Sentences with phrase «which romantic attraction»

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In due course, they also provided a romantic attraction in the form of the captain of the first team, which eventually resulted both in marriage and in an enduring and very successful bridge partnership.
Instead simply standing and being on the move boosted both genders» sense of confidence, which in turn boosted their romantic attraction to the people they approached.
Sometimes romantic attraction takes an unexpected turn, which may just lead to life - long love.
As she argued, you can introduce a new technology like dating apps, but you can't alter a primal response like attraction and chemistry, which are (and always will be) the touchpoints of romantic love.
However, Olive eventually reveals an attraction to Elizabeth, which leads to a sexual and romantic liaison which seems to surprise all parties.
Nicholas Barber: In Curtis's films, friends and family trump romantic relationships — which are too often founded on superficial attraction
Other bits featuring in Oswalt's Finest Hour: the value of sweatpants, the differences between a comedian and a stripper, the way in which he'd like to see a Jennifer Aniston romantic comedy advertised, a depressing description of the circus, his desire to be the first non-ironic visitor of the Spam Museum, his experiences with Weight Watchers, dreams on Ambien, and a Disneyland attraction with the potential to traumatize children.
His love for Elizabeth seemed to be based on sexual attraction and control which is not the kind of self - giving romantic love that we envision between a husband and wife.
Allawah (aboriginal for «sit down, stay here and rest a while») is the ideal romantic getaway or as a superb base from which to explore all the attractions of the historic Tablelands and the wonders of the Great Barrier Reef.
Other popular attractions include Atlantis Submarines, which offers undersea expeditions, and Cool Runnings Catamaran Sailing Cruises, which runs personalized tours, including romantic sunset dinner cruises and daytime snorkeling expeditions.
Specifically, assuming an interactional environment in which individuals are free to select potential dates or mates, both partners likely need to feel sufficient levels of attraction to initiate romantic interactions and both likely need to find their early interactions sufficiently pleasant or fulfilling to maintain their association.
However, as the authors discussed, a general measure of perceived alternative scenarios was used, which does not necessarily reflect romantic interest, whereas in our study we asked participants to report their initial attraction to a specific attractive target.
14 percent reported «current romantic attractionwhich is defined as the desire to become a couple.
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