Sentences with phrase «which darkened»

These shots are the finished sanded back texture, with a protective coat of clear wax which darkened up the underlying colors nicely.
At the same time, there were hugely significant developments in this period which darkened our world for much of the following century.
(iii) The recognition that lack of such logical circumspection can lead to blunders which darken the light of God.
Heat - stressed cows run out of glycogen before they die, which darkens their meat, turning it almost black.
The thing is, corticotropin also stimulates melanin production, which darkens your skin pigmentation.
Customers can order a «Night» package as a no - cost extra, which darkens the chrome bumper accents in the front and rear, and darkens the exhaust tailpipes.
Called the 2015 GMC Canyon Nightfall Edition, this appearance package comes with many specialized bits which darken the overall appearance of the truck.
Bearded dragons get their name from their ability to puff or flare out the skin under their throats, which darkens their skin to a black color resembling a beard.
However, I think maybe I may be inclined to agree with Kollipara that chemtrails just may be a conspiracy — a real «true» conspiracy to keep what's going on day and night — and which darkens our skies (less sunlight hits earth now), plus precipitates all kinds of toxic crap falling onto earth — to keep the public from knowing what's actually going on above our heads.
You can also have the watch switch to monochrome when no operation is in progress, similar to Android Wear's ambient mode, which darkens the display and just presents the time.
NEO / USD is trading at $ 126.50, well below 38.2 % Fibo and 50 - DMA at $ 129.00, which darkens the short - term technical picture.
Two other settings are also worth mentioning: Cinema Pro, which darkens the picture a bit, making it great for dark rooms, and the Standard setting, which we recommend for those watching in brightly lit environments, such as a sun - filled room.

Not exact matches

They show the Fed has at times taken a tough line with banks in the sector, and may darken the outlook for Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley, both of which still own physical commodity trading assets such as warehouses, pipelines and oil storage tanks.
In order for our witness to mean anything to ourselves, our kids, or anyone who might darken our doors, we have to think about the culture we live in and what makes it particularly hostile to orthodox belief — as well as ways in which people around us might be uniquely susceptible to aspects of our faith that are true.
And that is why, in our prayer at the altar, we ask that the consecration may be brought about for us: Ut nobis Corpus et Sanguis fiat... 3 If I firmly believe that everything around me is the body and blood of the Word, 4 then for me (and in one sense for me alone) is brought about that marvellous «diaphany» which causes the luminous warmth of a single life to be objectively discernible in and to shine forth from the depths of every event, every element: whereas if, unhappily, my faith should flag, at once the light is quenched and everything becomes darkened, everything disintegrates.
Not a gradual darkening but a sudden blaze of brilliance, an explosion in which Thought, carried to the extreme, is volatilized upon itself: such, if I had to bet on it, is how I would depict the ultimate phase of a vitalized star.
Thousands of years ago the chosen ones understood the meaning of the voice of a serpent as the medium in which evil darkens a soul.
I could no longer write a treatise on the way the mind is «darkened» en route to a fuller acquaintance with God without also writing on that which has been made «black» (epistemologically, politically, socially) in modern American religious history.
You could call this an assault on our debit cards, and the necessity of wearing re-engineered glasses and housing special theater projectors (which together actually darken the screen images) could be called an assault on the senses.
Monastic missionaries, both women and men, would live among and educate the so - called «barbarians,» only later to give in to the tactics of a Charlemagne pressing the monasteries into strategies of Western empire - building, which, in turn, evoked ongoing reforms as wealth dulled and darkened a genuine Christian discipleship (CSP 1 - 43).
We are one species with a range of variability in the amount of pigmentation in our skin, and the extent to which sun exposure has darkened it.
The books andwebsites on pregnancy cheerfully describe the development of «the baby», my midwife talks about listening to the baby's heartbeat and at the 12 - week scan, the time at which the majority of abortions are carried out, I lay in a darkened room and watched as my baby's head and spine and tiny hands were pointed out on a screen.
He was writing, not for a group within a group, the Palestinian church living on under the shadow of the Jewish synagogue and a part, though a somewhat segregated part, of Jewish society, observing its own peculiar Halakak; Mark was writing for a martyr church in the world's metropolis, under the darkening shadow of a tyrant's throne and in the midst of a corrupt society of which the church could not possibly form a part.
He writes, therefore, to»... insist and protest in the Lord that you must give up living like pagans, for their purposes are futile, their intelligence is darkened, they are estranged from the life of God by the ignorance which their dullness of heart has produced in them.»
at the end God says «Who is this that darkens counsel by words without knowledge»... which includes everybody in my opinion.
The inheritance of ancestral sin, as we said in another place, lies in the fact that the body inherits corruptibility and mortality, which, with the passage of time, and as the child grows and passions develop, darkens the noetic part of his soul.
Is it not this presentiment of a blank wall ahead, underlying all other tensions and specific fears, which paradoxically (at the very moment when every barrier seems to be giving way before our power of understanding and mastering the world) is darkening and hardening the minds our generation?
He warns of the real danger of dialogue leading to the dilution of confessional standards, leveling out all genuine differences, doctrinal minimalism, or what he calls common denominator ecumenicity, all of which have resulted in darkening the light of truth such that «believers do not even know at what points they are really one, to say nothing of the points on which they are divided.»
Only by accepting and even willing the death of God in our experience can we be liberated from a transcendent beyond, an alien beyond which has been emptied and darkened by God's self - annihilation in Christ.
I believe we are living just now in a special moment in time — at one of those darkening moments when all around us is change and we can not yet see which way to go.
This clarity... stands in marked (or, rather, unmarked) contrast to the postlapsarian condition, which is burdened by two related difficulties: the true path is no longer so conveniently illuminated by a single focused context, and the vision of those who would rediscover it is irremediably darkened, so that a person's conviction that he is on it and that others (his enemies?)
That said, you can certainly grind them up before adding them (which might darken the batter a bit) or add a couple of tablespoons of poppy seeds to hide the chia seeds.
Every day I noticed their darkening color, the aging of the shell, which was making them a little less attractive with every passing moment.
I used an old pizza pan which has darkened with age.
Unlike prunes (which can darken some baked goods) or applesauce (which may cause recipes to be watered down), apricot purée reduces the fat content and adds a touch of added flavor.
Add flour and cook, stirring constantly, until roux (which is what you get whenever you cook fat and flour together) is golden and smells nutty, 2 — 4 minutes; scrape into a heatproof bowl (roux will continue to darken as it sits, so don't write us angry emails if that happens).
Unlike a steak, which will have «carryover» cooking time after you remove it from the heat, a caramel sauce won't keep darkening once you pull it.
Darkening the nursery also helpful for getting the twins to sleep at an early bedtime, which we'll go into later.
She may be born with blue eyes (the eyes sometimes don't produce much — if any — melanin while the baby is in the womb), but after birth, light stimulates the production of melanin, which is why the eye color may darken or change over time.
You may notice that your nipples darken during pregnancy, which could be due to this factor.
-LSB-...] Darkening up your child's room with black out shades can help with the release of that awesome sleep hormone melatonin, which will aid in making your baby nice and drowsy.
In time, you may modify those steps and develop your own preferred method — which you'll be able to do in a darkened room while half asleep.
One of these can be a darkening of the areola, which may be slightly disconcerting to the mom.
Some may have a condition called acanthosis nigricans, which is a darkening of skin either around the neck or in patches in places like the elbows, knees, knuckles, and armpits.
There are also reports of a marked darkening of the pregnancy line a.k.a. «the bikini line» which is completely normal and will disappear again after delivery.
A Port Authority spokesman said the spire was initially lit at 10 percent white, which was supposed to darken the spire enough to appear black.
Numerous NYCHA residents, those in affected rent - stabilized apartments and others in the Haven Plaza complex on East 12th Street, which saw residents transporting buckets of water to darkened apartments for days, have also begun to question whether they should withhold their rents, Rivera added.
Inside this darkened space I use a view camera to record the effect, which I think is a rather wonderful sandwich of two outdoor realities coming together.
It had been proposed that those strong, locally trapped magnetic fields deflect the onslaught of the solar wind, which was thought to slowly darken the Moon's surface.
The release of carbon and sulphur - rich gases from the blasted rock layers precipitated a global catastrophe in which fires raged, the sky darkened, Earth cooled and acid rain showered down.
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