Sentences with phrase «which over time»

Clutter on the kitchen counter may prevent you from cooking nutritious meals, which over time could affect your health.
We had a temporary «orange» fence to coral kids and flying balls, which over time I started to admire how the orange made the plants really stand out.
Normally used for business, convertible loans allow lenders the option to convert the outstanding principal of the loan into an equity position in the borrower's company, which over time, may be worth more.
When two people in a relationship both carry the «short» gene, facing emotional situations in their relationship can lead to emotional turbulence, which over time, can decrease relationship satisfaction.
I then go about teaching techniques of open communication, which over time, will hopefully reestablish proactive roles.
Recent theoretical work suggests that bullying might arise out of early cognitive deficits — including language problems, imperfect causal understanding, and poor inhibitory control — that lead to decreased competence with peers, which over time develops into bullying.14, 15 A small number of studies provide circumstantial evidence that such a hypothesis might have merit7: 1 study found a link between poor early cognitive stimulation and (broadly defined) inappropriate school behavior, 16 and another found cognitive stimulation at age 3 years to be protective against symptoms of attention - deficit disorder at age 7 years.17 A study of Greek children found that academic self - efficacy and deficits in social cognition were related to bullying behavior.18 A large US national survey found that those who perceive themselves as having average or below - average academic achievement (as opposed to very good achievement) are 50 % to 80 % more likely to be bullies.8 Yet these studies are based on cross-sectional surveys, with the variables all measured at a single point in time.
Bertrand Weisgerber, also a co-founder — he is the current manager and creator of TLS Contact, which over time has become a world leader of visa application, having centers in over 62 countries (15 in China).
With the added help of glowing «scout flies,» which over time, help guide the team towards the monster, the hunt proves an interesting setup, without outstaying its welcome.
Long - time Slashdot reader dheltzel argues that the problem is actually bad hiring practices, which over time leads to lower - quality employees.
«We could do a lot to reverse the aggregation and centralization and creation of data lakes, which over time, especially in a transparent public blockchain, are going to at some point become surveillance lakes,» Baldet told the audience, continuing:
Insiders who did jump into the skip ahead ring before it closed will continue to receive Redstone 4 builds from here on out, which over time will get progressively more buggy, as the Insider Program tends to do.
Meanwhile, users were encouraged to upgrade their clients, which over time, it seemed, many did.
Meanwhile, Bitcoin Core contributors also reached out to the broader Bitcoin industry, which over time led to a consistently growing list of companies and projects committing to supporting Segregated Witness.
Face ID is quick, but just not as quick as fingerprint authentication which over time has been optimized and constantly improved to reach the level it is on at the moment.
Although Bill C - 14 may not be perfect in everyone's minds, it's still a better alternative than the burgeoning body of common law assisted dying decisions, which over time would have resulted in inconsistent applications across different jurisdictions.
The MyCase App Bar and marketplace, which over time will include a wide variety of legal services and applications, is focused in the short - term on third parties that are already popular among existing firms and that help enhance clients» ability to manage their practices and better serve clients.
the teeth were never meant to be in the agreement but rather in the continuing transparency which over time will produce change.
Financial worry is a major contributor to stress, which over time, accumulates and creates potential health problems, some of them significant.
Each participant ultimately creates their own local cap and trade system, which over time will be tweaked and harmonized to fit with the others.
While actual scientists are trying to piece together every little part of an otherwise almost un-piecable long term chaotic and variable system in response now to a massive increase in net lower atmospheric energy absorption and re radiation, Curry is busy — much like most of the comments on this site most of the time — trying to come up with or re-post every possible argument under the sun to all but argue against the basic concept that radically altering the atmosphere on a multi million year basis is going to affect the net energy balance of earth, which over time is going to translate into a very different climate (and ocean level) than the one we've comfortably come to rely on.
There is a noticeable difference in day to day weather patterns which over time indicates one trend or the other but it is too rough and ready to diagnose the scale of either.
'' trying to come up with or re-post every possible argument under the sun to all but argue against the basic concept that radically altering the atmosphere on a multi million year basis is going to affect the net energy balance of earth, which over time is going to translate into a very different climate (and ocean level) than the one we've comfortably come to rely on.
We believe that creativity is indeed something which over time will play an ever increasingly important role for businesses.
From the plexiglass on steel and aluminium to copper and brass, which over time untreated would become brown, to the perfect solid brown of corten steel or unpainted plywood, all represented in the exhibition, Judd explored this colour.
For many years she focused on the vase, which over time had become her most salient subject.
One person who saw it was the Iraqi - born advertising magnate Charles Saatchi, who visited the show, was deeply impressed, and bought Hirst's sculpture A Thousand Years, a vitrine featuring a rotting cow infested with maggots, which over time grow into flies only to be killed by a buzzing bug - zapper above.
New Leaf casts you as the mayor of a town populated by anthropomorphic animals, which over time grows and adapts to your decisions and style.
We actually saw this in action on the original Digital Foundry PC, which over time proved more adept at handling 1080p30 than it was at achieving a locked 720p60 - as seen most prominently when we gave it whirl on Spec Ops: The Line.
Although brushing your pet's teeth may be a difficult task, doing so can help prevent tartar and plaque buildup, which over time could lead to periodontal disease.
Consequently, the heart must work harder to pump blood to the lungs, which over time can lead to heart failure.
Amputating the tips of their toes drastically alters the conformation of their feet and their overall gait, which over time can lead to chronic arthritis, neuralgia, degenerative joint disease, back pain, and balance impairment.
Because insulin resistance requires increased insulin secretion to maintain euglycemia, which over time also leads to β - cell failure, it is a core abnormality in type 2 diabetes.
Injuries that will naturally cause scar tissue, which over time will compromise the elasticity of the tendon / ligament, can now be nipped in the bud.
Many chemicals used in pesticide based flea products tend to accumulate in your pets body, which over time may bring on unforeseen health problems.
Persian cats have considerable problems with watering eyes which over time can cause dark discoloration caused by tear marks.
We are able to avoid antibiotics which over time simply become ineffective.
The bacteria that lives in the mouth secretes acids which over time results in destroying tooth enamel.
An ultrasonic collar will emit a sound (humans may or may not be able to hear it) in response to barking, which over time, annoys the dog enough to quiet her.
There are lots of tempting things for your rabbit to chew in your home which over time can leave it looking rather tatty.
Plaque is made of 90 percent microscopic bacteria, which over time, hardens and becomes what we call tartar or calculus.
You are actually making one extra payment annually which over time, cuts your overall payments by $ 4589.04 in 15 years!
Keith Emery discusses how those people with variable interest debt, whether it is home equity lines of credit or variable rate mortgages, will see an increase in their monthly payments, which over time, can have an impact on Canadian households living on tight budgets.
This change creates the opportunity for Record to earn performance fees which over time are expected to match or exceed the foregone management fees.
Portfolio A is composed entirely of bonds, which over time experienced both a low annual return or growth and low risk.
Portfolio B is composed exclusively of equities, which over time experienced high risk and high growth.
This is only right — after all, the more often a manager enters the market to buy or sell, the greater the portfolio's trading costs, which over time can end up acting as a drag on performance.
By automatically reinvesting dividends, investors purchase additional fund shares on a regular basis, which over time has the potential to lead to higher future returns.
You'll need to think differently about everything, which over time, we'll talk about in depth on this blog.
On those 15,661 vehicles, water may drain down the windshield, through the cowl and onto the wiper transmission link joints, which over time could corrode or cause the joints to wear prematurely, resulting in separation of the wiper link ball from its socket and leave the wipers inoperative.
Details: An underbody heat shield may not be long enough to protect the right drive half - shaft grease boot from heat, which over time could lead to a grease leak that could ignite if it comes in contact with heated surfaces of the exhaust or diesel particulate filter.
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