Sentences with phrase «which knowers»

Part of the impetus for the idea of divine relativity comes from Hartshorne's interpretation of the Thomistic theory of knowledge in which the knower is in an internal cognitive relation to the known.
An object is that which has the relationship of being known by a subject - which Knower in the final analysis is the Mind of God, in whose image our own minds are made.

Not exact matches

Later the idea gained ground that we can not «speak of nature apart from human perception in the historical development of knowledge», that all knowledge is «a creative interaction between the known and the knower» and that therefore there is no System of scientific knowledge or of technology which does not have the subjective purposes and faith - presuppositions of humans built into it.
The knower, to be sure, must enter with his whole being into what he knows; he must bring unabridged into the act of knowing the experience which his binding with the situation presents him.
There are differences, secondly, as to the nature of the subject, which is variously regarded as pure consciousness, will to life, will to power, the scientific observer, or the intuitive knower.
Only I - Thou sees this wholeness as the whole person in unreasoned relation with what is over against him rather than as a sum of parts, some of which are labeled objective and hence oriented around the thing known and some subjective and hence oriented around the knower.
I Let us follow John Wilcox in defining temporalistic or process theism as any theism which portrays God as an experiencing subject, the knower of temporal processes, whose knowledge is itself subject to growth, expanding along with the growth in temporal reality which is the object of that knowledge (2:295 a).
What they miss is that at the heart of this semantic and of the very success of language as a communal project is a relationship of the knower with that which is distinct from him, the objective realm.
Not only because they can only be known if they are brought together by this one cognition under definite common formal principles, but also9 because cognition rightly understood is not simply the conscious taking cognizance by a knower of an object which confronts the process of cognition in a completely external and uninvolved way.
The issue of the structure of experience is often discussed as a choice between two epistemological theories: «realism» (in which «the known creates the knower» or the noetic pole depends on the ontic) and «idealism» (in which «the knower creates the known» or the ontic pole depends on the noetic).
For the denial of factors which are accessible to any knower represents a sheer negation and thus amounts to a denial of know - ability itself, as well as of meaning.
Expulsion of the human subject from nature is implied in the scientific method of knowing which puritanically (one is tempted to say Gnostically) segregates the human knower from nature, and in the materialism, mechanism, or «hard naturalism,» which follows from a severe logical divorce of physical reality from mental reality.
There does seem to be something fundamentally wrong with activity exclusively determined by the pursuit of power, or claims to «know» which simply reflect the imposition of the perspective of the knower upon the object known.
Surely each one knoweth his prayer and his hallowing; and Allah is the Knower of that which they do.
I thank Michael Knower for his insightful «on - the - ground» report as a palliative care physician in Oregon, which affords him firsthand experience with the adverse effects of the law permitting assisted suicide.
Some key features of the transformed functional role which Whitehead gives to feeling emerge in the context of his treatment of the distinction between subject and object, knower and known.
or rather, a few hours ahead of this announcement, The Guardian informs that the BEST team has found there was a 1.5 C temp increase during the past 250 years, laregly man made, and which turned Muller from a sceptic to a believer, or rather «knower».
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