Sentences with phrase «which individual»

Regardless of the actual voting patterns in this case, any voting system in which individual members are all elected from a single geographical region, as is used in the Australian House of Representatives can easily have the party with most seats (and perhaps an overall majority / plurality) not be the party which received most votes.
The commission wants the IPCC and HM's chief inspectorate of policing to be merged to create a new system of oversight in which individual officers are «chartered».
The theory of predisposed tabula rasa accommodates these results while providing grounds to understand morality as a higher reflective achievement, not inherent to our nature, and in clear correlation to the highly specific circumstances in which the individual lives.
Striving for something more formal than the current system — in which individual companies negotiate with state Empire State Development Corporation officials — Cuomo said each of the 10 regional economic councils will develop a comprehensive plan and submit it to the state by November.
Here's what I'm getting at: in a Citizens United world, one in which individual wealthy people can poor billions of dollars into our political process at will, digital campaigners (particularly on the Left) feel immense pressure to raise money from small donors.
The report traced back the donations from LLCs, through which individual donors can contributed unlimited funds to candidates and political causes.
Would it really bring greater satisfaction if absolute certainty could be introduced or would it actually take away the great enjoyment that football fans obviously get from the argument and the discussion about the rights and wrongs of decisions on which individual games, cups and championships turn?
Bentham defines liberty as «the absence of restraint», denoting «private» and «public» spheres in which an individual has different levels of personal sovereignty (today defined as «negative liberty»).
Separation anxiety disorder (or simply separation anxiety) is a psychological condition in which an individual has excessive anxiety regarding separation from home or from people to whom the individual has a strong emotional attachment.
One of the study's shortcomings, the FDA said, was that it used a mixture of color additives and the preservative sodium benzoate, making it impossible to know which individual additive was responsible for the effect.
There is something so special about customized books in which the individual child is the protagonist of the story.
From Two Angry Moms» Facebook page, here's a good essay on the horrible food - stamps - versus - lunch conundrum and the ways in which individual hunger impacts our entire society.
Through my travels and service work abroad, I learned to internalize and honor the boundaries and sacred space to which each individual is entitled.
Through my travels and service work abroad, I learned to internalize and honor the boundaries and sacred space to which each individual is
The spirit of AP in more important in my mind than the ways in which an individual family achieves that parenting philosophy.
There are no graphics summarizing individual study estimates with overall estimates, and authors have not reported which individual studies contributed to which meta - analyses.
Aggregate information is data we collect about a group or category of services or users from which individual user identities have been removed.
This would not include more than name, age category and gender alongside details of the event in which an individual took part.
Obviously, I hope that the squad puts in a great performance tonight and wins, but if Wenger starts the midfield that Andrew suggests then I'll be really curious to see which individual emerges as the leader.
Still, this is the Browns» 30th - ranked scoring defense; perhaps this is an instance in which individual matchups shouldn't weigh our analysis too heavily.
The Sports Betting Champ system utilizes a three - tiered betting structure, in which individual bets are not counted towards wins or loses.
This is not surprising, since there was no gluten left in the diet to which the individual would be intolerant.
Which individual part of any chile is the absolute hottest?Thanks, Chris Weaver A: Hello Chris: The hottest part of the chile is the placental tissue, where both capsaicin glands and...
A food allergy is an immune response to protein to which an individual has become sensitised.
The community of which an individual is a part is also a part of the individual.
Disbelief is the psychological state in which an individual holds a proposition or premise (there are gods) to be false.
These are years of growth in which the individual progresses from a personally centered idea of the self into a notion of selfhood that is constituted by a vaster and profounder world than he or she knew as a child.
But it is to say that we live in a very complex world in which no individual and no group has entirely clean hands.
The deuteronomic historians — we will use the symbol DH for them — set all of this in a four - member formula by which the individual stories of the judges are introduced and linked to one another.
In this unchanging form it must be indifferent to how this beauty is attained.16 But if God's aim at beauty explains the limitation by which individual occasions achieve definiteness, then in its continual adaptation to changing circumstances it must involve propositional feelings of each of the becoming occasions as realizing some peculiar satisfaction.
Its application means, first of all, that we can not regard things like sexual life style or sexual «preference» as a matter of no importance or as an area in which the individual is to have free reign.
An excellent musical composition is more than an aggregate of separate sounds; there is a musical argument, so to speak, which runs as a thread upon which the individual notes are arranged.
The Gale Encyclopedia of Medicine says, «The least harmful stress scenario is one in which an individual has a sufficient degree of control or some idea of predictability.
the totality of mental processes of which the individual is not aware; unreportable mental activities.
What has separated the sheep from the goats in religious broadcasting in America is the effectiveness with which individual evangelists have been able to put together a «message package» and an organization capable of generating and processing mass support.
He says that the dominant alternative to Israel's Yahwism in our time is a military consumerism in which individual persons are the primary units of meaning and reference.
In this session Fr Pacwa outlines the different kind of responses which an individual, both in the historical presence of our Lord and in the here and now of our lives, might make, provoking the reader to a greater generosity of mind and heart.
Let us call him Saviour, for he saves the learner from his bondage and from himself; let us call him Redeemer, for he redeems the learner from the captivity into which he had plunged himself, and no captivity is so terrible and so impossible to break, as that in which the individual keeps himself.
So the gifts of nature are of no importance, nor is the morale of the community of which the individual is a part.
The account of this totality to which Wieman referred was clearly an early formulation of the process of concretion which, in Process and Reality, is the process by which individual actualities acquire concreteness, or definiteness.
Self - consciousness has been compared to a mirror in which the individual contemplates his own activities.
It is this very path which the individual must take for the sake of the Shekinah.
Christianity, he maintains, teaches a «principled egalitarianism» in which no individual ought to have greater goods than another.
Today the world, the environment and the human milieu which the individual finds himself confronted with, has become fluid, because it is planned and made by man himself.
If there is to be «suggestion from without» by means of words in order to evoke «moments of insight,» we are still operating on empirical grounds, for in order for there to be a common expression of such insight there needs to be «first a stage of primary expression into some medium of sense - experience which each individual contributes at first hand.»
Consider some possibilities: See «the church» as an abstract (theologians») ideal of which individual congregations are concrete and relatively enduring particular instances?
In many cases the test of authenticity is formulated in terms of certain theological statements and standards to which the individual is expected to give assent.
It has created an increasingly complex - society in which the individual has found himself as part of a multiplicity rather than a unity, associated with many different groups and institutions of which the church is merely one.
The figure of the church as the body of Christ, in which the individual cells have no direct relation to the head, needs to be complemented by the figure of the people of God, in which the individual persons can have direct access to their Lord.
There also seems to be an incompatibility between the Christian faith and a society in which an individual like the late Howard Hughes could accumulate nearly two billion dollars during the same period of history in which the unemployment rate of the nation soared to nearly ten percent.
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