Sentences with phrase «which needs»

Perhaps it is constituted by fears and hopes and desires, and perhaps it is just these things which bind man to the endless and meaningless chain of existence from which he needs to be freed.
Empower survivors to voice their needs and collaborate to prioritize which needs to focus on first.
It can help them to assess their feelings about each other and about their relationship, to communicate their needs and expectations to each other, and to contract for ways in which these needs can be met.
An ecological civilization is one in which the needs of all are met in sustainable ways.
Timothy has been through the ringer at Ephesus, yet Paul's instructions shows the heart with which he needs to lead.
They have both to answer the question how the individual Christian in the concrete is to be equipped with the insight and strength which he needs to withstand a situation which sets him a moral problem but the correct solution of which can no longer in fact so directly be supplied him by the official Church.
First, news promulgation is now part of an industrial process which needs predictability and continuity.
The potential, of course, is often not realized; but this analysis does address the problem of good, which needs to be addressed at least as much as the problem of evil.
Moreover, there are various kinds of changes, each of which needs to be critically assessed.
He sent it back the same day by return messenger as requested: «I have read through Master Philip's Apologia which pleases me very much; I know of nothing which needs to be corrected or changed, nor would this be appropriate since I can not step so softly and gently.»
And if the JW isn't an ex-Catholic, he or she may be coming from some other starting - point which itself needs first to be recognised... and this can take time and a false start may merely result in lengthy exchanges and forays into a variety of cul - de-sacs.
For example, authoritarianism does so by forcing the child to choose between security and autonomy, both of which he needs.
Third, by avoiding getting in the way of the verbal - emotional flow, the minister usually acquires much of the relevant information which he needs in order to understand the person's problem.
Actually, their excessive drinking is almost entirely a symptom of the major pathology from which they suffer and which needs treatment.
There is something quite strange about the drowning of Pharaoh's army which needs to be pointed out as we seek to understand the violent descriptions of God in the Old Testament in light of Jesus Christ.
If, then, Whitehead's thinking bears this association of the ethical and the religious, can it accommodate the revolutionary impulse which it needs if it is to serve political theology?
There is one more dynamic feature which needs to be discussed.
This religion, one with world wide respect, claims that Jesus visited America in a boat and also advocated that there was / are two races one of which needs to overcome the other (Guess what color the bad races is.).
«It is error alone which needs the support of government.
The teaching of that there are many ways is absolutist in the sense that it excludes the way, there there is one way, or one, best, most enlightened way, a narrow way, which needs treading.
Good for Nietzsche's reputation, which needs a boost.
Seemingly the man has more the gift of governance and the wife is more the one, which needs some guidance, She should acknowledge that.
By being fully in the present, the growthful direction in which one needs to move becomes clear.
State or local mental health associations can provide church social - action groups with current information concerning the problems and needs of their area, including mental health legislation which needs citizen support.
But goals are also needed defining the next step which needs to be taken in any given area of human activity, whether it be in the local schools, in dealing with poverty, in fighting pollution, in combating racial discrimination, in ending the war in Vietnam, and so on.
Once this cerebral organic «supercomputer» evolves to become too big for the surrounding environment to mediate naturally the control and direction which it needs, we would think it makes perfect sense for God to infuse a free principle of control and direction, the spiritual soul, which is directly in the image of the creative spiritual Mind of God.
Thank God someone teaches the truth and speaks that which needs to be spoken.
«Given his young age, this is a process which needs to be handled very sensitively and may take some time to complete.
Perhaps this is an area of experience which needs to be included in the Whiteheadian cosmology.
This is, obviously, a general statement, one which needs detailed elaboration.
They have a unique experience which needs to be attended to by process theology.
There are so many organizations out there and so many different causes, but God knows which one needs you and which one you need.
It was certainly bold and daring, and in fact a careful reading reveals its startling success, although Holloway insisted that it is the mere beginning of work in progress which needs to be taken up, further developed and refined by other minds.
I'm not a lawyer (which she needs) and I am not near as smart as I'd like to be to analyze things like this.
The visions in Acts belong to the order of reality which needs to be encountered or changed.
We live in a basically Christian nation, whether or not you like it, and of course, the majority faith is the one which needs to be accomodated most.
All too often, it seems to me, the christo - centrism is exaggerated, so that Jesus stands in complete isolation from everything else; He is often regarded as being, not the central or definitive fact, but the only one which needs to be considered.
The issues revolving around «submissveness» in the lethargeous arteries toward biblified bibliographies» mainframe should not be an issued essay of which one needs to ov.ulate upon.
Typically messed up people and messed up middle class lives make an interesting story when there is no revenge for which one needs to make retribution, or when there is no obvious injustice to which human dignity requires courageous defiance in defense what is right.
An animal selects from his realm those things which he needs, but he does not see it as a separate whole nor, like man, complete what is perceived by what can be perceived.
In order to have a framework of reference we shall comment on the rights enshrined in the declaration, while noting some aspects in which it needs further development especially to meet the aspirations of the poor victims of the poor countries.
The issues revolving around «submissveness» in the lethargeous arteries foward biblified bibliographies» mainframe should not be an issued essay of which one needs to ov.ulate upon.
The demand to give up the illusion about its condition is the demand to give up a condition which needs illusions.»
God tenders the situation, but the response comes from the «conscience» — not the routine, surface, discredited conscience but «the unknown conscience in the ground of being, which needs to be discovered ever anew.»
I have no objection to this comparison, but the question which needs to be asked is: «How does this withdrawal come about?»
When Whites negotiate with Negroes therefore, it not only helps to solve the Negro's «Negro problem» it helps solve the white man's «Negro problem» as well; for whites begin to see Negroes in a different light — as equals, as men.7 The notion that love for fellow man is a substitute for what Silberman here calls «negotiation» is the sentimentality which needs to be exposed and eliminated.
There remains a further issue, however, which needs more discussion: Are the natures of God to be understood as distinguishable parts which, added together, make up the unified actual entity, God?
It implies qualities but these are not something outside it which it needs in addition to itself.
The public acknowledgment by a Pope that certain actions taken in the past by members of the Catholic Church were in error, and caused damage to others which needs to be repented by those members of the Church now living, appears to be largely, if not completely unprecedented.
When you experience conflict in your marriage, try these steps as a way of interrupting the negative cycle: (a) Clarify, in your own minds and with each other, what you aren't getting from the marriage (e.g. affirmation, affection, sexual satisfaction), (b) Concentrate, not on the areas in which your needs are mutually exclusive or contradictive, but on the «areas of overlap» (20) of your two need systems.
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