Sentences with phrase «which cellular signalling pathways»

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Once there, the protein acts on the osteoblasts and inhibits Wnt activity, which is a cellular signalling pathway that is involved in the formation of the skeleton and in certain disorders, such as osteoporosis, arthritis and myeloma.
The AXIN2 protein interacts with proteins in the Wnt signalling pathway, which is involved in controlling many cellular processes, including development.
Rapamycin, which is an inhibitor of the mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) signaling pathway, has a variety of cellular functions and is known to possess both immunosuppressant and anti-tumor properties.
«Almost nothing is known» about the molecular and cellular mechanism by which water is detected in the mouth and throat, and the neural pathway by which that signal is transmitted to the brain, says Zachary Knight, a neuroscientist at the University of California, San Francisco.
Numerous studies have demonstrated activity of these agents against a wide variety of cancers, especially cancer stem cell - like subpopulations, by a host of different mechanisms which comprise inhibition of signaling pathways, of mitochondrial respiration, as well as of cellular stress responses and others.
Our goal is to identify signaling pathways which control or coordinate these different phenotypic transitions and to evaluate how these pathways can be influenced by the cellular environment, altered in pathological contexts or serve as therapeutic targets.
The Buck's Kennedy is conducting research on cell - signaling pathways, in particular the mTOR pathway, which senses cellular nutrients, oxygen and energy levels and tells cells whether to grow, divide or stop.
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