Sentences with phrase «which judges»

In time, the FBI agents learn which judges are friendly and which judges give them a hard time.
«What is the test upon which the judges of the superior courts are thus immune from liability for damages even though they are acting without jurisdiction?
[14] Contrary to common law tradition, in which judges play a prominent role in the development and reformation of law, professors are instrumental to legal reform and development in civil law tradition.
which judges would be guided but not bound by sentencing guidelines, in which they would impose determinate sentences not subject to adjustment by a parole board, and in which their sentences would be subject to appellate review for reasonableness and proportionality
But the story illustrates an important point, a point which judges, as the ultimate stewards of the health of our system of justice, must be vigilant in keeping on the radar screens of those who hold the purse strings of this Court's administration system.
The authors suggest various ways in which judges may «reappear» and become more visible to lawyers and their clients, such as holding «live» Rule 16 case management conferences and pre-motion discovery and summary judgment conferences.
To give effect to the Supreme Court of Canada's decision in Hryniak v. Mauldin, an Ontario Superior Court judge has asked the courts to consider scheduling trials in which judges or parties aren't physically present.
Lord Hoffmann continued to say that Lord Simon's five conditions for an implied term, set out in BP Westenport, «is best regarded, not as a series of independent tests which must each be surmounted, but rather as a collection of different ways in which judges have tried to express the central idea that the proposed implied term must spell out what the contract actually means, or in which they have explained why they did not think that it did so». is blunt and bold: their Lawyers By Win Rate service, «the world's largest litigation database,» will tell clients «which lawyers win which cases in front of which judges
The Bloomberg analysis can certainly reveal which judges are stingy at granting motions but the real use of such a tool would be where it can replicate the experienced advocate's hunch that a particular judge might be susceptible to one particular line of argument over another.
Hughes sought heroically to design a doctrinal solution to the constitutional problems posed by an administrative state in which judges were charged, as Hughes saw it, with the duty to maintain an appropriate balance between courts and the newly - proliferating agencies.
There are other spheres in which judges and lawyers seem to have no difficulty reading and referring to «academic» scholarship; indeed, even finding it relevant.
Given that the critical issue of confusion of any kind is to be assessed from the viewpoint of the average consumer, an expert's report is of little value in evaluating the likelihood of confusion (although there may be a role for an expert where the markets in question are ones with which judges are unfamiliar).
The second thing is that while Yelp only posts «Recommended» reviews, which it judges by believability and other factors and which typically account for 80 percent of all reviews received.
There are some areas of law in which judges are not.
The felt necessities of the time, the prevalent moral and political theories, intuitions of public policy, avowed or unconscious, even the prejudices which judges share with their fellow - men, have had a good deal more to do than the syllogism in determining the rules by which men should be governed.»
Emma Stevens, Solicitor at law firm Coffin Mew, told Lawyer Monthly: «A key consideration for UK Courts will be the extent to which judges are still required to consider Court of Justice of the European Union CJEU decisions in relation to domestic law following Brexit.
He said this motion was merely to carry out the idea which he had expressed the other night — that he believed under the peculiar circumstances in whihc the Province of Quebec was situated, and its special system of laws, of which the Judges from the other Provinces who might be selected for this court would be entirely ignorant — it was essential in order to arrive at a good and sound interpretation of the laws of that Province, that two of these Judges, at least, should be selected from the bar of Lower Canada... [C] onsequently he believed and in fact was perfectly satisfied that no member in this House, and no man in the country, would doubt it, that Judges selected from the bar of the Province of Québec would be as comptent to administer justice as those selected from the bar of any other Province.
There are some areas of law in which judges seem prepared to read more than caselaw.
Posts include links to legal writing resources, offer editing tips and note court opinions in which the judges writing them had a little fun.
For those of us on the solicitor side, we could have done with a visual key to help identify the various robes and know which judges belonged where (the overseas visitors had been issued with a description for each but I think the organisers must have assumed those attending from the home nations would know their judges).
The controversy typically revolves around the extent to which judges may legitimately look to foreign law as persuasive authority in American courts.
Second, the MoJ proposes appointing a panel of experts to provide sentencing guidance which judges would be required to follow except in special circumstances.
Once you've chosen which judges you may want to clerk with, finding out more can be a murky process.
I learned which judges called their calendars promptly at 9:30 and which ones didn't get on the bench until after 10 a.m. I also learned how to run in heels.
The Criminal Code does not explicitly list mitigating factors which judges should use to determine the fair sentence in a particular case.
In his response Young also recommends that the extent to which judges depart from the guidelines should be monitored, and says that access to reliable data is essential to permit forecasting about the likely effect of sentencing guidelines on the prison population.
From the moment they enter law school lawyers have a hierarchical view of the profession in which judges are «above» and somehow «the boss of» lawyers — a truly unfortunate misconception that can lead to excessive reticence when it comes to the important duty of improving the administration of justice.
Across the country, there have been some substantial, high - profile awards in cases in which judges found constitutional violations against owners.
But there are least two points of which judges should be aware.
I still have workshops every now and then in which judges and ministry officials hint that asking the customers and making their views public could infringe judicial independence or the democratic process.
This is in contrast with the common law tradition, in which judges can create new law.
In her speech to Association of Lawyers for Children in November 2015 (available on the Supreme Court website) she explained the variable way in which judges approach this task.
The consideration being urged is similar to the Gladue report, which judges, defence counsel, or Crown Attorneys are able to request during pre-sentencing or bail hearings of Aboriginal offenders.
Then do you really know which judges may be more receptive to your case (whether it is a case for victory or mercy)?
[74] Publicly accessible records of this Court demonstrate that the failure to implement and adhere to an objective protocol for the random assignment of judges has resulted in significant discrepancies in both the number of sentencing panels on which some judges of the Court sit and a marked difference in the number of sentence appeals heard by certain justices of the Court as compared with their colleagues.
The Trump administration's crackdown on illegal immigration extends to increased opposition to administrative case closures in which judges indefinitely pause lower - priority deportation cases.
Rather, it merely proves that the different regional federal appellate courts follow somewhat different rules governing the order in which the judges on the three - judge panel that decided the case are listed on an opinion.
Monica Bay also describes the results for «Most Innovative Use of Technology by a Law Firm,» in which the judges selected Hogan & Hartson, specifically citing its CIO, William Gregory.
Referring to previous class action decisions in which judges had considered time spent and risks incurred before approving fees of up to 25 %, Justice Belobaba concludes that a one - third contingency fee is presumptively valid and should only be departed from in exceptional circumstances.
So, let's talk about accountability whenever we can, and point out ways in which judges are the most accountable of public servants.
Premonition is an Artificial Intelligence system that mines Big Data to find out which Attorneys usually win before which Judges.
But the 2011 effort had a handicap this one does not — it was a judicial review, in which judges must give deference to the tribunal.
At first there's even a playful element about the computerized regenerative - braking coach, which judges the driver's ability to recover energy during every full stop and displays it on the dashboard as a percentage of potential.
LONDON, 26 January, 2018 — The Doomsday Clock, which judges the threat to world peace and the environment, has advanced significantly, with nuclear weapons and climate change held largely responsible.
Paris is no longer a perpetual obsession, — the absolute norm by which he judges everything he sees.
For some dogs, the academy will be practice for the surf dog competition on June 22, in which judges score up to 40 pups on confidence level, length of ride and overall ability to «grip it and rip it.»
When judges choose a dog only based on one or two good qualities, it encourages breeders to only breed for those qualities which judges are awarding in the show ring.
Yes, we are talking about dog shows here, where overall physical appearance is the main aspect on which the judges focus!
Joel continues to write his own posts once a week and host a monthly Carnival of the Indies and a book cover contest, which he judges.
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