Sentences with phrase «which living organisms»

Aging itself is a system - wide movement towards chemical equilibrium (away from the highly regulated far - from - equilibrium state) and as such is an imbalance from which all living organisms suffer.
In the early seventeenth century the conviction had grown that these wholes, of which living organisms were the paradigm instances, were not integral wholes but were rather composites, strictly aggregates — which is to say that they were wholes which were no more than the sum of their constituents.
They contrast their position with those who seek to find in every detail of nature evidence for deterministic design in which living organisms are compared with contrivances such as a watch, which a watchmaker designs and makes.
In this stage, education consists of tapping the creativity of which any living organism, anything actual at all, is an instance; it is the stimulation of the restless, ceaseless striving that characterizes life itself.
The average healthy adult person exhales about 40,000 ppm with each breath, because it is a by - product of the Krebs cycle by which every living organism converts nutrients to energy — ATP.

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Cross says that as the oceans absorb more carbon dioxide, the more acidic the water becomes, which hurts marine life and makes it harder for organisms to grow skeletons and build shells.
Bolt is only one startup using such technologies, which let scientists reengineer the genetics of living organisms to make products ranging from food sweeteners to «leather» to woodlike composites.
The evidence is simply overwhelming and of various different types: the fossil record, the genetic code, experimental confirmations, structures in living organisms which are of no current use but once were, faulty «designs» that are explained by «blind evolution» but that no sentient being would create, predictions that are tested based one the hypothesis it has occurred etc..
How a nerve comes to be sensitive to light, hardly concerns us more than how life itself originated; but I may remark that, as some of the lowest organisms in which nerves can not be detected, are capable of perceiving light, it does not seem impossible that certain sensitive elements in their sarcode should become aggregated and developed into nerves, endowed with this special sensibility.»
To the contrary, it is more fantastic than we can imagine — hundreds of billions (trillions) of galaxies with hundreds of billions (trillions) of stars, nearly all of which have planets, some right for life; planets so hot that they rain glass; stars made of diamonds; the lineage of animals from singled celled organisms to the incredible variety that exists today with their unique adaptations.
The consensus on the evolution of primitive life is that simple life forms (prokaryotes, organisms whose cells lack a distinct nucleus) inhabited the Earth about 3 - 4 billion years ago, eukaryotic cells (those with a nucleus which contains the genetic material) emerging 2 - 3 billion years ago.
Many of its adherents refuse to acknowledge the sanctity and equality of human life, instead taking the so - called «quality of life» approach, which determines the moral value of each organism — whether human, animal, or plant — by measuring its individual cognitive capacities.
When human and non-human organisms are studied, it is usually in isolation from the environments in which they live and with which they interact.
That is, he can (and observably he often does) elect to live in self - contained ways, denying his drive towards fulfillment in manhood, failing to share in rich commonalty with his fellows, seeking satisfactions which are so partial, limited, and defective that they impede and damage his basic drive as a total personal organism — an organism which is on the way to realization of its richest and widest possibilities.
You can not have the formation of crystals, you can not have the formation of living organisms, unless you are in a universe in which the entropy is increasing.
There is also a significant programmatic statement, similar in intent with the analogy of organism, which proposes that matter, life, and mind are the «dominant characteristics» of the universe and each has universal applicability (SB 131).
I celebrate this diversity which testifies that the Church is a living organism and not just a dead edifice.
For example, Michael Polanyi has written that living organisms contain and transmit information, which in principle can not be explained solely by reference to the laws that govern its physical and chemical embodiment.
Specimens of that species may be up to 100,000 years of age, e.g., see the 2012 article «Portuguese scientists discover world's oldest living organism» at or see the February 2012 paper, «Implications of Extreme Life Span in Clonal Organisms: Millenary Clones in Meadows of the Threatened Seagrass Posidonia oceanica» on which the news article was based, which is available online at the PLOS ONE website at
This question will be used as a searchlight in exploring the untapped resources for wholeness which exist so abundantly in that living, interpersonal organism which is the local church.
EVOLUTION: the process by which different kinds of living organisms are thought to have developed and diversified from earlier forms during the history of the earth.
(4) Humans are neither soul alone, nor mind alone, nor body alone, but organisms compounded of soul - mind - body; in Christian language, «We are made of the dust of the earth and that dust has had breathed into it the life which is given by God.»
Whitehead did not speculate on the precise location of memory within the animal organism, but the most plausible extension of his theory suggests rather that memories are maintained for the soul by other occasions, thereby freeing the soul for its adventure into novelty.2 The way in which the conscious ego draws upon the ocean of unconscious feeling which sustains it may well reflect the way the soul draws upon other living occasions.
In an earlier chapter we stressed the Christian teaching that each of us is a compound and complex organism of material stuff, and of intellectual, emotional, cognative, and valuational powers, all of which are necessary for full life in this world.
Similarly, the aims for most living occasions include no (or few) hybrid prehensions, whereas the aim for a dominant occasion in an animal organism is heavily weighted toward hybrid prehensions of past dominant occasions, which in the case of higher organisms jointly constitute the soul or living person.
The term «primordial soup» refers to the liquid in which the proteins and most basic enzymes could interact and eventually create the first cells, and the first living organisms.
In pointing out that there are aspects of living organisms for which design is the only rational explanation, ID theory in no sense excludes or precludes the possibility that design was required elsewhere in the organism.
He points out that in between the material on the one hand and the mental on the other «there lie the concepts of life, organism, function, instantaneous reality, interaction, order of nature, which collectively form the Achilles» heel of the whole system» (84).
Man, the living organism, is a structured society which includes subordinate societies and nexus with a definite pattern of structural interrelations.
(Cf. the phenomenon of the «runners» at first connected with the mother plant and then separated from it; the fluid transition between various plants and animals which appear to be one; the germ - cell inside and outside the parent organism, etc.) Living forms which present what are apparently very great differences in space and time can ontologically have the same morphological principle, so that enormous differences of external form can derive from the material substratum and chance patterns of circumstance without change of substantial form (caterpillar - chrysalis butterfly).
All living creatures are organisms or living systems, the essential components of which are carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen and oxygen.
A full appreciation of the whole eco-system has led some, such as James Lovelock with the Gaia hypothesis, to describe the earth itself in terms of an organism, of which the biosphere is the living skin in the same way as bark is the living skin of the tree.
All living organisms not only possess an internal living system but also constitute with their environment a larger living system, which could be called a «life field».
Developments in the «new biology,» which deals with wholes of increasing complexity in the organization of interrelated parts rather than with discrete and isolated segments, especially in molecular biology and the growing field of ecology, with its discoveries about the basic interdependence of living organisms with other living organisms and with its larger environmental context, have further undermined these traditions assumptions.
The continuing life of each species depends upon the preservation of a delicate balance between the organism and the environment which supports it.
This transformed human community forms a living organism, a biological phenomenon which we conceive to be the next stage in the emergent evolution of the world, and the incarnation of the divine Word.
«What we have described as globalization is remarkably close to Teilhard de Chardin's planetization, in which «[mankind, born on this planet and spread over its entire surface, come [s] gradually to form round its earthly matrix, a single, major, organic unity, enclosed upon itself.4 Thus the globalization of humankind could lead to the formation of a new kind of living entity — a social organism — on the same cosmic principle as that by which atoms join to form molecules, molecules join to form mega-molecules, mega-molecules unite to form living cells, and innumerable cells constitute an organism.
Looking at our universe, we observe the stable laws of physics, the scientifically measurable and predictable qualities of matter, the ordered relationships of organisms to their environment and the process we call «evolution» by which living things develop.
Any answer which we think we can give is an answer of an entirely different kind from that which we can give in the case of a man - made machine or the parts of a living organism.
But although certain non-living systems, of which the thunderstorm is such a striking example, do show what we can call «organismal characters,» this property is nowhere found in so high a degree as it is in living organisms.
Birch and Cobb maintain that the ecological model is more adequate than the mechanical model for explaining DNA, the cell, other biological subject matter (as well as subatomic physics), because it holds that living things behave as they do only in interaction with other things which constitute their environment (LL 83) and because «the constituent elements of the structure at each level (of an organism) operate in patterns of interconnectedness which are not mechanical» (LL 83).
Ayala is at pains to show that the evidence for evolutionary theory is overwhelming, and that it provides a sensible framework in which to do biology, explaining many of the characteristics of livings organisms and their interrelation.
Teilhard envisions that the processive realization in history of the atonement actualized in Christ will proceed to a threshold of sudden change, much like the «quantum leap» in which life first emerged on earth, and there will emerge a total humanity newly unified into an «organism» about Christ, the center of centers (PM 288ff.).
As Whitehead allowed cognition to be grounded in real prehensions, which occur between a subject and its object world, so also it was for Piaget: the «epistemic» subject, as an organism, previously an «open system» which simply lives in interaction with its environment, acts — and finally, thinks (BC 477).
Hence, I will only point out very briefly some of the ways in which Whitehead's metaphysical ideas, and his related understanding of the objects of physics, form a foundation for seeing inorganic, living, and conscious organisms within one scheme of thought.
RS: According to the hypothesis of formative causation, outlined in my book A New Science of Life, systems such as molecules, crystals, cells, organs and organisms are organized by specific morphogenetic fields, which give them their characteristic form and organization.
And as the dying process of an organism can stretch over some time, so the demise of a social organism which has enjoyed a life span of some 1,500 years may be a lengthy process.
As a body is an organism made up of many members, and it is held together by one soul, so, in my opinion, the whole world is a kind of huge and immense living creature which is united by one soul, namely the power and reason of God.
But there are also societies of occasions (live organisms for example) in which there is a pronounced element of non-conformity to the past.
That is to say, the whole of existence, including inanimate matter, living organisms, and «mind,» arises in a single ground, in which these are all enfolded, or contained implicitly.
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