Sentences with phrase «which encourages thinking»

This is probably because of a number of factors, including that there is a lot less conformity and rigidity at home which encourages thinking, they have time to explore things more, they have more conversation with adults, etc., but whatever the cause, it's strong enough that even non-home schooling people, including many university professors, have observed it.

Not exact matches

Employees are encouraged to regularly dissect each other's thinking to determine the root of decision - making, to rate each other's performance using a proprietary iPad app called «Dots,» and to send an audio file to any person mentioned in a meeting — which isn't an outlandish practice internally, since all meetings, with few exceptions, are either digitally recorded for audio or video.
Higher education is about encouraging innovative thinking and creative problem solving, which are essential to realizing a successful entrepreneurial venture.
Tech encourages the habit of «instant gratification,» which assists us when in the context of productivity, but also diminishes our patience level for the deeper thinking required to be truly creative.
In other words, the key to success today is being inclusive — which means bringing together a diverse leadership and workforce to promote and encourage a range of thoughts and ideas that could propel the company forward in a new way.
Understanding which groups of people are thinking about purchasing helps you reconnect with those people later to encourage them to complete the transaction, so you can boost sales.»
When attending a business event, tweet about your thoughts and experiences, which encourages others in the crowd who use Twitter to comment as well, therefore making it a more enriching experience overall
The message is to encourage investors to think carefully about their risk tolerance, their true investment horizon, the extent to which they experience distress if an overvalued market advances without them, the extent to which they believe that historical evidence should inform investment decisions, and the extent to which they would be able to adhere to their investment discipline in the face of what could very well be a 50 % market loss over the completion of this cycle.
«I think you would agree with me that encouraging businesses and individuals to change behaviour requires appropriate price signals,» a briefing note, which outlines «points to register» with the Alberta government, reads.
The thinking is that, as the bond buying has not worked, then the best way to keep business flowing (and markets steady) would be to keep rates low, which encourages, at least theoretically, companies to borrow, expand and grow the economy.
An unfiltered glorification of crime, the movie is thought to have encouraged a number of copycat killings, including the 1999 Columbine High School massacre in Colorado, during which 12 people were shot dead, as the murderers supposedly yelled lines from the film.
I think countries within the eurozone also should lift some of their controls to allow their economies to be freer, which would encourage growth, because Europe doesn't have a high - growth potential at the moment.
Finally someone brings up what no one else would say but which everyone knows to the be truth: (A) that what has happened in the Middle East / Africa over the past year is really nothing special, (B) that Obama is at fault if you think otherwise and (C) that Obama smokes and / or encourages crack.
While I don't consider it «obviously stupid» for anyone to wear clothing which expresses his commitment to his religion and encourages morality, I do think it's pretty stupid to write a post with your ignorance blatantly pasted all over it.
Children learn to flourish in a context in which they are loved unconditionally and are encouraged to think of themselves as dependent, as grateful recipients of a gift to which they have no rightful claim.
But instead of being devastated, Goff laughed at the thought of the thief receiving a hundred phone calls a day from people who read his first book, Love Does (in which he encouraged readers to call him).
We cover prayer, hearing from God, pastoral issues, spiritual disciplines... anything which we think might encourage your personal faith, and inspire you to bring the Kingdom of God to earth.
as well as think about what we believe and look for the truth for ourselves which is encouraged here as well as at rv.
In contrast to previously studied approaches, which encouraged dependency and surrender to authority, Emmanuel thought encouraged independence and growth in responsibility.
Assuming the reading material was not that which encourages violations of Exodus 34:16, and related material, then that cause for being fired is even worse than being fired for daring to think that perhaps what he was doing, was not what Jesus taught.
I still need to be encouraged, though, from time to time because sometimes intense feelings of guilt assault my mind and heart and I begin to feel unforgiven, which, in turn, reignites the cycle of bad thoughts that build in my mind.
Church members and older pastors think of youth ministry as «entry - level» work, which only encourages younger clergy to climb the ladder toward something worth their time.
Indeed, modernity is very much their friend in this respect because it encourages them to think rationally, to plan ahead, to study, to engage in gainful employment, to strategize politically, and to model their own organizations on the businesses or government agencies in which they work.
We would think of ways in which we can encourage our fellow believers to love and good works.
he deliberately sought human experiences which (1) in their complexity were «true to life,» (2) that touched directly on problems of religion and mental health, and (3) that encouraged free and independent thinking.
You are encouraged to further develop these yourself and also to think of different images which you find helpful to your understanding of God.
Congregations which encourage this kind of thinking and are prepared to be guided by its outcome have a fullness of Christian reality that is lacking to those that operate out of conventions and customs.
For this reason I welcome initiatives such as fleshandblood, which encourages people to think of serving others in this way as a form of Christian charity.»
I think we should always have that eternal perspective which will encourage us to lay up treasures in heaven (which has nothing to with money) rather than on earth where they will decay.
And some Mormons were outraged at the acts which these Jewish people thought were acts of love and this outrage encouraged anti-Jewish feelings in the world.
Sometimes I think the church (read: the institution, «Christianity Incorporated») is afraid of what everyone else would think if they stripped themselves of the artificial crap, if they stopped — for all practical purposes — encouraging other to lie about their emotional state (which, by extension, means they're encouraging others to SIN).
The problem is that blind, unthinking submission, submission, submission — emphasized over eons of time — does not encourage clearheaded critical thinking, without which no democracy can succeed.
In other words, an understanding of spirituality in which knowing God requires intellectual effort tends to encourage an individual to think about his or her responsibility to the poor.
Without exposure to practices that help people develop a solid biblical and theological foundation and which encourage them to develop their capacities to think ethically and theologically, the unschooled mind of the child will pull Christian communities and individuals toward simplistic understandings of the faith.
Jefferson in his many words is todays paul by basically testifying to a lost society by preaching «The heart «that is what God wants not the shell which will rott away.I can stand with this truth until the day I die because I also have had disagreements in my church about this same topic.I dispise religion and encourage salvation which come from having a relationship with Jesus.Many may ask how do i have a relationship with him?by simply asking God through prayer, not what we know as pray but simply given up and telling God he win.That is what being righteous means saying «lord your're right and i will believe and obey that.Last i will like to thank jefferson for this clip, becuase for so long I have been feeling like todays churches in not like the first churches.They are stuck into their four cornered walls preaching to those who already obtain the word and people who already think they are perfect, but what about the weak and the sinners who we are suppose to love, go after, preach to, help and deliver the same way as Christ camed for the sinners so do we also be like him.Jefferson basically telling all us young people and old no matter who have suffered in the world, the church, or no matter what party or the past that there is hope and «God wants that person» not the sin but the person.Jefferson wants us to know that God can become personal with us and we do exist or can exist in the christian world not because we are perfect but because «he is perfect and he saw our broken spirits and rescued us!
Religion does not support or encourage critical thinking or individual thinking, which is why you get the same arguments from the believers.
The high rate of alcoholism among Americans of Irish descent is thought to be due to the pressures in this subculture which encourage the use of alcohol as a means of interpersonal adjustment.
This way of thinking is encouraged by Pope Francis's habitual antinomianism, which treats canon law, sacramental norms, and theological principles as impediments to God's love.
This complacency, which Cobb acknowledges with his typical candor (supra), was being encouraged by Ford, albeit unconsciously, even before my use of the systematic approach had produced a significantly new interpretation of Whitehead's metaphysics — one gleaned from all of Whitehead's books from The Principles of Natural Knowledge to Modes of Thought, and one which, whatever its merits are finally judged to be, constitutes a strong, thoroughly argued, and well - documented challenge to the whole range of traditional interpretations.
It is true that none of the capacities and abilities noted above is much encouraged by a fast - changing society which displays little toleration or appreciation for careful thinking and reflection, not to mention decent art and music.
Masturbation involves this abuse of imagination in erotic matters (which I think bad in itself) and thereby encourages a similar abuse of it in all spheres.
Charles Slater speaks of «a love expressed in a unity that begins with forbearance and leads to bearing up,» which I think is very aptly put, although to see this as a specifically Protestant calling is an intimation I am loath to encourage.
I encouraged the leadership of the Independent Fundamental Baptist movement to speak up about this issue of sexual abuse, which many think is defining the movement to the outside world.
The show will also feature a Sustainability Wall, which encourages visitors and exhibitors to share their own thoughts on how the industry can continue to develop sustainably.
Which I actually think is fabulous, as it's encouraging organic farming and reduced pesticide usage worldwide, particularly in developing countries, showing them that there is a distinct financial advantage in not spraying the crops they grow.
It's a job I think I'm perfectly suited to as it basically involves cooking lots of yummy food with lamb (which I love), telling you all about it and trying to encourage you to do the same.
gooner4life i don't think individually our defenders are all that bad its just that the whole team is strongly encouraged to play offensive game and it looks great to watch and gets us plenty of live games on TV which means extra cash but no one is left to guard the fort on counter attack's,
He has his own philosophy which is being encouraged by Kronke Wenger thinks he is the Emperor of Arsenal and can do anything he wants
Even if the pass was dodgy he will thank the thought which is encouraging for the team.
We are adults and able to argue and discuss with others our own thoughts and though I am not backward — to put it VERY mildly - in challenging honestly held opinions with which I disagree, surely this is healthy and to be encouraged.
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