Sentences with phrase «which big family meals»

Not exact matches

Weekend breakfasts became kind of a big deal, and on Saturdays, a few of us would get together and have what we called our «family breakfast,» which involved all of us grabbing whatever breakfast items we had and having one big potluck meal together.
Again, it's only designed for one - person use, which means that if you're looking for something that can make meals for the entire family, you may need to look to a bigger model.
Today I'm joining a group of bloggers to become part of the Sunday Supper Movement, which is all about bringing family and friends around the dinner table to enjoy a meal together, and who is known more for their big family meals than Italians?!
Which brings me to the heart of the film, a big family meal, served up gradually, scene by scene, as each of the characters interact in smaller portions — sisters and daughters, mothers and children, in - laws and insignificant others — gathered around a bottomless well of tragedy: breakdowns, blow ups, betrayals and a funeral.
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