Sentences with phrase «which leads to stress»

The term Adverse Childhood experience (ACEs) refers to a range of events that a child can experience, which leads to stress and can result in trauma and chronic stress responses.
Hamsters often get confused which leads to stress.
This ill health condition can deteriorate the pet health which leads to stress and laziness.
In the cat, thyroid disease usually involves an over active gland (hyperthyroidism), which leads to stress on the heart and other organs.
Part of the problem is that many cats aren't touched on their feet very often, which leads to stress.
It has been a difficult few months for me stress-wise, too, which is kinda like one of those continuous loops, stress leads to poor decisions, which leads to stress and on and on!!
People visualize their future more than they think, but most people tend to see negative occurrences, which leads to stress, worry and anxiety.

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The study, which was published in the September issue of Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, also indicated that one's perception of available time led powerful people to be, in general, less stressed.
Yet, «at the same time, when you understand what really led to the severity of the financial stress in the U.S., which actually went global in 2008 and 2009, it was related to a number of factors that are not present in Canada,» she said.
All those undone items lead to stress and insomnia because of the Zeigarnik effect, which in essence means that uncompleted tasks will stay on your mind until you finish them.
One 20 - year study of workplace environments found that those cultures that lacked supportive relationships increased the risk of mortality by 240 percent, which makes sense when you consider that chronic stress is a leading contributor to premature death.
In the long term stress also leads to health problems like hypertension and is associated with chronic health conditions like diabetes — all of which add up in both healthcare costs and lost productivity during illness.
This can end up stressing your body out even more, which can lead to weight gain, insomnia, and damage to the immune system, he said.
Non-fiction tends to encourage projection into the future, which will lead to an increase in stress hormones with the ability to deter sleep and affecting your ability to be successful the next day.
PsyBlog sums up one study on the subject which entailed showing some research participants a video on the idea that stress can be enhancing: «This led to them reporting better performance at work and fewer psychological problems over the subsequent two weeks.
For example, a recent study by Lee, the KAIST professor, found that people who turn to their smartphones for «mood adjustment purposes,» such as to relieve boredom, stress or depression, may form a habit of using their phones for those objectives, which can lead to addictive behaviors.
The American Heart Association has been leading the charge to get companies to adopt a Comprehensive Workplace Wellness Program, which is designed to reduce employee stress and inactivity, and encourage better eating habits.
Likewise, nearly all of our challenges during the advancing half - cycle since 2009 can be traced to my 2009 decision to stress - test our market return / risk classification methods against Depression - era data, which inadvertently led us to overemphasize «overvalued, overbought, overbullish» syndromes that had reliably warned of market losses in prior market cycles across history.
Losing your income can put serious stress on you family, which could lead to divorce at worst and resentment at the least.
This is probably a healthier situation for plant growth in that an oversupply of a nutrient such as nitrogen can lead to lush, succulent tissue growth which is more vulnerable to fungal and bacterial entry, more appealing to some insects, and more prone to stress injury from heat, cold, or drought.
Is clear that they are under stress, suffering from anxiety which can lead to Mass hysteria even Panic.
Moynihan's thinking on this was influenced by his own experiences of deprivation and the Catholic doctrine of subsidiarity which led him to put particular stress on the importance of families in alleviating poverty.
During and after the Exile, the struggle of the Jews against being assimilated by paganism so coerced them into stressing their differentials and, as always in such a case, so led them to stress obvious peculiarities which are external, that Judaism emerged into a new era of accentuated legalism and ritualism.
I never count calories because somehow it messes with my mind and leads to feelings of deprivation which equal stress which in turn make me want unhealthy foods.
By giving one's body the sleep it needs to perform optimally, individuals are able to give 100 % of themselves in all of their relationships which helps relieve stress, maintains positive mental health and leads to a more balanced work / leisure lifestyle.
This exceptional food offers antioxidant and anti-inflammatory protection to your cells, preventing DNA damage caused by free radicals and reduces oxidative stress which leads to premature aging.
After all, dressing rooms are not always harmonious places; a group of researchers led by Mark Nesti flagged up «antagonism from other teammates, especially those who are not currently in the starting team» as one of several «critical moments» during which professional footballers might experience stress levels sufficiently high as to cause mental health issues.
That creates more stress, which often feeds into behavior problems, which leads, in the classroom, to stigmatization and punishment, which keeps their stress levels elevated, which makes it still harder to concentrate — and so on, and so on, throughout elementary school.
Through its effects on the prefrontal cortex, neglect leads to impairment of the stress - response system, which in turn leads to emotional, behavioral, and social difficulties both in childhood and later in life.
If children are left to develop while out of balance or alignment, this can lead to stress on their nervous system which can lead to future health problems.
Heartbreak is a real thing — studies indicate the stress of a breakup can cause what's known as broken heart syndrome, or the slightly less sexy takotsubo cardiomyopathy (named unromantically after a Japanese octopus trap), which can lead to death.
Studies have shown that among the many effects of physical abuse are depression, anxiety, cognitive and learning difficulties, even a lowering of IQ (especially verbal IQ), disordered sleep, flashbacks, loss of empathy, aggressive behavior, chronically high stress levels which can lead to chronic health effects such as high blood pressure and increased risk of cardiovascular disease, and inability to maintain relationships.
When parents (especial the mother) are anxious and tense, then baby may become tense too, which can lead to more stress - inducing crying spells.
Crying unattended for an extended period of time increases the secretion of stress hormones (cortisol), which can lead, to an over activated adrenaline response and may damage early neurodevelopment.
Lugging around a giant bulky stroller and car seat on and off a subway is a nearly impossible task which can lead to a great deal of stress.
Mothers that are stressed out produce stress hormones which cross the placenta and lead to the babies they are carrying to become stressed as well.
After all, stress about potty training can lead a child to hold it in, which can cause constipation, and ultimately pain when pooping.
Being out of balance between work and personal lives often leads to stress and anxiety which manifest themselves in angry outbursts.
Noncompliance creates stress, which leads to fussing and tantrums — from both of you.
Tronick's research elucidates the mechanism by which stress gets into the body and brain, leading us in turn to appropriate preventive interventions.
Unfortunately for some, this uptick in weight may already be putting stress on the leg muscles, which can lead to cramps.
Stress, anxiety and tension can alter your body's hormonal balance, which can lead to a delayed or missed period.
And whatever you do, remain calm: If your child senses stress, a power struggle might ensue, warns Dr. Levine and that can lead to your child chronically withholding stool which can be very painful.
This will lead to you laughing hysterically, which is good for your mood, your mental state, lowering your stress, and overall well - being.
For mothers who have not had previous experience in taking care of a new born feelings of inadequacy and anxiety may lead to stress which may trigger postpartum depression.
When you're pregnant, you might experience a lot more stress, anxiety, or feelings of overwhelming anticipation, which could lead to more intense dreams and even nightmares.
Unrealistic expectations can put significant pressure on a child and cause a great deal of frustration and stress which can lead to aggressive behaviors as well as conflict in your parent / child relationship.
This can lead to feelings of guilt and stress which ultimately makes your transition to motherhood even harder.
Excess crying in an infant leads to chronic stress and anxiety in their little bodies which, just as is the case with chronic stress in a pregnant woman, can result in a hormonal responses that can intervene with the baby's neural development.
Reduced sleep leads to extra stress, which in turn causes breakouts.
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