Sentences with phrase «which is my hobby»

And for Stacy Donnelly, those decisions really had nothing to do with baking, which was a hobby she shared with her mother since childhood.
I enjoy reading writing and cooking which is my hobby.
am a God fearing and simple person that believes in Love, i love to model and act, which is my hobby and praying to grow in it, cos it is what i leave for, i have twoo brothers cos am the only daughter andi like travling as well, i grew up in africa, lagos nigeria where i come from, i am in usa now...
I'm a very big nerd I know just about everything there is to know about video games which is my hobby... Which has kind of taken over my life and money... I really cool and down for anything really... If I message you please understand that it's only after I read your page and decided wether or...
Between writing my current story, which I formally began in August last year, and moving on from the previous, I spent time taking walks under the trees, drawing trees (which is a hobby of mine), reading lots of craft books to give myself a new angle.
It's great for transcribing complicated solos off of recordings, which is a hobby of mine.

Not exact matches

«When people hear «passion,» they think «hobbies» — which is not helpful.
And what's at stake now is likely to have a far bigger impact on the ACA than the much cited Hobby Lobby case, which the Supreme Court decided at the end of June.
In last June's 5 - to - 4 Hobby Lobby ruling, which was divided along ideological lines, the high court said closely held companies have a right to special religious exceptions when it comes to the benefits they're required to offer their employees under the ACA.
In that context, it could be a social enterprise, or even a hobby, in which case a business plan may not be beneficial.
Better still, it allows gamers to continue gaming while providing them with the exact exercise and sunlight of which their hobby is derided for lacking.
«I might tweet a lot about the Boring Company, which is basically a hobby — I wouldn't even call it a real company right now,» Musk said.
His only hobby is golf, which he considers healthy exercise.
Gelbard says photography can be a valuable hobby to list if you're looking for an account or creative director position at a digital marketing agency because it communicates creativity, positioning, and patience, «all of which can be helpful in your target roles.»
But iTunes is accessible only from computers and Apple's own mobile devices, as well as on televisions through the Apple TV set - top box, which has not sold well and which the company has referred to as a «hobby
When Hobby Lobby pays its bill to an insurance provider, its money becomes indistinguishable from other money paid by other corporations, and all of it forms a block of identical money, some of which will be used, so long as the insurance company offers plans extending to contraception, to pay for it.
If you like writing, then you could consider it as getting paid to entertain your hobby, which is really neat.
Senate Democrats are moving forward with legislation to fix the Supreme Court's Hobby Lobby ruling which interpreted the Religious Freedom Restoration Act of 1993 (RFRA) as guaranteeing closely - held private corporations the right to deny birth control coverage to women.
Hobby Lobby is seeking an exemption to the law, which is within it's legal rights.
Post-argument predictions will continue to pour out regarding Sebelius v. Hobby Lobby and Conestoga Wood Specialties v. Sebelius, cases in which business owners (the Green and Hahn families) have voiced religious objections to being forced to pay for certain types of contraceptives.
When the Green family of Hobby Lobby raised the minimum wage of their employees last year, it was no doubt an extension of their religious outlook, which fueled their desire to treat employees as «family.»
Nonprofits are now 0 — 5 in the circuit courts, depriving them of a coveted win that could force a showdown before the same Supreme Court that sided with family - owned corporations in its «Hobby Lobby» ruling on the mandate, which is an outgrowth of the Affordable Care Act of 2010.
Hobby Lobby is perfectly willing to provide birth control (most forms) which they know very well may be used to engage in behavior they consider immoral (e.g. fornication).
Hobby Lobby, which is owned by a Christian family, claimed the healthcare mandate violated its religious beliefs and that the morning - after pill is tantamount to abortion.
Most of the energy is available for reinvestment in a second career for the wife, new hobbies for the husband, and joint projects in which the couple finds new meanings by giving themselves to meet some need in society.
Carr was a great lover of the Indianapolis Colts and NASCAR, which he watched from his favorite couch so, when he passed away, his widow commissioned a tombstone fit for Carr's hobbies: couch - shaped, and decorated with the logos of NASCAR and the Colts.
How, precisely, does Hobby Lobby assert they can determine what percentage of employer / employee premiums are being used for which services?
Hobby Lobby Stores, Inc., and Mardel, Inc. and five family members involved in ownership and control of the corporations had protested the requirement, which is to kick in January 1.
Tubal ligation is covered as are other reproduction issues all of which Hobby Lobby must pay for (in reality we all pay) and the problem is we do not have a choice or a say in the matter.
This is the second loss for Hobby Lobby, which will now take its case to the U.S. Supreme Court.
And if only «religious groups» are given protection, we are a long way from full, robust protection for religious conscience, which belongs to everyone who can be a moral agent: individuals, groups, churches, ministries, nonprofit - sector corporations, and for - profit corporations too (as in the case of Hobby Lobby in the HHS mandate controversy).
And I freely admit I sometimes use too many extraneous, space - consuming, overly - descriptive, qualifying, words or sentences written quickly and in a stream - of - conscientiousness, run - on sort of fashion with occasional typos mostly due to fatigue of being up way too late (which also explains this post in general) after a long day of political discussion which refreshingly had little religious content though of course there is often much overlap between the two but posting is barely a hobby but more of an occasional passtime so now i wonder if what I write could be considered abuse as I've can't really recall seeing much if any sorrt of «text filibustering» not that this is exactly filibustering more a spontaneous text performance response joke and meant in jest to be absurdly long and useless so of course i hope you appreciate the spirit.
Yep, this humble little blog is one of five finalists in the lifestyle / hobby section, which covers travel, food and beverages, health, fashion, craft and interior design.
I have one pink and one green cake stand only because they were on clearance at Hobby Lobby for $ 1.50 each but I still need a white one which never seems to go on sale!
Notice how Gerard was a container gardener too, which considerably predated the same hobby of Victorian times.
For years Lynnae Schneller, President of Lynnae's Gourmet Pickles had been making pickles for family and friends during holidays and other special occasions, and what started as a hobby in the kitchen of her home, has grown into a successful commercial business which she has created with sister - in - law, Aly Cullinane Vice President and VP of Sales.
He's begun writing profiles and stories for other recruiting sites within the Rivals network, for which he gets paid, but he views it all as a very intense hobby.
The last thing we should do is demonize makeup, which for many people is a source of enjoyment as a totally legitimate hobby — but what we should demonize are the makeup techniques that do nothing more than cause breakouts, dry skin, and irritation.
It's an easy hobby to take up though, and just about everyone can get into it if they can find what works for them and which...
There are so many choices, from music lessons and sports, to hobbies and clubs, all of which run the gamut of competitiveness, expense, and time commitment.
I read the speech and then watched it later, what struck me was how much there was in it that would not please the Party Environmental = Taxes / Liberal Hand wringing cant Taxes - The refusal to withdraw the 50p rate which we all know was an expensive political gesture Ring fencing International Aid - An expensive hobby and a democratic outrage given its continued unpopularity The EU - Nothing much....
Amanda McCallion from BASC Northern Ireland said: «The purpose of the day is for women to take their clay shooting to a higher level which may lead to them taking it up as a regular hobby.
BY PAUL SCHINDLER Amidst the shocked reaction to the Supreme Court's Hobby Lobby ruling ---- which opens up the possibility of religious exemptions being used as corporate get - out - of - jail free cards regarding employee nondiscrimination protections ---- there was a less - noticed bit of good news on the last day of the high court's session.
His hobbies included watching films on TV, especially those on football, athletics, boxing, as well as Ghanaian and Nigerian films which were acted in Ewe and English, as he could not speak any other language than the two.
Katko added that there are some forms of contraception Hobby Lobby doesn't object to, which has been noted in previous media reports.
This may happen at work — in which case, you can presume that you've chosen a fulfilling career — or it may happen while you're pursuing a hobby or a sport.
His achievements are impressive, but Añel acknowledges that he is failing to keep up his standards in one aspect of his life: raising bonsai trees, which he does for a hobby.
The study focused on liberal adult education, i.e. non-vocational courses, which are characterized by voluntariness, self - motivation, and goals related to hobbies.
Doeleman, who thrives on technical challenges, is well suited for this task, which almost feels like a hobby to him.
I'm currently looking at my consultancy as a professional hobby through which I can meld my professional knowledge with my personal passion.
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