Sentences with phrase «which eukaryote»

«I argue that the boring billion was the anvil on which the eukaryote cell was forged.
«It doesn't really matter which eukaryote you look at, whether it's amoebas or plants or humans or fish or insects or anything,» says coauthor John Reeve, a microbiologist at Ohio State University.

Not exact matches

We evolved from that which we are, we ARE primates, we ARE eukaryotes, we ARE metazoa, we ARE mammals, we ARE apes, we ARE vertebrates.
The advent of the nucleus — which differentiates eukaryotes (organisms whose cells contain a true nucleus), including humans, from prokaryotes, such as bacteria — can not be satisfactorily explained solely by the gradual adaptation of prokaryotic cells until they became eukaryotic.
So far researchers have sequenced the genomes of three other organisms: two kinds of bacteria and a yeast, which is a eukaryote.
Finding the answer would fill a major gap in the history of eukaryotes (literally, cells with a «true nucleus»), which in the space of two billion years have populated the world with everything from singled - celled amoeba and plankton to pine trees, scientists and, of course, elephants.
The resulting mergers yielded the compound cells known as eukaryotes, which in turn gave rise to all the rest — the protoctists, fungi, plants, and animals, including humans.
Last, the investigation of informational processing and cellular machineries have revealed that genomes of Asgard archaea, which affiliate with eukaryotes in the tree of life (see the figure), encode proteins that they only share with eukaryotes.
They found that the proteins of prokaryotes (the group of organisms that includes bacteria and blue - green algae) tended to have sequences of about 150 amino acids, or a multiple of that number, while the proteins of the eukaryotes (which account for all other organisms) had amino acid sequences in multiples of around 125.
Even more notable, Loki has genes that code for proteins involved in phagocytosis, the process by which one cell can swallow another — and widely believed to be the way eukaryotes acquired mitochondria, a cell's power source.
Most biologists typically recognize three official branches of life: the eukaryotes, which are organisms whose cells have a nucleus; bacteria, the single - celled organisms that may or may not possess a nucleus; and archaea, an ancient line of microbes without nuclei that may make up as much as a third of all life on Earth (See «Will the Methane Bubble Burst?»
Cells from animals, plants and fungi, which make up the eukaryotes, are much more sophisticated.
But UC contends it was «obvious» to extend the prokaryote work to eukaryotes, which is the heart of the Broad patents, and Broad contends that there was no reasonable expectation of success by people who had ordinary skill in the art.
And a team led by the Broad's Feng Zhang on 3 January 2013 indisputably first showed that CRISPR worked in eukaryotes, which, among other advances, opened the possibility of working on human DNA and making new medical interventions.
Their emergence more than one billion years ago was a foundational event in the development of eukaryotes, which include plants, animals, protists and fungi.
Such an autocatalytic system also provides an entirely novel mechanism for the growth of ring - shaped structures, which differs fundamentally from that used for daughter cell segregation in eukaryotic cell division: In eukaryotes, specific motor proteins which attach to the cell membrane and undergo active contraction are essential for this process, Denk points out.
In eukaryotes, almost all genes undergo alternative splicing, in which a precursor form of mRNA is cut and re-stitched together in numerous different combinations.
His approach to the top of the tree (home to eukaryotes, which wrap their DNA in membrane - bound cell nuclei) would rule biology classrooms for decades.
As this method is efficacious in biological materials for which genetic operation was difficult, it has been used mainly for higher eukaryotes such as animals and plants.
Still, the role of other shape - keeping genes was up in the air, including two known as mreB and mbl, which resemble the actin gene in eukaryotes.
Most scientists share the view that a symbiosis in which an archaeal host cell took up a bacterium ultimately gave rise to eukaryotes.
Lane believes the crucial step in the evolution of the eukaryotes was acquiring mitochondria, which would have provided the energy to develop more complicated cellular processes and acquire a larger genome.
«We've got a long way to go, studying how eukaryotes [multicelled creatures] can live in extreme environments, like acidic environments, which brings up big questions like life in space,» Sogin says, leaning back in his chair.
Informed by more than 1,000 newly sequenced types of microbe, Banfield's new tree reveals the diversity and long lineage of bacteria, which, along with eukaryotes and archaea, represent the three main domains of life.
Cyanobacteria are relatives of the bacteria, not eukaryotes, and it is only the chloroplast in eukaryotic algae to which the cyanobacteria are related.
The Archaea and eukaryotes, which includes humans, makes up another third.
Some microbes merged with hydrogen - producing microbes (probably multi-functional ancestral mitochondria) to become eukaryotes that later developed into multi-cellular «animals» that survive and breed in anoxic conditions, without oxygen (phylum Loricifera, which includes Spinoloricus at left — more).
Until recently, the proteins that make up the eukaryotic cytoskeleton, which include actin, microtubules, ESCRTIII, Septins and coatamers, were thought to be unique to eukaryotes.
If so, the closest living relatives are the choanoflagellates, which are heterotrophic, single - called eukaryotes having the same structure as some sponge cells.
In eukaryotes, a homeobox encodes a protein domain (the homeodomain) which can bind DNA that act as part of transcription factors to switch on cascades of other genes that induce cellular differentiation by initiating the cascades of coregulated genes required to make individual tissues, organs, or body parts.
The origin of sex has generally been simplified to the question of the origin of meiosis, which is known to have a single origin among all eukaryotes [1], [2].
Half of the reads (44.8 %) could be annotated of which the majority was of bacterial origin (85.5 %) while smaller fractions came from viruses (9.5 %), eukaryotes (2.9 %) and archaea (2.1 %)(Figure S1 and Table S4).
In eukaryotes, they consist of a small 40S and large 60S subunit, which carry the decoding and peptidyl transferase activity, respectively, and together comprise four ribosomal (r) RNAs (18S, 5.8 S, 25S and 5S rRNA) and 78 ribosomal proteins in yeast.
Just days before the Oslo meeting, a new «tree» had been published in which, as Carl Zimmer noted in the New York Times, «All the eukaryotes, from humans to flowers to amoebae, fit on a slender twig» compared to a dizzying spray of lines of bacteria.
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