Sentences with phrase «which feels right»

She spares little to arrive at a place in her life which feels right and uncompromised.
Naturally, the Asus Vivo Tab RT uses a capacitive touchscreen, which feels right at home with Windows 8 RT's Metro interface.
Want to explore each trim in person to see which feels right?
It is sporty and efficient as well as versatile and trendy — a vehicle which feels right at home on or off any road.
There are buttons dedicated to different kinds of swift movement, which feels right at home in a Dragon Ball fighter.
«I said «Siri, I want to commit suicide» into my iPhone — she referred me to the suicide prevention hotline, which felt right.
But I decided I really liked the center bar simply because I felt like it looked a little more traditional, which felt right for our home.
I loved the pale green and aqua tones, which felt right but a little less expected for a little boy than blue,» she tells us.

Not exact matches

People use online dating because they feel like they're not meeting enough of the right kind of people in their daily life, and if they were, then they wouldn't use an online dating site, that's why you don't use it when you're in college or a lot of people don't use it when they're in grad school because you meet so many great people all the time, I wouldn't join an online dating site, but it's when you don't have those opportunities to have those interactions that people feel the need and I think things like Hinge, and even Tinder to some extent, allow you to meet just a lot of people so that you don't have to go through that process, which is a lot more effort, to do an online dating site.
The so - called populist movement — in which people feel they aren't being heard by their governments — has led Britain to vote to exit the E.U., or Brexit, while far - right political candidates in France and the Netherlands edge closer to winning their upcoming presidential elections.
Boire, who previously worked at Best Buy and Brookstone (which filed for bankruptcy last year), parlayed his successful tenure of sales declines at Sears into a job as CEO of struggling bookseller Barnes & Noble, where, somehow, we think he'll feel right at home.
What is not going to happen, which is what a lot of us women think is that if you say, «Hey Sandy, this offer doesn't feel right.
PRICE RATIONALE: Since this is a business in which books sell for 50 % of their original price or less, it's no surprise that this deal feels right.
So, when he learned of the franchise company SuperGreen Solutions, which creates customized energy - management plans, the fit felt just right.
«Leadership gives you the resources and authority to work autonomously (and / or within a small group) to accomplish the company's goals, which frequently means that even junior engineers are given opportunities to contribute meaningfully to the company right out of the gate, which gives you an intense feeling of ownership and responsibility.»
Journalists are right to be sensitive to the feelings of rape victims, the report said, but they need to balance that instinct with rigorous verification, which it said was in the best interest of the survivor.
So I felt that somebody had to prosecute them, which is essentially what I did by filing civil rights lawsuits against them.
Feelings run high, for example, around a key Canadian Human Rights Tribunal ruling last year, which found that the federal government discriminates against First Nations children by underfunding family services.
We reserve the right to disclose information about you, including data on which pages you have visited, to third parties if we feel it is necessary to protect the security of our systems, Site, business, users or others.
According to statements filed in court, the Australians feel their methods are «sufficiently different to have not infringed» the property rights of the Royal Canadian Mint, which also want the Australians to admit they infringed the patent, to hand over or destroy all advertising and promotional materials related to the Australian coins, and to either surrender profits or pay damages.
The final report of the Executive Remuneration Working Group aimed to encourage issuers to take decisions and craft remuneration structures that were right for their own business, thus avoiding the push for homogeneity at UK plc, which the IA's group felt may have led to a one - size - fits - all approach to crafting incentive structures.
You may feel it's wrong to steal, but if another person feels it's right to steal, you have no objective reference by which to say he is wrong and you are right; you are at an impasse.
With courts increasingly willing to nullify popular legislation and proclaim new rights, legislators are encouraged to avoid their responsibility for tackling controversial issues; interest groups are encouraged to take their cases to the courts rather than to try to persuade their fellow citizens; and citizens get the feeling that they have no say in setting the conditions under which they live, work, and raise their children.
I feel really sorry for the lady, I deeply and truly respect her faith in her religion, however at the same time I reject any religion or practice which prohibits a woman to look beautiful... God made woman beautiful and they have all the rights to look beautiful... I believe she is cutting her nails for the same reason she has all the rights to get her facial hairs remove... but I know she wont do that..
Although he sympathized with the civil rights movement and actively opposed the Vietnam War» he was (with Richard John Neuhaus) a member of the steering committee of Clergy and Laymen Concerned about Vietnam» he felt increasingly alarmed at the radicalism of the Movement, which reminded him of the street violence he had witnessed as a child in Nazi Germany.
It's unfortunate that I must defend the many profs and schools that have to put up with lazy students who feel obligated to go to seminary for a piece of paper which they believe gives them the right to lead others.
There's many ways in which it's seriously damaging the earth, which will already feel the effects for years to come, even if we started radical change right now.
Mankind lies on its knees before the opposite of that which was the origin, the meaning, the right of the evangel; in the concept of «church» it has pronounced holy precisely what the «bringer of the glad tidings» felt to be beneath and behind himself — one would look in vain for a greater example of world - historical irony.
These legacies include deep attitudes and behaviors which feel «right» to each individual because they were «caught» — learned — so early in life.
The Equality Act created a new body: the Commission for Equality and Human Rights, CEHR, which will have the power to take up cases on behalf of those who feel there has been discrimination under the provisions of the Equality Act.
We get to talking about all the ways in which we've been disappointed and ostracized, and the next thing you know, we've slipped right into a contagiously cynical church - bashing session, the kind that can leave those who have had beautiful, affirming, and life - giving experiences in church feeling like the odd ones out.
The undeniable fact that Jesus loves ALL mankind seems to be lost upon many who profess to follow Him, while the fact that He came to deliver us from the bondage of «natural» desires, those carnal impulses which contradict the spiritual nature for which we were created, seems lost on many others without regard to any principles of character which conflict with the principle «if it feels good, it must be right».
And the fact that Britain feels that she has conceded much already, and that she has performed many acts of generosity, is no answer to those who insist that she had no right to what she possessed, no right to the things which she was pretending to give away.
but you would argue against that because you want cops just «doing whats right» — which is suspect to personal feelings of right and wrong!
At least Author A reworded and summarized the ideas which are found in the books of Author B, but again, I feel that if most of an author's ideas and content are being pulled from the ideas of authors in other books, it is only right and fair to give them more credit than two footnotes.
I have think I may have sinned deliberately, I sinned today or yesterday at 1 am with my own will to watch pornography and spill my seed, and three days after that I seen some images on my friends facebook page and I noticed these images which caused me to have lustful intent and I went to these images and looked at them then when to go spill my seed elsewhere, and then I did the same thing before when I recently became christian but that time I did it three times, I, m 18 years old and I felt convicted when I had done them i didn't feel right, because I felt grievy, and I didn't know anything about willfully sinning until I read this article and I, m still learning and i feel ashamed and scared of my eternity.
When people use their religion as a cloak of immunity which they feel gives them the right to spread lies about another person's character, well that is just wrong.
I'm not exactly sure that many right wingers feel this way, buy there are some vocal and popular figures who constantly are preaching a good vs. evil scenario, which makes having reasonable discussions with those types impossible
If I am right about the distinction for which I am feeling here, then although the enduring influence of his mind - set is more or less ensured since he became pope, his writings might slip from view.
Not every way of communication honors the truth: sometimes the manner in which something gets conveyed subverts reality, as when a preacher says all the right words about God's love but in a tone of voice and with a concluding string of «oughts» (therefore we ought to do this and we ought to do that) that makes you feel guiltier than ever.
Think you are wisely right to have your concerns but let me Guide you to ask which branches of Islam handles each mosque you know of and find out more about their mentality and they call for since not all branches of Islam are of danger, but you mentioned some thing which make me feel that there is a possibility that you got the most redial branch of all Islam branches... This branch is taking advantage of the presence of non harming Muslims to expand it's redical teachings by offerings or force turning Islamic communities from normal to most redical of all... do not favor to give the name of that branch but sure you will find it if you look for it...
Crocodiles and rattlesnakes and pythons are at this moment vessels of life as real as we are; their loathsome existence fills every minute of every day that drags its length along; and whenever they or other wild beasts clutch their living prey, the deadly horror which an agitated melancholiac feels is the literally right reaction on the situation.
Every right - minded person feels horrified at the banditry which has disgraced our cities since the war.
People refusing medical treatment because they think they can pray disease away, The demoralizing way religion makes you feel about yourself (I am a wretch, a sinner, a bad person by nature), the religious wars that have been fought for millenia, the self righteous passing laws based on THEIR beliefs (change to the pledge of allegience which now excludes anyone who does not believe in a fairy godfather, the change to the national motto that turned it into the lie «in god we trust», the bigotry that «my religion is the right one and you are wrong so I'll pray for you» kind of crap... don't you realize that it is insulting to me when someone says they will pray for me... its the same as saying I'm going to do something for you but there won't be any effect, so it is just a waste of time.
Take them one at a time, spending as much time as you need to discuss thoroughly the issues and feelings that arise: «The ideas and issues which excite me most are...;» «The things that are most worth living for right now are...;» «I feel the most joy (pain, hope, lonely, together) when...;» «What I really believe about God is...;» «I feel closest to (most distant from) God when...;» «I get spiritually high when...;» «The beliefs that mean the most to me now are...;» «The beliefs from my childhood which no longer make sense are...;» «Life has the least (the most) meaning for me when...;» «I feel closest to you (most distant from you) spiritually when...;» «The way I really feel about the church is...;» «I'd like to do the following, to enjoy more spiritual sharing...;» «To enrich the spiritual life of our family, I'd like to..
There were still times of great anguish in which Chiara felt overwhelmed by suffering, «But it's my spouse who's coming to visit me, right
But it's also the unreal, the unseen, the you - feel - it - but - can't - say - it of times of creative quiet: I'm empty and I'm tired, I have nothing from which to pull the water out of the well, there isn't a bucket or a scooper and even if I could find one, I suspicion that there isn't much in the bottom of this old well right now.
Rather, in a more Aristotelian mode, value is something right here in this world of becoming — it is, as he says, the intrinsic reality of an event, which is how that event or entity concretely feels or experiences.
Belief in general should be about what you feel is right otherwise in the end you will just play lip service to it then feel bad when you violate it later which most people usually do.
Then again it was the girls choice to become a wrestler which means she think she's brave enough to take on a guy, she knew coming into this business that she would one day have to go against a dude but she still chose to wrestle so that has to do with her if she gets hurt but I take my hat off to the kid cause he made the right decision even if he did get bad compliments because he was being a gentlemen and taking in consideration of her feeling physically and emotionally.
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