Sentences with phrase «which means the dog»

One in 10 males of this breed is likely to be a cryptorchid (have an undescended testicle, which means the dog should be neutered).
It is called Cão dÁgua in Portugal, which means Dog of Water.
Overnight care includes playing with friends all day, which means your dog will sleep soundly at night.
Which means the dog teeth cleaning cost varies depending on the dog's size.
But, what if that dog's death can sweep through the hearts of enough people that a major change comes about, which means no dog will ever have to suffer in a puppy mill again?
Of course, individual dogs can take on any of the physical characteristics from the parents, which means these dogs can vary in appearance.
Camping also means respecting wildlife and other campers, which means your dog will be on leash or tied up most of the time and will need to keep barking to a minimum.
Food Intolerance The most common problem is food intolerance, or food sensitivity, which means your dog isn't digesting a particular type of food well.
Canine Diabetes Diabete mellitus is characterized by an insulin deficiency, which means the dog's body can not properly metabolize sugars, resulting in too much glucose in the dog's blood and not enough in the dog's cells.
Several studies have shown that consuming more lycopene reduces oxidative stress and bone loss — which means your dog will be less likely to suffer from broken bones or osteoporosis in their twilight years.
Look for puppy foods that are highly digestible, which means your dog processes the calories more efficiently.
Oral disease affects over 80 % of dogs by the time they're three years old, which means a dog dental care program should be a top priority in your regular grooming and health care routine.
They are also calmer and less energetic than younger pets, which means your dog won't waste its energy shredding up its new bed and your cat won't have the desire to overturn all the potted plants in the house.
It does not have independent correction, which means both dogs will need to be on the same correction level or you need to wrap a resistor around one of the collars — I would suspect that this will not be necessary, both those dogs sound like they would be a medium.
It also means that anything more than those first puppy shots is over-vaccination (which means your dog gets all of the risk and none of the benefit)...
The German Shepherd is considered a medium energy dog, which means this dog will benefit from regular daily periods of exercise interspersed with periods of rest and napping.
Expect your Beagle Poodle mix to be a very friendly, playful, and affectionate dog, which means these dogs are perfect family pets.
The fabric edges are also hidden within the frame, which means your dog won't be able to chew them.
Some use the «closed colony» model, which means dogs that are kept solely for blood - donor purposes, like animals kept at a vet school or in a vet clinic.
Veterinarians refer to the 70/30 percent rule, which means a dog who needs to shed excess pounds will tend to lose 70 percent of his calories through cutting back on his food portion and only 30 percent of calorie loss from exercise.
The breed is known in its native land as cao de agua (pronounced kown - d'ahgwa), which means dog of water.
We are a foster - based organization which means our dogs transition from the shelter environment to forever homes through the love and care of fosters.
Also be advised that some of those above mentioned colors can sometimes encounter a condition called color dilute Alopecea, which means these dogs are prone to thinner coats and sometimes hair loss, or they can just have less hair in their coat.
A well mannered dog is not only a pleasure to live with, but is welcomed more places, which means your dog's world will be bigger and more stimulating than the misbehaving canines who are so often left home... Figuring out how your dog best learns means knowing your dog on a whole new level... Gentle, fair, clear and respectful communication based in understanding — which is the basis of positive reinforcement - builds a trusting relationship... In addition to solving any behavior issues you may be having, training can offer a dog guidelines by which to live.
Infected ticks can transmit diseases from one host to another which means dogs, cats and people are susceptible.
The park is completely fenced which means dogs are allowed to run wild without a leash.
You'll notice specifically that hip dysplasia is covered by Healthy Paws, however, there is a 12 month waiting period, which means your dog wouldn't be covered with hip dysplasia until she is 20 months old.
Most prepackaged dog foods are fortified with a variety of supplemental vitamins and minerals, which means your dog will get all he needs.
The alert is passive, which means the dog will tell it's handler that it smells an explosive component by either sitting or laying down as close to the object as possible.
With locations in both Saratoga and Campbell, Dr. Dave's utilizes open daycare, which means dogs are able to socialize and exercise throughout the day, in both indoor and outdoor play areas.
During a transition to a fresh diet, the bacteria and amount of nutrients are different in the intestinal tract, which means dogs may have looser stools, or go to the bathroom more frequently during the transition phase.
These same guests may also leave suitcases or purses within reach of your dog which means your dog might eat someone else's medication, sugarless gum - which often has the ingredient xylitol, highly dangerous to dogs — or who knows what else?
Working on a solid sit command is so important because it helps keep a dog under control, which means the dog gets to do more things.
A dog's skin is also more sensitive than human skin, which means dogs have a higher chance of developing skin problems.
Bee Sting Treatment Summer is near, which means your dog will be spending more time playing outdoors.
Hypothyroidism can deplete your dog of basic nutrients, so it's important that she gets a healthy, balanced diet, which means a dog food that includes a range of fruit and vegetables to provide her with much - needed vitamins and minerals.
The dog days of summer are over, which means the dog days for first - year law students are just around the corner.

Not exact matches

The dog days of Zynga may be over — which means there's ample room for new gaming start - ups to emerge.
Just like people, dogs have different personalities - which means, not all dogs mix well.
He just turned 5 which means he is really 35 in dog years which means he should have already learned how to start picking up his own shit.
My numbers make Seattle a 3 - point dog on the road, which means there's certainly value in the Seahawks.
In addition to fitting this home dog criterion, the Broncos are currently receiving just 23 % of spread wagers which means they could potentially fit our highly profitable 80/20 NFL Betting Rule as well.
Nathan's Hot Dog Eating Contest — It's July 4th in the United States which means way too man hot dogs will be eaten across the nation.
A standard Nathan's hot dog has 280 calories, which means Stonie downed over 17,000 calories in the time it takes to fold my laundry — and that doesn't even include the buns!
i was impressed by coquelin... but in the end he reminds me of gutusso which isnt a bad thing but means he is dogged rather than imperial..
Both of these moneylines are getting < 50 % of tickets despite big favorites, which means I'm fading the trendy dogs again (Man United and Leicester).
That would indicate that bettors taking the Rams are essentially getting a free point, which means the value is on the road dog in this NFC West showdown.
Most dogs don't end up on patios for health code reasons — they tend to be at most patio adjacent, which means that unless the patio is tiny, you can have a patio seat away from the dog.
A standard Nathan's hot dog has 280 calories, which means Chestnut downed nearly 20,000 calories in the time it takes to brew a pot of coffee — and that figure doesn't even include the buns!
In parenthesis, the FA, in its familiar cack - handed way, had made a dog's dinner into enquiring whether Mourinho had called her the daughter of a whore, which it now seems he accepted that he did, engaging a linguist who duly and mistakenly reassured them that the Portuguese word which Mourinho used was filho rather than filha meaning son rather than daughter which in context made no sense at all.
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