Sentences with phrase «which bodies process»

Stem cells are helping us to explore the intricate way in which our bodies process sugar and to answer some important questions about the root causes of diabetes:
These fat burners are used to increase your metabolism so that less food is stored in your body and the speed at which your body processes food increases.
Metabolism inst something you consume; it is the rate at which your body processes food into energy.
A keto diet changes the metabolism, or the way in which the body processes energy.

Not exact matches

The tiny sensors, which consist of infrared light - emitting diodes (LEDs) coupled with a sensitive light detector, measure infinitesimal gradations in light in human tissue, due to changing blood volume in the microvasculature as blood circulates through the body — a process that follows in rhythm with the beating of the heart.
Now I follow an intermittent fasting plan (thanks, Dick Costolo) and in the process gained seven pounds (I was trying to) while also losing 4 percent body fat (which I wasn't trying to do; it just happened as a result of intermittent fasting.)
But in the following hours and days, the body's self - defense mechanisms backfire: White blood cells come in to clean up dead tissue, which causes massive inflammation, which in turn triggers healthy cells in the surrounding tissue to self - destruct in a process called apoptosis.
Plus, most of the vitamins in almond milk are added during the production process, which some studies suggest can make it harder for the body to absorb and hold onto the nutrients.
Your body processes the nutrients found in apples into adenosine triphosphate, or ATP, which is fuel for your cells, and they use it for everything that requires energy in your body.
The Fiduciary Rule and PTEs followed an extensive public rulemaking process in which the Department evaluated a large body of academic and empirical work on conflicts of interest, and determined that conflicted advice was causing harm to retirement investors.
The second law of thermodynamics says, «No process is possible in which the sole result is the transfer of energy from a cooler to a hotter body
I am using the term «dialectic» in its ancient and etymological sense, and it seems appropriate to describe the process by this word; for instead of an aprioristic, deductive method of procedure, the process was one of answering questions and objections as they arose, not in anticipation, and not as the unfolding, more geometrico, of a system implicit within a body of axioms or first principles which one needed only accept and then all the rest followed logically to the final Q.E.D..
Whitehead nowhere in Process and Reality argues explicitly for such intermediate entities, but it is interesting that he maintains a gradation of enduring objects, from the one extreme of the atomic material body to the opposite extreme of the presiding thread: «But just as the difference between living and non-living occasions is not sharp, but more or less, so the distinction between an enduring object which is an atomic material body and one which is not, is again more or less.»
We must understand this whole movement as an atoning process, a forward - moving process wherein a vacuous and nameless power of evil becomes increasingly manifest as the dead body of God or Satan; but it is precisely this epiphany of God as Satan which numbs the power of evil, and unveils every alien and oppressive other as a backward - moving regression into the now lifeless and hence ultimately powerless emptiness of the primordial sacrality of God.
The stories of the appearances of Christ combine traditions about a «spiritual body» such as Paul speaks about (the Lord appears suddenly within a room) with others which tell of a tangible body, capable of being touched or grasped and of the physical process of eating.
However, I believe that there is a notion in process philosophy by which one could, using the same self - body analogy, more adequately explain what would constitute a «special» act of God, and thereby better explain how Jesus could be God's decisive act.
Given the latest medical data concerning the distinct characteristics of the fetus and its ability to survive outside the womb at a startlingly early age, it is little wonder that in the past few years several of the denominations that once took a more open position on abortion have retreated somewhat: the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) is now studying the issue; in a 1980 statement on social principles, the UMC moved to a more qualified position; the Episcopal Church and the recently formed Evangelical Lutheran Church in America seem to be in the process of toning down their earlier positions (or those of a predecessor body) The Lutherans defeated a resolution in their 1989 Assembly which would have been consistent with the liberal position of the LCA predecessor body, and a 1988 Lutheran - Episcopal dialogue report refers to the fetus as «embryonic humanity» with claims on society.
Gravity from space (Einstein's relativity) operates on mass through space and matter interaction is a natural process like centrifugal force which made its appearance when a body is morning in circle Jean mass is the amount of matter that must be present before gravity becomes effective or felt, once this minimum amount of matter is reached or exceeded, gravity with mass interact with space - time to bring geodesics and gravity begin to control other bodies and then orbit around each other, another aspect of the twin effect of gravity and mass is the necessity to account for energy required to sustain gravitating mass and where does this energy originating from Einstein's field equation says from space but never refer to the origin of gravitation.
If mind, call it M, and body (physiological process), call it B, interact, then any mental state M at time t, which influences a bodily state, say B at time t1, will be temporally prior to that bodily state, and it will be temporally subsequent to any bodily state which influences it.
The secularization of the breast in early modern Western Europe began a long process in which Christianity came to be seen increasingly as focused on beliefs and doctrines, while bodies and physical practices were marginalized.
As a result of his investigations, Yves Congar defines reception in the early Church as follows: «By «reception,» I mean the process by means of which a Church body truly takes over as its own a resolution that it did not originate in regard to itself, and acknowledges the measure it promulgates as a rule applicable to its own life.»
This process has several phases: the creation of the literary work (which Bozarth - Campbell calls the poem), the matching between the poem and the reader (whom she calls the interpreter), and the communion between the audience and the new being, the incarnate body that is created by the interaction of poem and performer.
In addition, citizens must be taught how to secure strong, well - staffed, and amply financed government agencies which are dedicated to the health of the people and serve them through a well - enforced body of pure food laws, a well - organized inspection and grading system, and a continuing broad program of research in nutrition and in food production and processing.
We need to comprehend the first link if we are to understand something of the process by which sacrifice was displaced from an actual bloody ritual practice to a metaphor for moral action, such that we can now say «he was very self - sacrificial» and not mean «he offered his body to Aztec priests.»
7 - If we defined growth as adding new material to our bodies, then DNA is living, because in the process of replication it add new sequences to its structure, but even in this case we have say it is non-living because DNA is not showing development which is the second part of growth, and simply development is the changes in structure living things undergo as it grow and age.
The first Adam was the first complete human being in a physical sense; a culmination of the process of physical evolution, which resulted in a body capable of housing a spirit conscious and aware enough to attain the knowledge of good and evil.
«By «reception» I understand here the process by which an ecclesial body truly makes its own a resolution which it had not given to itself, recognizing in the measure so promulgated a rule which is applicable to its own life.»
And we might conceive of the entire progressively redeemed world as «God's body,» in and through which God's primordial conceptual richness is actualized and experienced in an open - ended process.
Any educational process has a primary responsibility to master a body of knowledge, but this responsibility can be carried out only in an environment which is constantly alert to therapeutic needs.
Fear of organic process produces preference for inorganic pictures of the resurrected body which are grafted uneasily onto Paul's organic imagery.
8 Cf. the striking remark of intellectual historian C. C. Gillispie: «Lamarck's theory of evolution was the last attempt to make a science out of the instinct, as old as Heraclitos and deeply hostile to Aristotelian formalization, that the world is flux and process, and that science is to study, not the configurations of matter, nor the categories of form, but the manifestations of that activity which is ontologically fundamental as bodies in motion and species of being are not.
Even in the Easter affirmation of the Resurrection of Jesus, so important for Christianity, we can now point to no firm historical evidence to show that there occurred there a miracle which involved suspension or reversal of natural laws — in this case, the normal processes of decay into which the physical body enters after the point of death.
It is the process thinkers, however, who have developed the larger framework in which to perceive this unity of mind and body — a unity validated in a limited, concrete way by the actual birth process but more inclusively by any act of the creative imagination.
I suggest that this process of the reintegration (at levels of increasing complexity) of conceptual and physical feelings resulting in self - consciousness is equivalent to Niebuhr's concept of «spirit,» which he apparently conceives of as something more than body and mind.
«The failure to relate body and soul accurately in the processes of evolution is a cardinal misfortune in the work of Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, a mistake which vitiates, indirectly, the various other aspects of his synthesis.
The Christian contribution in this context should be in relation to the struggle of India to develop, through dialogue among the many religions, cultures and philosophies, a body of common insights about being and becoming human, that is, a common framework of humanism which will humanize the spirit of modernity and the process of modernization.
Perhaps önd is not a thing so much as this process of transformation, the combustion which is the body's equivalent of fire.
It's one of those phrases which has become so populist that it is often overlooked: «YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT» good genes and good looks will only last so long if you fill your body with processed foods and sugar.
I began the process of working on my emotional & mental wellbeing which led to me learning how to listen to my needs, my body and myself better.
For instance, it acts like a «chemical processing plant» which transforms toxins into water - soluble substances that can be easily eliminated from the body.
The Elifexir range, which includes Gel - Shampoo, Body Milk, and Protective Nappy Cream, is the result of a long research process combining natural and organic ingredients specifically for baby skin problems (Spain).
That's because the body is breaking down old, damaged proteins and building new ones, which is a process called protein breakdown and protein synthesis, known collectively as protein turnover.
Soul Sprout's promise of Accelerated Nutrition starts with the process of «sprouting,» which maximizes the nutrient potential of the ingredient by enhancing its bioavailability — or ability of the body to absorb nutrients.
The detox will give your digestive system a bit of a break, which is important because your body will be processing and evacuating the toxins that have built up in your body.
One final health benefit I'd like to share with you is that the type of fat in coconut oil is a saturated medium chain fatty acid, which is easy for your body to process.
Slow Carb Diet This diet was developed by Tim Ferriss in his book The Four Hour Body and rather than not allowing food with carbs, it recommends eating «slow carbs» ones that your body processes over a longer period of time, which keeps you full without spiking your glucose levBody and rather than not allowing food with carbs, it recommends eating «slow carbs» ones that your body processes over a longer period of time, which keeps you full without spiking your glucose levbody processes over a longer period of time, which keeps you full without spiking your glucose levels.
The oxidation process creates free - radicals which can damage the body» s cells.
A highly alkaline reading is likely due to catabolism, the process of breakdown of body tissue which triggers excess nitrogen in the urine.
These digestive benefits may help to enhance the body's cleansing process by eliminating waste and toxins, which in - turn promotes a healthier / stronger defense against illness and disease.
Amazing source of antioxidants: Antioxidants help your body get rid of free radicals which can help slow down the aging process, WIN!
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