Sentences with phrase «which by our calculation»

I do have a 10 ″ and a 7 ″, which by my calculation total to area (& volume) just slightly bigger than two 8 ″ pans.
Alfa claim a power to weight ratio of «remarkably lower than 3kg / hp», which by our calculations pegs the Giulia's weight at around the 1500Kg mark.
Enough for a good estimate of global temperature go back to 1850, which by my calculation is 167 years ago.

Not exact matches

That calculation includes payroll taxes such as CPP payments and unemployment insurance, which are actually paid by workers.
Results of ENIAC's calculations emerge on punched cards, left, which are then translated into conventional figures by an IBM printer, right.
In his opinion, the Carnegie courses, which are offered in more locations, are a better deal when you factor travel into the hourly cost: $ 50 to $ 60 an hour for Carnegie's versus $ 70 to $ 80 for the others, by Harmon's calculation.
The value of the Internet economy may be understated in GDP calculations, for example, but the omission is offset by artificial inflations in other sectors like financial services, which ballooned in the run - up to 2008 thanks to risky, unsustainable products like mortgage - backed securities.
Our three - year average burn rate, which we define as the number of Shares subject to equity awards granted in a fiscal year divided by the weighted average Shares outstanding for that fiscal year, was 2.17 % for fiscal years 2016 through 2018 (see chart on page 60 for detailed calculation of our three - year burn rates).
By our calculations, this bonus is worth approximately $ 66 — which takes care of a majority of the card's annual fee.
These include industrial IoT platforms Relayr and Mnubo, which created a commercial partnership with Munich Re to create risk management products for Mnubo's customers making IoT investments as well as WePredict, which planned to co-develop an insurance solution with Munich Re backed by the auto warranty analytics startup's risk calculations.
The above calculations do not take into consideration all costs, such as commissions, taxes and margin interest which may impact the results shown and users of Idea Hub should not make investment decisions based solely upon values generated by it.
Yet another calculation was done by the financial website WalletHub, which shared its calculations of the mismatch between federal taxes contributed by states and the federal spending received.
What's really going on is an old - style party purge reminiscent of the 1950s and 1960s with quota - driven arrests, summary trials, mysterious disappearances, and suicides, which has already entrapped, by our calculations, 100,000 party operatives and others.
This cutback will accelerate the point at which the program moves into supposed «negative equity» — a calculation that ignores the option of restoring pension funding to the government's general budget, where it would be paid out of progressively levied income tax and hence borne mainly by the wealthy, not by lower - income wage earners as a «user fee.»
The beta calculation, here performed by FactSet, is based on the correlation between a single stock and the index over the past three years, which is then squared and divided by the variance of the index.
A big part of that calculation is your credit score, which can be negatively affected by new credit applications.
1 The calculation for distribution yields employs the most recent distribution, which may be interest, a special dividend, or a capital gain, and multiplies the payment by 12 to get an annualized total.
 The Harper government's decision last year to write off every penny of the auto aid and thus build it all into last year's deficit calculation (which I questioned at the time as curious and even misleading) has already been proven wrong. Since the money was already «written off» by Ottawa as a loss (on grounds that they had little confidence it would be repaid — contradicting their own assurances at the same time that it was an «investment,» not a bail - out), any repayment will come as a gain that can be recorded in the budget on the revenue side. Jim Flaherty has learned from past Finance Ministers (especially Paul Martin) that it's always politically better to make the budget situation look worse than it is (even when the bottom has fallen out of the balance), thus positioning yourself to triumphantly announce «surprising good news» (due, no doubt, to «careful fiscal management») down the road. The auto package could thus generate as much as $ 10 billion in «surprising good news» for Ottawa in the years to come (depending on the ultimate worth of the public equity share).
There can be no doubt that God makes decisions a propos of the disjunctive multiplicity of eternal objects; the difficulty is to establish in precisely what sense these divine decisions are distinguishable from the choices and calculations made by the Leibnizian deity Whitehead's dilemma seems to be this: on the one hand, the principle of classification is to be challenged by positing the primordiality of a world of eternal objects that knows «no exclusions, expressive in logical terms»; on the other hand, positing pure potentiality as a «boundless and unstructured infinity» (IWM 252) lacking all logical order would seem to be precisely that conceptual move which renders it «inefficacious» or «irrelevant.»
In the first place, no amount of prayer will take the place of right discernment of good and evil through standards set by the outlook of Jesus, of right calculation of the probable consequences of our acts, of right knowledge and judgment of the total situation in which our lives are set.
All profoundly religions people are gripped by a vision of reality which is not only beyond the state but beyond the difficult lessons of experience, beyond the realistic analysis of social forces and societal needs, beyond the prudential calculations of common sense, and beyond the fragmented bits of data we get from daily life.
So Niebuhr advised: «If it is not possible for modern man to hold by faith that there is a larger meaning in the intricate patterns of history than those which his own virtues or skills supply, he would do well to emphasize fortune and caprice in his calculations
experiments, inter-woven calculations put together little by little in the laboratories, would it survive the test of this culminating experiment which would make of it, in everyday terms, something tangible, efficacious, unanswerable?
And we must not forget that a quantum - mechanical calculation even on one particular bacterial cell would be incorrect for every other cell, even of the same species — a point clearly made by Elsasser in his conclusions about the heterogeneity of the material with which the biologist has to deal.
'' «there are no peer reviewed articles by anyone advocating for intelligent design supported by pertinent experiments or calculations which provide detailed rigorous accounts of how intelligent design of any biological system occurred»» Michael Behe.
The traditional calculation of the age of the universe in terms of thousands, not billions, of years — popularized by Bishop James Ussher — had hitherto obscured the sheer immensity of sensate anguish that had been a part of the world — and on which evolution depended.
To set up an experiment means to represent or conceive [vorstellen] the conditions under which a specific series of motions can be made susceptible of being followed in its necessary progression, i.e., of being controlled in advance by calculation.
Ussher, influenced by the fascination with millennia which had become an integral part of the Christian schema, had little difficulty in making a few minor corrections to Bede's calculations.
Older annotated editions of the Authorized Version of the Bible had the date 4004 BCE, which was a result of calculations by Archbishop Ussher (1581 - 1656), a seventeenth - century bishop of Armagh.
The earlier calculations by CHOICE after the demise of the Health Star Ratings official website and amid claims of connections between a senior staffer in the office of the Assistant Health Minister, Senator Fiona Nash, and a lobby group which has some of Mondelez's brands as its clients.
Which means by my calculations, Cespedes is worth 10 WAR.
Apparently, in determining sodium levels, the district looks at how popular each item is and items which are chosen less often by students are weighted less in the overall weekly sodium calculations.
The current endeavor by Tory backbenchers to repeal the Act is based on a simple calculation — most forecasts predict that the 2015 general elections will result in another hung Parliament, in which the joint seat share of the two dominant parties, Labour and the Conservatives, will be eroded even further.
«My sense is that the money to pay for the bridge, which though substantial by any calculation, is actually a secondary hurdle when compared to mustering the political will to build the bridge.
The RPI is expected to rise to over 4 % this year, which, combined with the completion of a 5 - yearly calculation of rateable values, the BRC is expecting to damage businesses» profitability and their ability to employ, because the rates are too heavily influenced by spikes in inflation.
And so far at least, his agenda seems robust - not marked by the endless political calculation for which Andrew is famous.
According to calculations made by The Fix, Republicans will control the redistricting process in 17 states that are projected to have 196 congressional seats after reapportionment (the decennial process in which seats are added or lost based on population shifts).
A brilliant man of clear, conservative convictions, he is not muddled by the politics of calculation, which gives him an advantage in a big, wide - open field.
The calculation that 600,000 families would be swept into work by the proposal is one which pressure groups are likely to question when the report is made public.
Working in a Harvard Physics Department lab, a team of researchers led by Harvard Professors Mikhail Lukin and Markus Greiner and MIT Professor Vladan Vuletic has developed a special type of quantum computer, known as a quantum simulator, which is programmed by capturing super-cooled rubidium atoms with lasers and arranging them in a specific order, then allowing quantum mechanics to do the necessary calculations.
Calculations by Maxim Barkov and Serguei Komissarov, both at the University of Leeds, UK, show this could account for lingering X-ray emissions seen several minutes after some gamma - ray bursts begin, which have proved hard to explain (
The team's calculations show that this is caused by anticlockwise rotation in the plume, which creates a centrifugal force that throws the lobes outwards.
The model calculations, which are based on data from the CLOUD experiment, reveal that the cooling effects of clouds are 27 percent less than in climate simulations without this effect as a result of additional particles caused by human activity: Instead of a radiative effect of -0.82 W / m2 the outcome is only -0.60 W / m2.
The new hybrid system for future quantum processors and their networks forms a parallel with today's technology, which is also a hybrid, as a look at your computer hardware shows: Calculations are made by microelectronic circuits; information is stored on magnetic media, and data is carried through fiber - optic cables via the internet.
Not much by clock standards, but quite a lot in the realm of quantum states, in which multiple calculations can be carried out in a nanosecond, or a billionth of a second.
Some of the calculations were performed on the Carnegie Alpha Cluster, the purchase of which was partially supported by a NSF grant.
That calculation requires measuring the x-rays» intensity and determining their phase, the relative timing — a harder problem traditionally solved by comparing the diffraction pattern from a pure crystal with one from a similar crystal in which heavy metal atoms substitute for some components of the crystal.
As demonstrated by Dr Fuk - hay Tang from the Department of Health Technology and Informatics at PolyU, CT scans are fed into the CAD stroke computer, which will make sophisticated calculations and comparisons to locate areas suspected of insufficient blood flow.
This calculation method enabled us to more accurately perform theoretical prediction of IMFP compared to the experimental value, which was obtained by applying spectrometry (extended X ‐ ray absorption fine structure spectrometry) to low - speed electrons of Copper and molybdenum at the high - brilliant synchrotron radiation facility, and to explain the relationship between energy measurement and the types of materials.
According to calculations by population geneticists based on family trees, one of these survivors carried a recessive gene for achromatopsia, which also causes severe sensitivity to light and poor vision.
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