Sentences with phrase «which others feel»

This is because we Brits are particularly sensitive to power hierarchies, meaning that people tend to take offence when a speaker adopts a position of superiority to which others feel they are not entitled.

Not exact matches

Sharing a picture of your customers interacting with your products can really help to create a feeling of a community which other potential customers will want to feel a part of by purchasing products from you.
Other research suggests that the perceived passage of time is related to the amount of new perceptual information you absorb; when you're young, everything seems new, which means your brain has more to process... which means the perceived passage of time feels longer.
Another big part of why Musk, Einstein and Jobs were able to be such original thinkers is because they had a sense of «separateness» — a feeling of being different or disconnected from the crowd, which freed them to reject the conventional wisdom and assumptions that constrained others.
«People tend to mimic each other's body language, which might help them develop intuitions about what other people are feeling — intuitions about whether they'll treat them fairly,» explains DeSteno.
This is an excellent strategy for some, but will likely feel fake to others, which will only lead to more bad attitudes toward failure.
Kim was feeling anxiety as a result of the 2016 robbery in Paris in which she was kept hostage while her assailants stole her engagement ring from husband Kanye West, and other jewels totaling $ 9.5 million.
Purpose: «To make people feel good about themselves, about others, and about the natural environment and the whole of which we are part.»
Unlike many global health nonprofits, which focus their work in the poorest regions of the planet, Bush has always felt it was important for fellows to address problems in the US in addition to those in other countries.
If I'm feeling adventurous, I can go to the other Starbucks, which is about 1,000 feet away.
There's also cognitive empathy, which is the ability to understand and analyze the feelings of others but not feel them yourself.
Online meetings also don't carry the same gravitas as in - person meetings, which means that for meetings where some people are present in person and others are participating by computer, those online may feel that their in person colleagues get privileged attention or recognition.
People who can relate to others and understand how they're feeling tend to be open to meeting new people and experiencing new things, all of which has positive effects on intelligence.
Huang says the company, which is not yet profitable and raised $ 132 million in venture capital from American Express Ventures, Bessemer Venture Partners, DST Global, and others, could have maximized margins and increased savings by reducing staff, but he told the board that he felt the company would be more profitable in the long term if it dedicated itself to its employees.
This is the most straightforward approach, in which a contribution is made to a project or cause, and the donor doesn't receive anything in exchange other than a good feeling for supporting something in which they believe (and perhaps a tax write - off).
As a bonus, over time you'll probably look and feel better, which will only make it easier for you to befriend others.
By sharing the stages she goes through — and which she feels are a pretty universal to creative projects — she hopes to inspire others to stick with their own creative endeavors through all the inevitable rough patches.
The data on trust reveal that the feeling is actually the sum of small gestures, kind words, secrets kept, and other everyday actions, which contribute to filling the mental «marble jar» we keep for each person in our lives.
Praise helps others feel better about themselves and lets them know you're thinking about them (which, if you think about it, is flattering in itself.)
Other common drivers — which Branham explores at length in The Seven Hidden Reasons Employees Leave (American Management Association, 2005) range from overwork to lack of opportunity to feeling unnoticed or unappreciated.
Therefore, have chill out zones for them which can have snooker tables or any other activity area where your office mates can feel relaxed.
The Myers - Briggs — which divides participants according to, among other things, their tendencies toward extroversion versus introversion and thinking versus feeling — remains popular, even though some practitioners question its validity.
Some others might be: Will you be making the customers in which you don't take equity feel like second - class citizens?
And in the process, you also make other people feel better about themselves... which makes them like you.
When you do, our modern psychological understanding suggests that mirroring positively affects the other person's thoughts and / or feelings about you, which can lead to building quicker rapport with them.
I learned yesterday the extent to which I left these women who admired me feeling badly about themselves and cautious around other men who would never have put them in that position.
Feeling we fit in helps make us more relaxed, more motivated, more self - assured — all of which not only help us feel better about ourselves but can also help us perform better and be more willing to help others.
Reach the point at which you feel confident helping others fit in, and that's when you truly fit in — because then it's no longer about you: It's about the group and the people in that group.
There's even science to suggest that your team will get a brain chemical boost from helping each other hit their marks, which is an extra perk that will keep everyone motivated and feeling good.
Congratulate and give kudos publicly, which makes employees feel good and can also motivate others to better understand the performance for which you're striving.
In addition, when we garden with others, and when we further enhance this activity through developing a community garden or donating some of our bounty to a food bank, we feel a sense of belonging; we bond with our peers — which in turn can lead to supportive, collaborative, and nourishing relationships, both personal and professional; and we tap into a sense of meaning and purpose in life, by helping out those in need.
No one expects this from their health insurance company — or from their investment manager, or local bakery, or any other business — but when it happens it makes the world feel like a warmer place, which is good not only for the soul but also for the bottom line.
I want to emphasize that this is «blind» data (I do not know which person or firm said what making this confidential and less biased) and nobody responding had any motive other than just telling us how they were feeling.
She had dressed to please others for so long she had forgotten what pleased her, which left her angry, feeling isolated and exhausted.
No one other than Trump, and possibly (though not necessarily) his lawyers know what he is seeking to conceal from Mueller, but there's something from which he feels he must protect himself, and he is willing to take large legal risks, and to undermine rule of law, to do so.
We reserve the right to disclose information about you, including data on which pages you have visited, to third parties if we feel it is necessary to protect the security of our systems, Site, business, users or others.
It just feels tougher and more resistant than other options I own (which do fine).
On the other hand, the collective revenue - weighted net profit margin of the other nine S&P sectors has continued to trend marginally higher and sits near an all - time high, which means earnings pressure will also be mostly felt within the energy sector.
One other thing worth mentioning — one of the hallmarks of every real investment mania is the degree to which it makes its participants feel like geniuses.
The press may feel like it's a little too late for its 24/7 news cycle, but you might get picked up by other niche publications — which could still send your site a ton of traffic.
I can start that path by not opening the doors with my own competitive research skills in adjacent verticals, which feel «great» because they build so many links, but aren't that «great» at all because they do little besides create short term gains, which reducing and evaporating SEO profits in an entire vertical (while also eating into other vertical profits as well).
A big part of that has to be due to the fact that it features a much thicker handle and more heavy duty construction than most others, which makes it perfect for those men who feel that they have more control when using a heavier razor.
It definitely feels great to work on a product which I think helps others.
And given God existing billions of years, which includes over all human history, that God interacting with others and them not being in the bible, they're the same, liars, lunatics, or dreaming... just so you can reject God and feel good about that choice.
Admittedly this particular thread is relatively tame compared to some I've seen, but I'm always amazed at the degree to which those who practice the religion known as «Atheism» feel a compulsion to foist their beliefs on others.
I'd tell you which camp I'm in, but don't feel like getting abuse from the other side
Your brain which (like every other human brain) are a master of deception and delusion react to the stress by presenting you with the feeling that someone bigger and more powerfull is there to help you.
It's hoped that this, as well as other methods such as multi-sensory services which include more pictures, sounds, tastes and objects to hold or feel, will help dementia sufferers.
I think it is even possible that I might naturally feel compassion for other people (such as suffering people in China), but I would probably figure that this is some strange extension of a natural feeling of compassion which is a beneficial trait towards my children and my friends.
It releases, in other words, back into the field the feelings which it originally drew from the field of past actual occasions in the early stages of its concrescence, but now newly configured in terms of its own immanent «decision.»
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