Sentences with phrase «which leads to suffocation»

Not exact matches

People like Miller and Gilgoff are uncomfortable with ambiguity or difference - precisely because they want fascistic control over the thoughts of others - which leads me to believe they want the power or control that goes with ACTIVE SUFFOCATION of difference or diversity, which leads me, again, to align them with fascistic ideology...
Research studies show the main problem is extra bedding in the crib, which can lead to suffocation.
Add to that the fact that if the collar is loose or the clothing is too large, the collar can slip up over the baby's mouth and nose, which could possibly lead to suffocation.
For example, you could be wrapping your baby too tightly or too loosely, which could lead to any of the above - listed issues, such as hip dysplasia, overheating, and suffocation.
They thrash their little hands and kick their little feet, and if the blanket that's being used for swaddling isn't secure, your baby can easily push it over her face, which can lead to suffocation.
While frills, too many layers, and oversized clothing can increase the risk of suffocation and lead to SIDS, high collars have the potential to cause strangulation, which can also lead to SIDS.
A baby can slip out, Goodstein points out, or put his face up against one, which can lead to suffocation.
Children love to hide and they can easily put the bag over their head which in turn can lead to suffocation.
Both of these positions can lead to suffocation, which can happen within minutes.
So they're offering advice on how to reduce the risk of bed sharing with infants, which includes removing loose bedding that could lead to suffocation.
What bothers me is that bedsharing gets promoted in some circles as being inherently protective against SIDS, which leads to a really cavalier attitude in those circles to the need to create a safer bedsharing environment (because any advice on how to prevent accidental suffocation is obviously just a conspiracy by Big Crib to demonise bedsharing).
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