Sentences with phrase «which must»

The Bible, the creeds, the sacred traditions are only pointers to God which must be transcended, explored in the light of each new day.
I put it in my stack of books which must be read when I get around to studying hell (Hopefully later this year.)
12 And there is salvation in no one else; for there is no other name under heaven that has been given among men by which we must be saved.»
It is the former, non-scientific views which are socially influential and which must therefore constitute the starting point for our inquiry.
It would never have occurred to Jesus to talk about the «lesser of two evils,»» for to him sin was the supreme evil which must be eradicated root and branch — or to use his own metaphor, eye, hand, and foot (Matt.
This is especially true in the sciences, which must coin words to describe phenomena not previously observed.
I agree that there is holy ground on which we must tread carefully; however, there is a danger in ignoring what is written on a subject just because it is dealing with the infinite.
Within limits, as also for Marx, it is creative and plastic, having no nature to the realization of which it must aspire.
Our English - speaking hostess has three small children — two of them in diapers, which she must wash with boiling water on a portable stove.
But he is not insisting «only» on such teachings, which must be talked about in «context»; they are «clear» and he does not dispute them, but he does not feel the need to talk about them «all the time.»
Somewhat programmatically, the analysis sets the conditions for an adequate, integrated, and comprehensive theory of time, which must either include in some synthetic way all of the elements and their relations or else demonstrate how one or more of these can be successfully reduced to other concepts.
U.S. - controlled agencies such as the International Monetary Fund set the financial policy, which must be strictly adhered to by countries that wish to receive its low - interest loans.
His discourse leads him back to silence, and his silence is itself a discourse which he must sooner or later explain.
The church, into which one is born (like the medieval Catholic Church), is distinguished by an ethic of conservation and compromise in its relationship with the surrounding society; the sect, which one must join as an adult (like the Anabaptists), rejects the surrounding society and has an ethic of rigor, perfection and transformation; the mystic is primarily a subjectively religious person who is not linked to any particular religious body (or, if linked to one, does not find it very important).
It is not literal armor we're wearing, so you can't literally put them on, but the armor is spiritual protection provided by God which you must know how to make use of.
It's only the molecular «decisions» that are random, not the rules which they must obey.
But if the abstractive nature of speech formation is recognized, then it must be seen also that the abstract term always implies more than itself; it always brings with it the presupposition of the total context from which it is drawn (12:84).6 All speech, in other words, implies a metaphysical background against which it must be interpreted for its significance to be grasped (PR 16 - 20; 12:46).
Life's race - course is fixed; Nature has only a single path and that path is run but once, and to each stage of existence has been allotted its own appropriate quality; so that the weakness of childhood, the impetuosity of youth, and the seriousness of middle life, the maturity of old age» each bears some of Nature's fruit, which must be garnered in its own season.
At the very least it shows the irrational nature of race prejudice and suggests the lengths of intellectual irresponsibility to which one must go to maintain the racist position.
Therefore this concept of biblical authority is a weapons emplacement which must be destroyed first before the rest of Christian belief can be successfully breached.
for there is no other name under heaven [than the name of Jesus] given among men by which we must be saved» (Acts 4:12) would inevitably evoke vigorous discussion and extensive controversy, especially coming as it did just when the theology of Karl Barth was emphasizing again the uniqueness of Jesus and the centrality of his claims.
It furnished another instance of a sectarian outburst, which must be expected so long as sectarian attitudes hold priority over penitence in a divided church.
Another Other - worldliness view holds that life is merely a time of testing during which one must establish his right to spend eternity in heaven.
He reads the debate as a series of concessions that culminate in his own «prescriptive realism,» according to which moral evaluation responds to a call that, while it comes from outside ourselves, is fitting to agents like ourselves, and which we must endorse or resist.
Each biblical statement is a sentence which must be understood in terms of the vocabulary and grammar of its original language (Hebrew, Aramaic or Greek), but the better modern translations, such as the Revised Standard Version, have made it possible for one who understands English vocabulary and grammar to read and study the Bible without being seriously misled on most points.
Is that why Abraham's God is so adamant about curiosity being the Original Sin for which we all must die?
There is no prophetic event which must take place between now and the Lord's return.
Indeed, it is scarcely too much to suggest that solitude is the strait gate, spoken of in Matthew, through which all must pass in order to reach eternal life.
oday's Christians tend to be followers, accepting of the notion that religion is just a box built by someone else into which they must stuff their spirit.
But it is the function of humor, after all, to comfort us, to reconcile us for the moment to the discrepancies with which we must live.
Indeed, beliefs relative to the sovereignty of God, Christ's conquering of the principalities and powers, or the transforming power of God in individual lives have profound - implications for the way in which we must think about politics.
Does it not fail to take into account our moral achievements, our merits, our greatness, our reality as human beings, which must be respected?
And, on the other hand, it sickens and dies when it is enslaved by its past instead of being disciplined by the new beginning which it must always make in the Scriptures....
It is the Christian Church, which must raise her voice even against the majority of a people, when tyrants want to seduce whole countries.
Others are a little less extreme, and come up with a list of things that Jesus did which we must do also.
For in creation, in the call of Israel, in the life and work of Christ, and in the pouring out of the Holy Spirit on the church we find the great defining events of all histories and the story around which we must in our turn orient our lives.
Professors can think (and presumably teach) whatever they wish, but experimentation with human subjects, for instance, is something which must be — and is — controlled.
He then concludes that the universe has a cause of its existence, which by definition transcends the whole realm of finite reality, and which must be a personal or psychic being.
Now, if there are conditions which must be met prior to the question being asked... that's different.
In summary we may say that, since we are products of our setting and the particular values of our community, it is this concrete experience which we must bring to Scripture and in terms of which we must understand its message.
`... Mt is full of that feeling of eschatological power which must have characterized the activity of Jesus», (R. Bultmann, History of the Synoptic Tradition, p. 162.)
The revolution which the freedom of love meant is a permanent revolution which must work itself out in history.
What are the forces with which it must reckon?
This frustration must have been felt in the Church of Sardis to whom it was written: «Wake up, and put some strength into what is left, which must otherwise die!
The following suggestions may perhaps become important for the immediate future of the Church if Christianity endeavours to do justice to the situation in which it must accomplish its mission.
Nevertheless, the truth which must be whole and authentic for myself must also appear as that of the others, and it is truly free and not subject to being manipulated by my fancy only if it is institutional in the wider sense, so that it is actually, and not only ideally, independent of me.
One student pointed out that a minister's debts become, in effect, a burden on churches, which must try to pay pastors a salary that will allow them eventually to retire those debts.
Is it possible that we are in a situation in which we must choose between choosing life for human beings and choosing life for other creatures?
The identification of death as the last enemy by Paul in I Corinthians 15 reflects the view that man has fallen into the hands of powers which must be broken by God's power.
The third element which belongs to this cooperation and which must be emphasized may be connected with art. 26 of the Constitution on the Church.
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