Sentences with phrase «which kinds of objects»

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Two of her close friends, actor Matthew Montgomery and rapper Sirah, posted the same photo with Lovato — apparently at some kind of bar or club — in which Lovato's hand appears to be clutched around an invisible object.
When it comes to «storyland,» which is where beliefs, theories, theologies, and ever other kind of narrative we tell ourselves and each other, atheists object to the ridiculousness of the Christian story.
7 What Lynch objects to is two kinds of imagination, the univocal and the equivocal, the one which flattens out all the density and variety of historical complexity through the imposition of an idea (the allegorical and didactic mentalities) and the other which sees everything as completely diverse and unrelated to anything else (the fideistic and the autonomous mentalities).
Over and above the «special relevance» which selected eternal objects may have in relation to particular, finite actual entities, it is necessary that there be a kind of «relevance in general,» a real togetherness of all eternal objects amongst themselves, effected by an eternal, infinite actuality: «Transcendent decision includes God's decision.
He then utilized terminology that for decades informed the basic stance of process theology on the nature of true power, though, as we shall see, that is open to challenge: God «persuades the world by an act of suffering with the kind of power which leaves its object free to respond in humility and love.»
He points to the crucial distinction between growth - inhibiting and growth - enabling religion: «There is no one without a religious need, need to have a frame of orientation and an object of devotion... The question is not religion or not but which kind of religion, whether it is one furthering man's [sic]
I object to Stanton Jones» use of the words homosexuality and heterosexuality as equivalent descriptions of different kinds of sexual behavior, because doing so ignores the facts that 1) «heterosexuality» is the result of the allocation of genetic material at conception that determines which reproductive organs people are born with» male or female» and 2) «homosexuality» is sexual action by people who are heterosexual.
It requires a theological fascism to justify this kind of arbitrary use of power by God; for the view to which Khayyám and Hartshorne object, in the divine case, at least, might makes right.
As there thus seems to be no one elementary religious emotion, but only a common storehouse of emotions upon which religious objects may draw, so there might conceivably also prove to be no one specific and essential kind of religious object, and no one specific and essential kind of religious act.
This kind of Protestantism needs an object against which it dissents for its own identity.
Just as with color perceptions, time also seems to belong to those objects which constitute a kind of limiting case in the domain of possible explanations.
He persuades the world by an act of suffering love with the kind of power which leaves its object free to respond in humility and love.
The sense of the kind of object to which the surrender is made has much to do with determining the precise complexion of the joy; and the whole phenomenon is more complex than any simple formula allows.
This is why I for one object to the kind of discussion which presumes that the preaching function is in itself a prophetic one.
There is first a kind of christological scheme, in which Jesus is a divine or more - than - human object of faith.
The philosophical idea of substance arises from reflection about the kinds of objects with which we are surrounded: houses and cars, sticks and stones, planets and stars, chairs and tables.
Ordinary objects of our experience, such as rocks and tables, are composed of many strands of enduring objects; and the story of planetary evolution focuses on the careers of incredibly complex organisms which may be analyzed into societies with sub-societies of many kinds.
is only muddled — what he means is, «The only kind of «subject» I'm willing to believe in is one which really is an «object.»»
Sincerity is one kind of truthfulness — namely, that in which the object is true to itself, or in which its full actuality is consistent with its initial and external appearance.
But theology is differentiated from other kinds of intellectual activity by being the reflection that goes on in the Church; it is therefore the kind of thinking that is directed toward God and man - before - God as its objects and which is guided by the love of God and neighbor.
This looks like my favorite everything personified (< - just realized that's kind of weird to say about an inanimate object...), which I guess is just yet another way of saying that I like ooey - gooey super-duper chocolate things.
It is any kind of exercise in which the muscles strain and tense against an immovable object or each other for a few seconds without movement.
Jeff Skeen of Full90 Sports talks about and the role of protective headgear in reducing the risk of concussion and the difference between concussions, which occur as a result of contact between a player's head and a hard object (another player's head, the ground or the goalpost), and the kinds of brain injuries which can occur as a result of repeated heading of a soccer ball.
In the second half of last year the blazar CTA 102, which is 7,600 million light years from Earth, brightened considerably, drawing the attention of all the astronomers who specialise in this kind of objects.
In order to determine its origin, Italian scientists took a tiny sample from the blade and compared the proportion of lead isotope — a kind of «finger print» of the ore deposits which remains unchanged in any objects subsequently made from the ore — with the corresponding data from numerous mineral deposits in Europe and the entire Mediterranean region.
Other experiments are now under way in Magdeburg in which test participants are sent on an unusual kind of scavenger hunt: they are assigned the task of finding objects concealed in a computer - generated landscape which is pictured on a large screen.
In a typical individual, the EEG records a spike in electrical activity about 170 milliseconds after she sees a face — which previous studies have found corresponds to the moment of recognizing a face over some other kind of object.
Then, based on that information, we build a strategy with the help of search - planning software called the Search and Rescue Optimal Planning System (SAROPS), which simulates the trajectory of various kinds of objects as they drift.
For measuring distances to astronomical objects, one uses a kind of «ladder» of different methods; each method goes only to a limited distance, and each method which goes to a larger distance builds (in general, but not always) on the data of the method (s) before.
The problem, of course, stems from the fact that with the exception of active black holes — which are surrounded with a bright accretion disk — it is kind of hard to hunt down objects that do not allow even light to escape their gravitational pull.
There was a way in which bridal culture was so over the top, so stacked with glittering objects that it felt like a kind of hysterical drag, the relief of stepping out of myself and into a character who only had to care about being pretty.
It's set in the Los Angeles fashion world, and it's the kind of movie in which models look like mannequins that look like slasher - film corpses, and corpses look like love objects.
Year 6 Science Assessments and Tracking Objectives covered: Describe how living things are classified into broad groups according to common observable characteristics and based on similarities and differences, including micro-organisms, plants and animals Give reasons for classifying plants and animals based on specific characteristics Identify and name the main parts of the human circulatory system, and describe the functions of the heart, blood vessels and blood Recognise the impact of diet, exercise, drugs and lifestyle on the way their bodies function Describe the ways in which nutrients and water are transported within animals, including humans Recognise that living things have changed over time and that fossils provide information about living things that inhabited the Earth millions of years ago Recognise that living things produce offspring of the same kind, but normally offspring vary and are not identical to their parents Identify how animals and plants are adapted to suit their environment in different ways and that adaptation may lead to evolution Recognise that light appears to travel in straight lines Use the idea that light travels in straight lines to explain that objects are seen because they give out or reflect light into the eye Explain that we see things because light travels from light sources to our eyes or from light sources to objects and then to our eyes Use the idea that light travels in straight lines to explain why shadows have the same shape as the objects that cast them Associate the brightness of a lamp or the volume of a buzzer with the number and voltage of cells used in the circuit Compare and give reasons for variations in how components function, including the brightness of bulbs, the loudness of buzzers and the on / off position of switches Use recognised symbols when representing a simple circuit in a diagram
Once they're comfortable with the way that one thinking routine has worked in their classroom, they can branch out and focus on different kinds of inquiry, like Here Now / There Then, which could be used in a civics class to help students understand how past perspectives change over time; or Parts, Purpose, Complexities, which encourages observation and understanding of art objects or mechanical systems.
Such study shall encompass the extent to which other programs administered by the Secretary do or might contribute to the objectives set forth in clauses (1) and (2) of the preceding sentence and the method by which all such programs can be coordinated at Federal, State, and local levels with those carried out under this ACT to the end that individuals with the most severe handicaps are assured of receiving the kinds of assistance necessary for them to achieve such objects.
To ensure this kind of devastation never occurs again, Topspeed suggests that the Distronic plus system found on the Mercedes S - Class which applies the brakes automatically when it detects an object at a close proximity, should be installed on the roof of the truck's cabin, facing upward.
According to Merriam - Webster, a metaphor is «a figure of speech in which a word or phrase literally denoting one kind of object or idea is used in place of another to suggest a likeness or analogy between them.»
I wish to persuade women to endeavor to acquire strength, both of mind and body, and to convince them that the soft phrases, susceptibility of heart, delicacy of sentiment, and refinement of taste, are almost synonymous with epithets of weakness, and that those beings are only the objects of pity, and that kind of love which has been termed its sister, will soon become objects of contempt.
Eventually found it was only available on the adults profile page, which kind of defeats the object.
The second issue studied in this volume is related to the ontology of the work of art: Written or visual artworks are a specific type of objects, containing particular kinds of representation which elicit a par...
It is principally when their owner is in the room that the dog's behaviour becomes this alternating gaze - at - the - person - and - then - the - object, which is repeated until they get some kind of response.
Dogs which suffer from this kind of obsession can not resist any shadow and reflections, especially when those are moving, and tend to chase and catch the «objects».
You also need to set up bases, which can be easily done with any kind of colorful objects, such as upside - down buckets.
The other kind of «problem» eating is the kind that makes absolutely no sense at all and can include, rocks, hair bands and pieces of metal — in other words dogs may sometimes eat objects which they don't necessarily see as food at all.
Traversing from object to object is also fun to look at with a kind of fast travel effect in place which never gets old.
In any case, this set includes Klei Entertainment (of Eets fame) discussing how to pitch games, as well as the great recent Wired article on the Nine Inch Nails ARG and the very odd Fenix Cube, which looks suspiciously like the kind of object we're meant to be playing games with in the 23rd Century, according to beardy futurologists:
It was like back in the day when you played a point and click adventure game where the clues where usually objects that light up when you got close or hovered the mouse over it, forcing your brain to click it instead of giving your brain a challenge and let you look for clues and Murdered: Soul Suspect does the whole light - up means important ordeal which kind of breaks both the illusion and the interest for me to put any thought into what I am currently finding.
If you don't know what that is, it's a kind of matching game in which the coloured objects you're trying to match are snaking into the screen on a winding channel.
Added a Currency Exchange object, which allows players to passively sell / buy currency of any kind, transferring between currencies.
What complements the set of gameplay variants available, is the Joyride mode, which offers different kinds of challenges, such as time trials or those requiring the player to destroy objects for instance.
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