìis America's altar.î Central to this American self - definition is the blood sacrifice of the Civil War, which became a form of total war once it acquired a divine purpose and had ìbecome for both sides a ritual they had come to need in order to make sense of their lives.î American moderns have no answer to death, no way of living well with death.
Secondly, modern missionary movement which became dominant in the 18th and 19th centuries have been emphasizing proclamation of the gospel to people of other religions and cultures making clear that they were called to decide for or against Christ and that their decision for Christ involved joining the fellowship of Christians in one of the denominational churches as representing the Church, the Body of Christ.
In any case, there were basically two ways to respond to the admission, which became harder with each year to evade, that the young were in deep trouble.
Newman would cover this under the name of preservative additions (which became, in the 1878 edition, conservative action on the past).
According to the gospels of Mark and Luke, Jesus cleansed Mary Magdalene of seven demons, after which she became a devoted disciple.
The realisation of the fluidity of social structures and the capacity of man to alter his political and economic environment is a nineteenth century insight, which became the inheritance of liberalism and neo-Protestantism as well.14
A church - funded mobile dental clinic which became a regular sight around war - torn Gaza with its Welsh red dragon stickers is being taken out of service.
Luther burnt so called witches at the stake and wrote probably the single most anti-semetic book there is which became the guideline for Hitlers treatment of the Jews by Hitler's own report.
In a fine essay in Theology Today, Roland M. Frye notes that the Renaissance's great achievements in perspective and mathematical precision created a condition in which it became possible to make literal descriptions of reality.
The final result was the rejection within mainstream culture of biblical literalism with its repudiation of history, geology, and the scientific method, and an acceptance of the contributions of science, of evolution and Freudian psychology, of a «higher criticism» of the Bible, of the move from an agrarian economy to an industrial economy and its need for high technology, and of a rearrangement of political views to accommodate social planning and reform which became known in the churches as the Social Gospel.
It is possible, of course, that water baptism continued to be practiced as frequently as ever, and the writers simply stopped mentioning it, but when we understand the cultural and religious significance of water baptism in the first century Mediterranean world, and specifically the role of baptism within the book of Acts, it becomes clear that water baptism served a special and specific role within the early church which became unnecessary later on.
at the same time the parable of the talents came to mind and having grown up in Brazil, with parents who were peasants in pre-communist Russia, it was ingrained in me to become an engineer to be successful which I became after i came to the «land of milk and honney, where money grows on trees» and many foreigners aspire to do the same to come and live here, the good ol USA...
The French Revolution replaced the absolute monarchy of France with a government just as absolutist and more bloody, which became the ancestor of all the bloody tyrannies of our era.
It was this last concept which became the center of debate in the West.
For humans to be healthy they must be able to breathe fresh air, drink clean water, eat adequate food, and live in an environment not too different from that in which they became human.
Jesus is presented as the fulfilment of natural human potentialities, with his «divinity» understood not in ontological terms but in relation to his divinely inspired response to God by which he became the brightest manifestation of God's action in human life.
Devices like Google Glass — which projects images and data onto the lens of actual glasses like Arnold Schwarzenegger's terminator eye — had long been released, but nothing caught on like the phenomenon of «Pokemon Go,» which became one of the most successful apps of all time.
The classic definition by the Christian philosopher Boethius, who formed a bridge between Greek philosophy and medieval Christian philosophy, is that the human being is «anindividual substance of a rational nature,» which became a standard definition.
Then, in America, she entered the convent of the Sisters of Charity of Saint Augustine, completed her postulancy, and petitioned the community for permission to wear their official habit, enter noviceship, and receive a new name, which became Sister Ignatia.
We have seen this to be largely the case with the Lucan version of the resurrection of Jesus which became the standard tradition through most of Christian history.
In Ezekiel 16, God is rebuking Israel, and compares it with Sodom, which became a synonym for sinful abominations.
Once the empty tomb story began to circulate, it is only natural that it would be seized upon for its apologetic value, and this is exactly the concern which became more prominent in the later Gospels.
In fact, the ichthus or «fish,» which became the sacred symbol found repeatedly on the walls of the catacombs where the persecuted Christians took refuge, is an acronym formed from the first letters of the Greek words for «Jesus Christ, Son of God, Savior.»
In 1969, at the suggestion of theologian Paul Ramsey, I asked Kass to help my colleague Willard Gaylin and me establish the Hastings Center, which became the world's first research group devoted to the then nonexistent field of bioethics.
This would be possible for a more universal creativity which became particularized into individual finite concrescences.
Communications satellites which became scientifically practicable by the late 1950's will provide an abundance of channel space of high quality and at very low cost.
The feeling of solidarity did not extend clearly to the whole of the Christian brotherhood; each of the major units into which it became divided received the main part of its members» loyalty.
«31 Clergy obtained a monopoly on learning, which became essentially theological.
(Contrary to a period in the historical school when scholars tried to see the God of Israel as God of Sinai [as a place], or as a god connected to Jerusalem» after which he became little by little more universal, until the birth of the idea of universalism.
The Latin Church Fathers who followed Augustine adopted his position, which became a point of reference for Latin theologians in the Middle Ages.
Calvin would go a step further and argue that some are in fact predestined to damnation from the beginning, which became the position of the Jansenists.
This «cross» is a couple of joined iron beams found in the rubble which became culturally significant, and it is part of the history of 9/11.
Humanism, Reformation, Counter-Reformation — these may stand for the forceful uprush of new ideas, which, with some unfortunate accompaniments, shaped a new world and inspired a new culture of which we became the heirs.
I don't remember quite how Wendy and I responded to him that day, but it was just one event out of many in which it became clear that he was our enemy.
I know my view is a tough sell, but only because we are so used to the traditional view which became commonplace after Emperor Constantine started using violence to advance the cause of Christ.
In 1902 this group founded the Jüdscher Verlag, which later became the publishing house for the most important Zionist literature, and in 1916 Buber founded the journal Der Jude, which became the central point for the higher spiritual strivings of the Zionist movement.
Prophecies such as Daniel 2 (which secular scholars suggest was written around 200 BC) shows the rise and fall of the major world empires of the Middle East and Europe from Babylon, to Media Persia, to Greece, Rome, and then the division of Rome into it's separate kingdoms which became modern Europe.
Further Voobus points out that it was neither the Greek Old Testament which became scriptural authority for Hellenistic Christianity nor the Hebrew original text which was translated into Syriac but the scriptures of the Palestinian synagogue, namely, the ancient Palestinian Targumim which came to be used among the Jewish Christians.
Stalinism is an example of an «ethical» ideology which became demonic.
I suggest, for instance, that Naziism is an example of an «aesthetic» culture which became demonic.
A Christian campaigner has spoken with Premier one month since she engaged with the broadcaster in a fierce interview on ITV's This Morning which became side - tracked by the topic of homosexuality.
-LSB-...] reminds me of the recent story of the statutory rapist who's article was posted by Christianity Today's Leadership Journal in which we became -LSB-...]
Along the way, Pell published in national and international mathematics journals and managed to persuade the university's trustees in 1905 to start an engineering department, of which he became the first dean.
But in any case, one consequence of the view Marian Evans came to articulate is that, for all the broad human sympathy for which she became justly famous, in one respect her sphere of sympathetic engagement contracted — namely, in the realm of religious experience.
French Symbolism and English Romanticism, both of which became transformative international movements, each began with a handful of writers.
Lamar rallies his listeners with a cry to the community — «If God's got us, we'll be alright» — which became an anthem for the Black Lives Matter movement.
We can see this problem rather clearly in the ennui which became characteristic of American life after a series of failures in the effort to extricate ourselves from the Vietnam war.
This happened in California with Senate Bill 1779, which became catastrophic state law.
11 He is the stone which was rejected by you, the builders, but which became the chief corner stone.
This is the basic point of view which became very popular.
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