Sentences with phrase «which means all of the things»

Not exact matches

Which means this uptick in Art of the Deal - style pushiness — if it's a real phenomenon — probably isn't a good thing for the men employing it, their negotiating partners, or their companies.
They understand that achieving great things means getting more done, taking excellent care of their bodies and thinking in ways which promote greatness.
Millennials in particular «really want to constantly learn new things, so give them lots of stretch assignments — which doesn't just mean piling on more work.
The fact is, stories on Apple products inevitably get tons of readers, which means a few things.
Enabling the working poor, many of them immigrants (hence the name Tio, which means «uncle» in Spanish), to pay their bills for a low fee and avoid late penalties or service interruptions was simply the right thing to do.
Speaking of fairness suggests to me what makes things feel fair, which tends to mean whatever answer we go with result from a process people feel took their interests into account, which usually means it resulted from a reasonably democratic answer.
The advantage of spinning up a contract means that you've discussed (and hopefully agreed on) key terms, which is a good thing.
I don't think now that they have a majority they're going to all of a sudden rock the boat with Conservative principles, which could mean any number of things in terms of cost - cutting and other policies.
The leaves are changing colour, the nights are drawing in earlier and the weather is getting colder - which means one thing - spiders are heading back indoors to lurk in the darkest corners of your home.
Vlieghe told the committee: «I'm never confident of any forecast, and I think the big thing that we risk missing here is that every time there is what we call a forecast error — which means the outturn is different from the central projection — to think that «Well if only we'd had a better model we wouldn't have made that forecast error.»
Mobile access can mean a variety of things in these days of tablets and smart phones, but for someone who wants to be able to access their live chat almost any time and from any location with Internet access, the best option is Website Alive, which at $ 29.95 a month for the first two operators also makes sound financial sense.
You grew up in a time when you had access to only what was within your proximity — which meant as the world expanded (and more rapidly with the internet), you were left with a feeling of «I remember when things were simple.»
Instead of the meaner word «declutter,» which devalues things of importance into a broad messy pile, Kumar suggests you «liberate» things that are no longer serving your priorities from Step 1.
They've grown up in the world of digital shopping and can shop the way they want at the price they want, which means that things like free shipping are now table - stakes, not premium offerings.
Vertical integration means we have to be good at lots of things which is hard.
For one thing, most of the world's bikes are made in China, which means they can go directly from the factory warehouse to the streets.
As Scotiabank mentioned in a note last week: «Higher interest rates are going to make the burden of refinancing the debt considerably heavier, and as more money goes into servicing the debt, it means less money is available to spend on other things, which could lead to less infrastructure spending and increased austerity.»
We know that the market does these things because that is what it means for the market to clear, but the answers it provides will vary according to the institutions, including moral values, that form part of the system within which it operates.
I know which camp you fit into but I mean have you considered just trying to pick one specific thing and really going after it or this kind of words is based on maybe you've even getting bored of doing the same thing all the time?
The Second Amendment is a contentious issue, because it means different things to different people and has, over the years, even meant different things to the Supreme Court of which Stevens used to count himself a member.
I should note that in general I designed the application for myself and my own style of trading, which means that some features you might expect are missing: no sector / factor attribution for stock pickers, no attribution stats for credit pickers, daily - frequency calculation of things like MAE / MFE (so any intraday trades will show zero MAE / MFE), and no options - specific analytics.
This offer is for people with a good to excellent credit history which means, among other things, that your credit history is clear of bankruptcy and seriously delinquent accounts
At SEO Hacker, we perform every single thing manually, from writing the blog posts to building links, which means that it may take us a bit longer (typically 6 months) to rank on the first page of Google.
The new NFL season is now very much on the horizon, which means one thing for American football fans — a new instalment of the sport's go - to video game, Madden.
Almost half of those disengagements — 51 — were because of a «software discrepancy,» which can mean a lot of things but generally that the brain of the car isn't doing exactly what it's supposed to do.
As suggested by Forbes, the first thing which could send Bitcoin skyrocketing is increased adoption as a conventional currency — meaning as both a store of value and medium of exchange.
I think I agree, of course he says only a part, which could mean do other things now, wait 8 years when rates might be better and buy annuity then.
«It means reversing this long time economic model, where the state will profit through the economic system at the expense of the consumers and household, and one of the things that the new leadership is intent on doing in order to create consumption is to empower consumers, so they spend more and stop empowering state organizations which are fuelling the overcapacity and the massive debt bubble».
which means I was thinking some things correctly Every month of new dividends flowing in gets me closer to my goals and motivates me to get every dollar working hard for my freedom.
The fact that the demand for credit is distinct from the demand for money, and that the two things can change independently, means, among other things, that interest rates, which adjust to «clear» markets for various kinds of credit, can not also be counted on to «clear» the market for money balances.
HAL has a higher price tag because of it's promise to give you a more luxury atmosphere, which basically means more material things.
The word community means many different things, all of which are vital to a successful Coworking space.
To wit, see Figure 2, which highlights the inverse nature of, well, a lot of things to the U.S. Dollar (a value of 1000 means 100 % correlation and a value of -1000 means a 100 % inverse correlation.Figure 2 — Things that trade inversely to the U.S. Dollar (Courtesy AIQ TradingEthings to the U.S. Dollar (a value of 1000 means 100 % correlation and a value of -1000 means a 100 % inverse correlation.Figure 2 — Things that trade inversely to the U.S. Dollar (Courtesy AIQ TradingEThings that trade inversely to the U.S. Dollar (Courtesy AIQ TradingExpert)
If Instant Preview for ads reduces the number of clicks on ads, this means less direct revenue for Google, which would appear to not be a good thing.
A fun thing to do is to search the presentation for the word «leaned,» which Valeant uses as a transitive verb meaning «fired a bunch of people in.»
In human society this aspiration is expressed by a desire to find significances and uses for things which otherwise have none, assigning meaning to things by virtue of their affinity to other things or personalities available in the natural world.
There were many evil things done in the Name of Jesus Christ, but it is not really to be as surprise, becaue Jesus said that the evil one, which is the devil, will plant his seeds in the midst of God's church, meaning here «The Christendom».
I mean, a philosopher or scientist can talk about any of the things Christians talk bout without using the «wrapper» (transcendence, god, truth, love, etc.), which begs the question, why talk about these things through Christianity at all?
I can question them (which I often have), I can get pissed that God's way of doing things means makes my friendships difficult, and I can tell God «I wouldn't have done it that way» to which He shrugs and says, «I know.
They still have to comply with federal and state laws, which means gays are out, but everyone else has to be considered for employment by the company (the only exceptions to the law are where your religion or other protected status are essential for the job... for example, a Muslim couldn't sue an Episcopalian church who wouldn't hire them in an administrative role because their faith clashes with that of the church — things like that don't apply to a fast food chain).
I think by boycotting and lashing out against them, gays and lesbians are doing the very thing they claim to be victims of, which means their behavior is no better than those they oppose.
Similarly, those in the Church often have the idea that true sanctity means waving bye - bye to the enjoyment of life's good things, and learning to love things which are painful, boring, or painfully boring.
Missouri Synod theologians had traditionally affirmed the inerrancy of the Bible, and, although such a term can mean many things, in practice it meant certain rather specific things: harmonizing of the various biblical narratives; a somewhat ahistorical reading of the Bible in which there was little room for growth or development of theological understanding; a tendency to hold that God would not have used within the Bible literary forms such as myth, legend, or saga; an unwillingness to reckon with possible creativity on the part of the evangelists who tell the story of Jesus in the Gospels or to consider what it might mean that they write that story from a post-Easter perspective; a general reluctance to consider that the canons of historical exactitude which we take as givens might have been different for the biblical authors.
Either they necessitate a deceptive «God», e.g. creating starlight «in transit» which means that for some light the star that supposedly sent said light would never have actually existed, or they would cause effect that should be evident but are not, e.g. temporarily fast starlight would effectively cook many things, such as life on earth, if the required light (and attendant gamma radiation) were compressed into a significantly shorter time frame (think of the radiation from the apparent 13 billion years of the universe arriving at the same time, or even over a 1000 years).
Here's the thing — you can find any number of Stepford-esque church members who will attest that they and the folks they know are «just good people», etc. (and I, too, know many very pleasant and admirable Mormons), but that doesn't address the creepy facts related to the administration of the overall organization (which is by no means a true non-profit, BTW).
Also, I'm sure you mean it as an insult when you say «Xians» instead of Christians, but actually the «X» in things like «X-mas» comes from the Greek letter «chi» (Which is an X) and stands for Christ.
Others (and the article) said he was a systems administrator, which could mean lots of things (they don't say specifically).
We're sending the March issue of FT to the printer today, which means things are busy in the office.
You're obviously not quite right in the head and I view all of your comment with that fact in mind, which means among other things you can't strike anything other than maybe the keys on your keyboard.
And yet what is equally true is that we are each made in the Image of God, which means (among many other things) that our worth as humans is never diminished by our actions.
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