Sentences with phrase «which destroys»

Nubia Z11 mini S is available for same price which destroys this phone in camera, battery and performance.
But instead of advocating a new approach to the ECE (such as re-ratification with a reservation), the report only goes as far as recommending that CPS guidance should be issued which reminds the prosecutor of its obligation to disclose «evidence about which it knows and which destroys or severely undermines the evidence upon which the requesting state relies».
The former head of the SFO anti-corruption and proceeds of crime unit called the move a «backward step» which destroys the momentum the SFO has built with its use of deferred prosecution agreements (DPAs).
Yes, there is actual feedback between observation and input there, which destroys the natural dynamics.
So in a nutshell... climate change causes extreme weather which destroys farming, and reduced clearing is how we «prevent» climate change.
erlhapp (18:53:52): Wrong: Energetic Particle Precipitation (EPP) drives production of NOx and HOx which destroys ozone, mainly at high latitudes.
Find ways so that people don't build more housing pollution which destroys the environment to make way for more human filth!
This is exacerbated by widespread deforestation which destroys natural carbon sinks.
More frequent incursions of warmer low pressure Cyclones from the South bring heat which destroys surface boundary layers and changes twilight brightness.
While in industry accident is that event which destroys an order, interrupts a regular process and must be eliminated, in painting the random or accidental is the beginning of an order.
She is known for photographing sculptures and three - dimensional still - life assemblages of her own making, [2] some of which she destroys after the photos have been taken, as well as for creating images of classical figures and architectural details and their relationship to space.
She then creates a new photograph of the drawing that otherwise replicates the original, which she destroys along with the drawing.
Prince is allowed to withdraw authority for owning his work through the Visual Artists» Rights Act, which destroys any value attached to the work.
In the very same room as the ill - fated vase was Dropping a Han Dynasty Urn — a work by Ai Weiwei himself in which he destroys the Chinese artefact.
By getting the Wisp power - up you transform into a asteroid which destroys walls.
Story wise, it comes amidst the Thousand Years war, as the introduction of a new sinister enemy puts an unexpected end to the war by the appearance of waves of demons which destroys everything in their paths.
Without a doubt, one of the most useful weapons is your default Burst Wispon, which allows you to continuously release a blast of energy which destroys enemies and propels the Avatar higher up the stage.
Once your meter is full, hit down on the D - Pad to unleash a devastating, screen filing attack which destroys everyone and everything in sight!
So yeah, that's why people are willing to spend an extra fifty dollars on the PS4, which destroys the Wii U as far as specs are concerned.
Onions, Garlic, & Related Root Vegetables: Onions contain a substance (N - propyl disulphide) which destroys red blood cells in the cat, causing a form of anemia called Heinz body anemia.
The mutation is a G → A substitution at c. 1473 + 1, which destroys a splice donor recognition site in intron 10 and causes exon skipping that results in a frameshift and the introduction of a premature termination codon [129].
In short, it is an inherited disease which destroys the kidneys.
For one thing, this brand only offers dehydrated pet food products — they don't use the heat - damaging process of extrusion which destroys much of the nutritional integrity of raw ingredients.
Raw fish contains an enzyme called thiaminase which destroys thiamine (one of the B vitamins).
These foods must be cooked at temperatures above 120 degrees, which destroys the natural enzymes in the meat.
A close second, is preventing investment in other financials, which destroys the possibility of contagion.
With a larger display and built - in PDF reader, Kindle DX customers can read professional and personal documents with more complex layouts without scrolling, panning, or zooming, and without re-flowing, which destroys the original structure of the document.
There is already one huge, giant, unmissable counter-example which destroys there whole thesis.
The only real problem is the bullet has been converted to a normal bullet (no problem with that) and the indents are way off which destroys the readability relationships built into the book.
Because I have a background in music and languages I tend to be very sensitive to the sounds of words and so I find it useful to read the finished book aloud and to eliminate anything that sounds ugly or which destroys the flow of the narrative.
A system of public schools which destroys rather than develops positive human potential now exists.
The 24 - year - old actress received the first of her three Academy Award nominations 11 years ago: for director Joe Wright's film of Ian McEwan's novel Atonement, in which she played 13 - year - old Briony Tallis, who tells a lie about a rape which destroys two people's lives.
Like the virus, which destroys any cell it encounters, misinformation spreads rapidly online and tends to cancel out information that might save people.
Yes, they are rare, which destroys the reputation of all others in its category, but it does not mean that you are away from them altogether casual dating.
Refined starches are carbohydrates that originally come from natural whole foods, but are altered or processed in some way, which destroys their healthy properties.
The centrifugal process uses blades to finely chop up the produce and these blades generate heat, which destroys enzymes, and bring in air, which starts the oxidation process.
All the leaves of sprouted grains contain SUPEROXIDE DISMUTASE, which destroys these free radicals (Superoxide).
Everyone enjoys the sweet taste, but even most natural sweeteners feed candida (a systemic fungal infection), which destroys your immune system and creates uncontrollable cravings for more sugar.
iv And, even though it's not orange like carrots and sweet potatoes, cauliflower is also rich in the antioxidant beta carotene which destroys free radicals.
Acai also contains ferulic acid, which destroys several types of free radicals and is more powerful than vitamin E, beta - carotene, and vitamin C. Overall, acai protects and improves cellular function at its core.
Although tasty, most commercially made sauerkraut has been pasteurized, which destroys the good bacteria.
Most store - bought pickles are loaded with white vinegar, plus they are cooked and canned, which destroys all the beneficial bacteria.
Researchers report that curcumin reduces all pro-inflammatory molecules in cartilage cells and in membranes that line the joints, among them tumor necrosis factor — which destroys joint cartilage — and vascular endothelial growth factor, which promotes excessive growth of blood vessels in inflamed joints.
Then these oils turn rancid from being extracted from the oil seeds using high temperatures and high pressures, which destroys all the vitamins and anti-oxidants that these foods once had.
Dipeptidyl peptidase - 4 (DPP - 4) inhibitors work by blocking the DPP - 4 enzyme which destroys the hormone incretin.
Unfortunately, inorganic arsenic binds to living cells and disrupts their metabolisms which destroys the cells.
Cocoa powder is heated to high temperatures, which destroys some of its healing qualities.
Most canned or bottled juices have been pasteurized which destroys many of the nutrients in juices.
He recommends canola oil as a source of omega - 3 fatty acids, yet most canola oil is deodorized during manufacturing which destroys these delicate fats.
For starters, you don't want to eat too little because this causes your body to panic releasing stress hormones, atrophying your lean muscle mass... which causes more hormone imbalances... which destroys your sleep... which cause massive issues with your brain... and down the nasty rabbit hole you go.
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