Sentences with phrase «which equal dignity»

This is a system in which equal dignity is wired into the infrastructure of learning and practice.

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Devoting several chapters to Vatican II and its aftermath, Wills locates the council's fundamental achievement in its conception of the church as the «people of God» in which the laity and hierarchy are equal in their baptismal dignity.
But the conference fundamentally reinterpreted the meaning of the equal dignity of male and female recognised in the UN Charter in 1945 (see charter preamble which refers to the «equal rights of men and women»).
«Fullness of life» may mean many things; but what is meant here appears from the fact that it is something which other faiths also offer in an inferior or equal manner and that it is elsewhere declared that «our dedication... is to the progressive realization of the dignity and worth of man in every area of life — political, economic, social and religious.»
She also honoured «all those who currently risk their lives, serving in the forces to build international peace and security in a world in which, as agreed by all parties to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, «recognition of the inherent dignity and of the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family is the foundation of freedom, justice and peace».»
Torkin Manes LLP is committed to maintaining an accessible environment for persons with disabilities by serving our clients in a manner which respects their dignity and independence, and permits equal access to our legal services.
As a general rule, candour can help you develop some degree of equal intrinsic dignity or value of the individual which is the primary criterion of distributive justice.
People with disabilities will be given an equal opportunity to obtain, use and benefit from The Globe and Mail's products and services in a way that is respectful of the dignity and independence of people with disabilities and in a manner which takes into account the person's disability.
Our Vision: Planned Parenthood seeks a world in which all children are wanted and cared for, all women and men have equal rights and dignity, sexuality is expressed with honesty, equality, and responsibility, and the decision to bear children is private and voluntary.
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