Sentences with phrase «which came true»

Throughout the process, Chris advocated meaningful law reform and effective manager regulation, which came true with Bill 106, the Protecting Condominium Owners Act, 2015.
One of my dreams was that one day shelters would end the euthanasia of feral cats which came true at one shelter, and a goal was to get a TNR program started at the local shelter and that was achieved.
Interestingly, the name «Clio» comes from the Greek word meaning «made or make famous», which came true the next year, when the Clio picked up the European Car of the Year award.
The first thing I thought when I finished the book was that the movie better not be about the white girl being put to the forefront and the two black women pushed to the back in supporting roles — which came true of course.
I extrapolated the idea of Die Hard on a bus, which came true in 1994's Speed.
In late 1832, Smith received a very specific Divine Revelation about the American Civil War which came true.
«the Old Testament makes hundreds of very specific prophecies, all of which came true to the smallest detail.»

Not exact matches

If the projections come true, they raise the likelihood of a fiscal crisis, a situation in which investors become unwilling to finance government borrowing unless they are compensated with very high interest rates, the CBO warned.
There is a big gap between «True Romance» and «Inglourious Basterds,» the latter of which came out in 2009.
True motivation comes from inspiration, which comes from within.
Kalin says many of the complaints about low - cost competition come from a minority of very vocal Etsy sellers, which is undoubtedly true.
Making big dreams come true requires taking big risks, which may seem outlandish to others.
When I see that pattern coming in — which was true of Google — it was very easy to decide to invest.»
Given Osiris's strong five - year record of growth and profitability, Bowers was able to help make Miller's wishes come true: he structured a deal that raised $ 13 million from a large local pension fund — the Pennsylvania Public School Employees Retirement System (see «What Pension Funds Want,» [Article link]-RRB--- by selling a package of subordinated debt and convertible preferred stock, which included a fixed interest rate and dividend yield.
The resort, which is known for going all out in the holiday treats department (you might recall the bevy of spooky treats, including the fantastically creepy Oogie Boogie popcorn, Disneyland released last month), is unveiling its Christmas treat line - up to make all of your holiday wishes come true.
While this would be true if those links were all coming from high - quality publishers with editorial review and unique, quality content, this would be simply impossible to do on a budget of $ 249 / month, which is what one firm was promising.
Just like the PageRank lost its true meaning because of the new link building industry which came up as an offshoot of the PageRank technology.
$ 101,000 technology upgrade turns tech nightmare into dream come true for kids, staff The Monarch School of New England, which serves children with special needs, had about 24 aging computers -LSB-...]
Our work - driven culture encourages us to take the entrepreneurial bait, but how can you know whether being an entrepreneur will end as a dream come true or a nightmare from which you can not awake?
It is true that hetero - ists sometimes do sin in the actions of sodomy which is a vile and wicked malignancy of all social constructs that endorse the sodomizers» wants and wills all for but a few moments of pleasure and then comes one's thoughts of doing the abomidable Act of sodomy!
While this may be true to some point, follow me on this cycle: If we don't sell albums we won't be given money to make another one; if we don't sell records we cant go out on tour (again, which is where we make our money to live); if we don't sell records we don't get marketing money which tells you when our album is coming out and when / where our next show is in your area.
Evolution makes predictions that come true, which is one of the pillars of the scientific method.
The time has come to open your heart and accept that organized religion is a distraction to true spirituality, which has no name, no form, no book.
This may come as a shock to you — BUT - evolution could not be proven beyond a reasonable doubt in court — if it is a «Law» of science and not a theory explain to me why Scientist in the same field have differing opinions theory has undergone massive changes since the 1850's when Darwin first came up with the THEORY — there are a lot of interesting similarities to true science which makes it sound so plausible, but it should sound good — After all the top scientist / humanists in the world promote it and they are all pretty smart
Well it is true that some people seek sorcerers to implement Jinn that are satanic demons into mankind or his house or his business to finish him or make his life miserable or to stop flow of his business income... In such case it is either you are religious enough and say your prayers often then it becomes hard for this to harm you or otherwise you need to find some one who practice exorcism to remove this evil... But many are just pretending to be good at it and help you not but squeeze money out of you with tales and stories... There is another type of possessions and that is not through a sorcerer but directly by coincidence what man is at his weakest moments and those weakest moments for a possessions are when you come through a great fear or when cry or laugh loudly in hysteria, or during a certain moment of mating... or even when sneezing loudly... That's why there are prayers to be said on daily basis to guard you from such things and specially if passing haunted places such as deserted houses but most evil ones are residents of public toilets and market places... Some of them even would claim that you have made a wrong action by which you have killed a dear one to them and for that they have possessed you and that is mostly night time such as throwing a cigaret butt to a dark place or stepping killing an insect or even an animal at night which could have been one of them or possessed by one of them... So this is true thing happening to many who suffer unexplainable illnesses or sufferings which could look like mental illness that comes and goes as pleased...
Therefore if you come forward to the sacrament of penance and do not believe firmly that you are absolved in heaven, you come forward to judgment and damnation, because you do not believe that Christ has spoken what is true: Whatever you loose, etc., and so by your doubt you make Christ a liar, which is a horrible sin....
Christians can not imagine that anyone could possibly contemplate death without having the «assurance» that a beautiful heavenly existence awaits them, but in fact most true atheists (as opposed to those who are simply indifferent, which is a growing segment of the population) have given this quite a bit of thought and have come to a different conclusion.
I did when I was 14 and the Holy Ghost witnessed to me that it was true and I shall never forget the feeling and knowledge which came to me.
They can «study» their religion, but it still comes down to faith in the teachings, and personal experience, neither of which can ever be meaningfully tested true or false in any kind of objective way.
Many view me as the prodigal son that came back to his senses... which isn't true.
Jesus came to tell and show all mankind the true heart of our Father / Mother God; the name, the character, the nature and nurture; which is love, and compassion;
It is true that the cosmos was at one point a swirling mass of gas and dust out of which has come the extraordinary complexity of life as we experience it.
So you see Keith you are special created for a purpose in this stage of transit test life... as true life is the eternal life that which comes after death on resurrection and Judgment day... God Bless
This «true myth» idea comes from C. S. Lewis, who said that his realization of Jesus being the fulfillment of the pagan myths which Lewis had studied his whole life is the realization that led him to move from atheism into Christianity.
The talks of the conference have sought to explain what it means to say we have faith in God by looking at the evidence for His existence and his eternal plan to found the Church as man's true environment in which he comes into contact with his creator.
In this way the ultimate horizon of projected ideals becomes a powerful lure generating hopeful action which begins to make dreams come true.
While it is of course true that those who belong to this school are perhaps most vocal in their assertion that in our Lord alone may God be seen at work, and while it is they who denounce the concept of «general» revelation as a vain fancy of sub-Christian speculation, a considerable number of other Christian thinkers take what in effect is the same position when they make central to their teaching a kind of uniqueness in the coming and the person of Christ which effectively removes him from the context of the total sell - expressive operation of the Eternal Word.
So when the Second Vatican Council said that «The hour is coming, in fact has come, when the vocation of women is being acknowledged in its fullness, the hour in which women acquire in the world an influence, an effect and a power never hitherto achieved» it was saying something that everyone could see was true, and had important implications.
If it is true, as Holloway argues, that the very foundations of matter and the identity of human nature are aligned upon the coming of the Word made flesh, then a society which is uncertain about the existence of God and whether Man has any meaning or purpose must be subject to crisis, alienation and chaos even more inevitably than CiV is able to show.
The obedience of a St Francis of Assisi to his heavenly vocation was obedience to a call which did not come through the intermediary of the Church's hierarchy, however true it may be to insist that it remained within the limits of the official Church and was tested and approved by the Church's ministers.
We yearn for love but have «liberated» ourselves from the commitments and relationships through which true love comes.
You know all of that, but you're still able to hear these as true stories, as metaphorical narratives using ancient archetypal language to make, among other affirmations, that Jesus is the light coming into the darkness, to make the affirmation that the Herods of this world constantly seek to destroy that which is born of God.
Marriages, of course, are only human; they go wrong and break down; but it is still within marriage, and the families that spring from marriage, that most people come closest to an understanding of true love and creativity, which is as close as man can get to God.
That child's dance is nothing less than the eternal dance of divine Wisdom before God's throne, the dance of David and the angels and saints before his glory; it is the true face of creation, which God came to restore and which he will not suffer to see corruption..
Jesus came to me in a dream and told me that people who thought they were TRUE CHRISTIANS who were better than all the other Christians were actually going to hell — which he said was somewhere in Detroit.
It is true that the destruction always precedes some kind of renewal, but it is destruction all the same, and while we can come up with comforting scenarios in which we do the same kind of thing — controlled burns in forest management and farming, for instance — it would be best not to allegorize too readily.
I find it very amusing that the minute one person states that Obama is not (or most likely is not) a follower of Christ, they come back with a retort that Mormonism isn't even close to Christianity (which is true).
There was no need to denigrate the true light, the Logos that enlightens everyone which «was coming into the world» (John 1:9).
Here come all the crazy comments on which is the true Sabbath day.
It aims to redirect education away from grasping after the life that is but the prelude to death, to self - forgetful dedication to goodness itself, through which alone true and enduring life comes.
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