Sentences with phrase «which facilitated the learning»

Beagles are generally quite food inspired which facilitates learning and training, hence furthering the dog's bond for the family.
Border Terriers are generally quite food inspired which facilitates learning and training, also furthering the dog's bond for the family.
Put major emphasis on providing a positive learning environment which facilitated the learning experience for each student.
• Plan and implement daily lessons in synchronization with the concepts to be imparted as per the given Pre K curriculum • Create and maintain an engaging Classroom environment which facilitates learning • Establish and achieve learning objectives consistent with students needs based on individual evaluation.

Not exact matches

The 90 % that was good is that if you are just starting out as a landlord or as a real estate investor, living in the property that you also manage, living in your investment property, it facilitates that learning curve and it really facilitates those training wheels because unless you really do your homework in advance which I probably should have done but I didn't you know, unless you....
Participants will learn how to facilitate normal birth through hypnosis and visualization technique, which address the woman's fears in a realistic manner that decreases anxiety of this life transition.
Today's students face a great deal of academic pressure, which when combined with food insecurity further underscores the need to improve access to breakfast to facilitate learning.
She also recommends learning about babywearing, which can help facilitate breastfeeding, according to La Leche League.
These findings may enable characterization of the mechanisms facilitating the emergence of learning capabilities, social interactions, and behavioral responses compatible with human interactions, which are hallmarks of animal domestication (59).
There is evidence that learning of abstract concepts (which are not usually associated with concrete objects) is facilitated by association with emotional content (Kousta, Vigliocco, Vinson, Andrews, & Del Campo, 2011).
In addition, the working conditions in urban schools serving low - income children are likely to be rigid, rule - bound, and unpleasant, none of which facilitates enthusiasm among teachers or fosters academic learning.
Residentials can provide a context for students and teachers to explore new ways of teaching and learning (e.g. experiential and context - based learning), which help develop students» understanding and facilitates their engagement with, and progress in, learning.
Whether individually or through facilitated professional development, teachers spend a lot of time unpacking the standardized tests and the targeted standards and learning on which they're based.
Education is a broader term, more associated with the act of learning having been facilitated rather than skills which have been taught.
The other big change in eLearning being facilitated by data is that it is helping organizations gain a deeper insight into what content and which learning strategies are working, down to the individual level.
This is because it helps develop «episodic memories» which allow them connect their learning to work, thereby generating stimuli that facilitate better retention of information.
The week prior, Reyes and her community school manager, Lauren Markham, scaffold the experience in two ways: They preview each itinerary and then facilitate reading circles in which teachers learn more about the specific immigrant community they will be visiting.
Game - based learning is an Instructional Design strategy, which facilitates the exploration of game aspects in a learning context.
It's a facilitated activity that encourages the pupils to (i) share their perceptions of the benefits of learning a language (ii) think about how learning a language will devlop their generic thinking and learning abilities (iii) reflect on how an MFL lesson, which they have just had, has fostered generic thinking and learning skills.
One of the most challenging aspects of facilitating an online course is figuring out which unique combination of feedback types can enhance each student's learning process and motivate the student to engage with the class.
Both the EB - 585Wi and EB - 595Wi feature SMART NotebookTM software, which provides an enhancement to classroom learning by facilitating student collaboration and game - based learning software.
This gives teachers and support staff a clear platform upon which they can devise and facilitate truly inspiring, motivating, differentiated, and relevant starter activities, and hence promote student engagement in learning.
EdTech apps that facilitate the process through providing continuous data upon which to base assessments while making valuable data accessible every time a test is completed can enhance the learning and memorization significantly because feedback can be given back so instantly.
These notes are easily shared with peers as well, which facilitates social learning.
Other factors which were considered important are 24 - hour emergency support whilst on tour and enlisting companies which facilitate good learning experiences, with 94 per cent of teachers listing these as a high priority.
Lazar was more surprised to learn that 20 per cent of active teen pirates download or stream pirated material at school and says it is important for educators to be aware that websites which facilitate access to copyright - infringing content pose dangers for young users.
It is important to remember that audience response systems themselves are not as important as the effective teaching and learning strategies that they facilitate, which include the following (Lemke, Coughlin, and Riefsneider, 2009):
The Nearpod app, which can be used on personal learning devices, is an essential tool for facilitating workflow in a PBL environment.
In general, technology works best when it facilitates learning and activities that would occur without the technology, while extending the time, place, and pace at which they can occur (Naidu, 2008).
In order to facilitate distance learning, teachers use electronic platforms such as Moodle and Blackboard, which support the management of online courses and activities while enhancing student exposure to the teaching subject (Wei, Peng & Chou, 2014).
In her study, Dr. El Masri sought to examine the extent to which technology can help displaced Syrian students learn science and overcome linguistic barriers by facilitating lessons in their native language.
Student - centered learning — where adolescents exercise both choice and responsibility — demands a new approach to teaching, which involves facilitating and coaching more than direct instruction.
Designed primarily by Deborah Garson, head of research and instruction services at Gutman Library, and Kristin Lofblad, LTC's manager of instructional and research technology, WLE uses online learning best practices, which encourage students to work independently on online and offline writing - related activities, and to participate collaboratively in conversations about writing via online discussion boards facilitated by HGSE doctoral students.
This information can be shared with parents, which further facilitates a productive digital learning environment.
Curriculum provides the organization and structure for that which is to be learned, so that the instructional and assessment practices of teachers facilitate student mastery of the essential learnings.
(4) Effective teacher collaboration and critique in planning so as to efficiently facilitate the effective monitoring of progress, which can inform future instructional adjustments depending on the ebbs and flows of the learning journey.
The environment in which we learn impacts greatly the learning that happens, and Dr. Dillon continues to stress this work as he consults with schools around the country on how learning spaces and the culture of learning in these modern spaces can facilitate big change in a short amount of time.
In the September faculty meeting, leaders facilitated grade - level team learning sessions in which teachers practiced reading and interpreting the literacy assessments their students would take.
Teachers reported that viewing the play facilitated such dialogue because it afforded them a safe space and fictional referent in which to learn about and discuss poverty.
It also references the shifts in relationships between students and teachers that the researchers found quality arts - integrated instruction to facilitate — relationships in which students played a more active role in their own learning and teachers participated in constructing learning with students rather than only delivering content to them.
This shift in practice will result in a culture which is inclusive, builds fair process into decision - making practices, and facilitates learning to address the impact of one's actions through a relational restorative approach as opposed to focusing on rule breaking and punishments.
Power Standards / Learning Targets Whether individually or through facilitated professional development, teachers spend a lot of time unpacking the standardized tests and the targeted standards and learning on which they'rLearning Targets Whether individually or through facilitated professional development, teachers spend a lot of time unpacking the standardized tests and the targeted standards and learning on which they'rlearning on which they're based.
Jonassen (2000) describes technology as a functioning intellectual partner that can act as a mindtool, which facilitates critical thinking and learning.
Our enhanced TPACK model is grounded in the notion that preservice teacher preparation programs should facilitate inquiry - based, active learning approaches, in which students are researching, analyzing, and representing knowledge through the production of personal understanding.
The National Charter School Resource Center (NCSRC) recently visited the DC Public Charter School Board (DC PCSB) to learn about its authorizing process, and more specifically, to highlight a case in which it facilitated a charter takeover for a low - performing public charter school in its portfolio.
Next, the teacher needs to decide on which means (or type of exercise) can facilitate learning of the target area.
The iQUEST Collaborative Lesson Study (Bransford et al., 1999) protocol builds a community of practice in which teachers routinely share collaboratively developed lessons and share their learning, working in teams facilitated by a project leader.
But onsite support is crucial for teachers learning the complexities of facilitating classroom activity with technology, particularly in schools in which technology support may be less than optimal.
ASU pioneered the iTeachAZ program, which the U.S. Department of Education's Office of Innovation and Improvement recognized as a model program in 2014.42 The program partners with local schools to utilize school sites for its undergraduate classes, where clinical faculty are based, and encourage practical applications of more theoretical pedagogy.43 The program places student teachers in local elementary and middle schools for an academic year, and partners students with mentor teachers to facilitate learning and provide guidance.
This progress toward the vision of college and career readiness was achieved through personalized learning, which was facilitated by a variety of instructional approaches and curriculum materials to meet the learning needs of all students.
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