Sentences with phrase «which dualistic thinking»

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They live and think in terms of the dualistic world view of heaven and earth which is embedded in their respective Holy Scriptures.
Reinhold Niebuhr is less dualistic in that he stresses the relevance of love as an «impossible possibility» to every human situation, but he warns so continually against a sentimental substitution of love for the requirements of justice that the major impact of his thought is a dichotomy in which again justice, and not love, is the determining principle of social ethics.
Obviously, the secularizers are still imprisoned by the hellenic dualistic categories of which they are heir, and obviously they have not learned to think evolutionarily, or else they would have seen the possibility of transcendence in time.
The link between justice and ecological issues becomes especially evident in light of the dualistic, hierarchical mode of Western thought in which a superior and an inferior are correlated: male - female, white people — people of color, heterosexual - homosexual, able - bodied — physically challenged, culture - nature, mind - body, human - nonhuman.
And what Buddhism most immediately offers us is a vision of Sunya or Sunyata which shatters and disperses our inevitably dualistic modes of language and thinking.
Meaning, which requires expression through the narrative mode of consciousness, appears to dualistic thinking as the concoction of our alienated subjectivity.
And I think some understanding of dualistic mythology, philosophy and psychology may help explain the caesura of which Stace is speaking and the divorce of mind from nature that gives Klemke's ideas their essential structure.
He introduces a change of direction in his theoretical development, which distances him from the dualistic modes of thought of the Continental tradition and from the conventional common sense feeling of plausibility.
That is a dualistic, gnostic way of thinking which completely misses the point of Scripture and the incarnation.
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