Sentences with phrase «which pack a powerful punch»

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Just a handful packs a powerful punch of vitamins, minerals and fats, all of which work together to affect your heart, your brain and your waistline.
Green beans are fairly low - calorie but pack a powerful antioxidant punch, as do pears, which are also rich in cholesterol - lowering fiber.
But the U.S. Geological Survey's (USGS's) national hazard maps, updated periodically, pack a powerful punch: Insurance companies and city planners rely heavily on the maps, which influence billions of dollars in construction every year.
It produces less carbon dioxide emissions than coal for electricity or gasoline and diesel for fuel, but even a small amount of natural gas release — which is essentially methane — packs a greenhouse gas punch about 30 times more powerful than the same amount of carbon dioxide.
They also contain chia seeds which pack a powerful nutrient punch.
Day 26 — Pomegranate Pizzazz Pomegranates contain polyphenols including tannins and anthocyanins which packs a powerful antioxidant punch.
These con - tain powerful phytochemicals called indoles, which can reduce your estrogen levels.While these vegetables won't raise your testosterone levels per se, decreasing your estrogen will allow testosterone to pack a big - ger punch (as estrogen inhibits the effects of testosterone).
Briogeo is one of the best - selling haircare lines at Sephora and this mask in particular packs a powerful punch with ingredients like panthenol, rose - hip, sweet almond, and avocado oils, biotin, and algae extract — all of which help to moisturize, repair, and strengthen weak, damaged hair.
Isn't so emotionally powerful as the Oscar - winning «When We Were Kings» but which — in its more intimate way — still packs a punch.
Samsung has, at last, made a handset which not only packs a powerful punch, but looks fantastic too.
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