Sentences with phrase «which point»

It will follow the evolution of similar stars, eventually running out of hydrogen fuel, at which point it will shift to burning helium at a much higher temperature, and will eventually, 5 billion years from now, gradually become a red giant with a diameter greater than the Earth's present orbit.
I'd offer that it seemed Jesus learned this lesson for himself when preaching in the synagogues and winning favour with people until he got to Nazareth and talked of a prophet being without honour among his own people at which point an attempt was made to throw him off a cliff.
Which point is applicable to every person on the planet.
Thus, belief in the ultimate victory of the biblical God may indeed be grounded in events in history, but not as part of self - evident progress; they are parabolic moments which point to the eschatological potential of God's power.
He'll occasionally ask to play alone, at which point he will go to his room, arrange his stuffed animals, and pull out one of his books from Dr. Seuss, Beatrix Potter, or Mo Willems and «read» to them a story he has memorized.
But she seems not to have recalled that portion of my essay in which I point out that an argument along the lines I've made has already succeeded in federal courts.
Writing about Humanae Vitae just a month after Pope Paul VI issued it, at which point lots of Catholics, including a goodly number of Jesuits, had popped a cork, the then - superior general asked his fellow Jesuits to assume an attitude of «obedience which is at once loving, firm, open, and truly creative» and «to do everything possible to penetrate, and to help others penetrate, into the thought which may not have been his own previously» - precisely because they were Jesuits, and this is what Jesuits do.
The problems with the book are not with the individual parts, many of which point towards (in the words of Pope Benedict XVI) «the beauty of human love, of marriage and of the family» (11), but with the rather uncertain whole that the parts construct.
Therefore we have to respect those principles which point beyond present decision to an order of life which we can specify only in general and revisable terms.
According to this hypothesis, what is all - important is not our religions themselves, but the mystery of which they speak and to which they point.
The question is not which point of view is true, but which one we should accept, and then, with God's help, try to make it come true.
There are hypothesis, and then years of work done to prove the hypothesis, at which point it becomes a law.
In a time when anything can happen — and usually does — the question is not which point of view is true, but which one we should accept, and then, with God's help, try to make come true.
Just as it would be impossible to replace with definitions such words as» home,» or «light,» or «music,» or to make the meaning of such words clear to someone who had never himself experienced the realities to which they point, so it will always be impossible to replace with definitions such terms as «the grace of God in Christ,» «peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ,» or the great story in which these phrases have their only possible context.
All forms of human identity are taken up and fulfilled in that higher union to which they point and in which they find their ultimate meaning.
Much to the chagrin of traditional Christian clergy, the widespread celebration of Easter survives primarily in the form of Easter eggs and Easter bunnies, which point back to a very ancient spring festival long before the Jewish Passover and the Christian commemoration of the death and resurrection of Jesus.
She spoke about an appointment she had with her doctor at the hospital that day, at which point I asked her for the name of the hospital and for her doctor's name along with the phone number to the hospital.
Rod pointed out that this changes the concept of a «concert» from one in which the point is hearing a true live performance, to one in which the point is being in the same room as a celebrity.
An affirmative answer to this question receives some confirmation from the fact that within the immediate context we find some other words and phrases which point to the influence of the Baal cult on the language of Hosea and his contemporaries.
Goguel sees several features in it which point to its being a relatively primitive tradition.
«There are some very recent developments in Russia,» said Falwell in 1979, foretold «by the prophet Ezekiel, which point up the soon return of our Lord.
I suspect that it will stay there until the temperature starts to decline again, at which point, as in the 1970s, we'll hear more about the inevitable return of an ice age.
To justify his choice and his pride man often says «There is no God» At which point, he is correct.
To be sure, one can say, «But the actualization of the attitude to which they point is not dependent on the event of Jesus Christ»; but it does not follow that «revelation is unnecessary.»
5) Finally, you will reach Acceptance, at which point you summon the strength to call your mother and cry for an hour.
It is a language - game in a new dimension, and it has its own uses and meanings which point to a reality that includes a profound mystery, the mystery of life and death.
The post materialized after a long phone conversation between us in the wake of my controversial post about Dave Ramsey and poverty, at which point I realized my sister knew way more about this topic than I did.
I hope I may be able to indicate how both Christian belief and practice flow from the living experience of God's forgiving love in Jesus Christ, but I hope also that the reader will pass beyond the words to appreciate the reality to which they point.
In conservative evangelical circles, whether in the Anglican Communion or in churches of a «reformed» type, the recovery of this normative worship in eucharistic observance has not always been achieved, although there are many signs which point toward a growing awareness of its importance and centrality.
They plan to work until they can not, at which point they will trust others to take care of them.
Fundamentally manners are symbolic forms, which point to meanings beyond themselves.
She wears a cross on a necklace — a virtual talisman which is taken from her at one point — at which point, by the way, the movie almost resembles a sci - fi version of Rosemary's Baby.
Only then will one realize they are lost and need a Saviour at which point that person will do well to confess they are a sinner and ask Jesus to come in.
However I have heard some very «religious» folk let a swear word slip at which point they are very harsh and critical of themselves.
At which point most people don't care.
Bloggers can live in cyber space all they want but they must at some point contact the real worlds at which point their atheism will have absolutely no value.
The bodies of 50 young girls buried in shallow, unmarked graves until someone asked a question, at which point they were cremated so as to eliminate any possibility of forensic investigation.
It goes without saying that the Psalms must be understood according to the canons of poetry, in which the point is often not to convey information or to argue grammatically and logically, but rather to express feelings of longing or anguish, adoration or revulsion through imagery, the juxtaposition of images and ideas, crescendos and climaxes of intensity.
The monk hesitated, thinking the matter over, at which point Rinzai released him, saying, «The true person of no status, what a dried - up manure - stick he is,» and then returned to his chamber.
Contrarian that I can be on occasion, when things got around the table to me, I'd say, «I'm George Weigel and I was born again on April 29, 1951... at which point I was 12 days old.»
(well, yes, you have a three - day pass to Lollapalooza, so you do look like you have money, but anyway) at which point he punched the 11 - year - old child in the stomach forcing her to drop her beach ball and running off with it.
They are willing to employ language as «skillful means», but the truth to which they point still eludes language.
But perhaps the key reference occurs when the lawyer reflects that both he and Bartleby are «sons of Adam»» at which point the reader is expected to see behind a standard metaphor for shared humanity and recollect that Adam's first son was Cain, the builder of the first city and the slayer of his brother.
It was the body which linked him with the animals; it was made of similar flesh and bone, and lived only for the limited period between birth and death, at which point the body fell into decay.
We have reason, we have critical faculties, we have a more - or-less developed moral sense, we have intuitions and intimations which point to something beyond the here - and - now.
At which point a commando team came on board and a couple of crew members where killed but the bulk are still alive to this day.
What, to use phrase a phrase of the Hungarian philosopher of science Michael Polanyi, is the «hidden reality» towards which they point?
Apparently, then, this specialized group of nerves is the material locus for a «critical node,» as Whitehead puts it, at which point bodily feelings are transmuted so that «there is an increasing development of special emphasis» (PR 477).
The Acts of the Apostles, also simply referred to as the «book of Acts» or «Acts», is a narrative of the apostles» ministry after Christ's death and resurrection, from which point it resumes and functions as a sequel to the Gospel of Luke.
At which point Moses said, «Consider that this nation is your people.»
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