Sentences with phrase «which state»

A spokesman for agricultural minister John McVeigh defended the 567 per cent increase as being based on the national Poultry Code «which state governments agreed to implement in 2002».
Ditch these and only get dates which state just dates on the ingredient list.
I'm in IA; which state do you find this in?
There has been a race to see which state first produces a chile pepper license plate, and New Mexico won.
Before I go and waste a bunch of yummy empanadas — in which state * do you think * they would freeze the best?
In any recipe in which I state that I have used Better Batter, you can always use my mock Better Batter blend.
In Guatemala, birth mothers are required to sign a document in court in which they state they are relinquishing their child, but they are not interviewed by a judge as to their reasons.
Most of what French recounts is drearily familiar by now, but a new twist is the way in which state universities are intheir official statements getting into the business of defining true (gay friendly) and false (gay critical) Christianity.
You don't need to wait until the FBI figures out in which state a 54 - year old pastor had sex with a 16 - year old girl — you can (and should) call it sexual abuse — right now.
On the contrary, he set the economic in a larger order in which the state («the sovereign» in The Wealth of Nations) has a major role including in the economic sphere.
The closeness of the vote turns on the peculiarities of the Spanish public school system, in which state employees offer religious instruction.
But clearly the prime example of conscious manipulation is modern Japanese civil religion, composed of the modern emperor system and its pervasive ideological influence, of which state Shintõ was only a part.
Instead, we chose a healthcare system in which the state is the sole supplier and financier.
Whichever is right» whether marriage is or is not a purely private matter in which the state has no abiding interest» the deeper and more immediate danger of the marriage issue for Christians is its potential use by gay activists to undermine the autonomy of the Church and other religious entities.
It is only right that people «should be disabused of their prejudices» [10] but we need to be convinced that religion itself is not a prejudice but a fundamental right which the State must support (8).
With this in mind, I would like to specifically comment on your following statement Jeremy, in which you state:
John Eldredge and his wife have recently written some books which state that while men want to be warriors and need to know they are strong and wild, women need to know that they are beautiful: Wild at Heart: Discovering the Secret of a Man's Soul and Captivating: Unveiling the Mystery of a Woman's Soul.
the society must believe in the existence of a transcendent order of justice, which the State has an obligation to protect.
When the term «Pentecostal» is used, it connotes an emphasis on an emotional experience of salvation akin to the coming of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost, after which this state of holiness is achieved or given.
The links, which state that the women were observers from a distance at both the crucifixion and the burial, appear to be editorial additions made by a literary editor, rather than part of an original narrative from oral tradition.
There are probably only two passages in the Old Testament which state explicitly — beyond possibility of doubt — the belief in full life after death.
I have books written by Mormons which state what I say about Mormonism.
Whitehead then adds to each concept a set of axioms which state relationships between the «essential relation» and the primitive entities from which he thereby deduces theorems.
In sum, there was to be no area of life - home, workplace, gym, ballpark - into which state - sponsored propaganda on «reproductive rights and reproductive health» did not intrude.
I am not so sure about ghosts, but have never (to my knowledge) seen one myself — which state of affairs, I hasten to add, I have no urge whatsoever to alter.
LJ: Not sure which country or which state you live in, but NYC public schools already have enough Jewish and Christian holidays.
Does any of this reasonably constitute a «presumption against licensing drivers,» which the state can «override» when certain other conditions are met?
There are two principal types of socialism: «full socialism» in which the state owns all (or the vast majority) of business and industry and controls production and marketing decisions through central planning; and «partial socialism», in which the state owns major businesses deemed to be essential to the national good, and / or subsidizes certain industries to save them from the impact of competition, and provides certain goods and services deemed to be essential at reduced or no cost, but still allows major sectors of the economy to operate as free enterprise capitalism.
But that, of course, presupposes that individual persons are the property of the state, public chattel of which the state is wrongly deprived by the private act of suicide.
In other words, the balance is struck in a way that creates only two sets of cases: those that are hard and those in which the state automatically wins.
Although the compelling - ness test (which only accommodationists believe in anyway) gives us a standard for determining which state interests are so vital that a claim of religious requirement can not overcome them, we have no test for determining which religious interests are so vital that no state interest — not even a compelling one — can overcome them.
Lycidias please point to the article which you state I cut and pasted from.
Of course there has always been a gap between general principles, which state what is fundamental and universal, and concrete prescriptions which aim at something individual here and now.
The 14th amendment extends such protections to all citizens, regardless of which state they live in.
Is it bad that i already had guessed which state this took place in before i even clicked on the story?
These are conditions without which a state can not exist; but all of them together do not constitute a state, which is a community of families and aggregations of families in well - being, for the sake of a perfect and self - sufficing life.
His argument seems to hinge on the idea that capital punishment is so extreme and so different from all other punishments that it necessarily falls in the category of «high justice»» an attempt to «balance the cosmic books»» an authority which the state can not rightly wield.
Duddington also provides discussion of the issue of conscience in contemporary society, citing a number of high - proile cases in which the state has intervened on issues of religious conscience and human rights.
Christian Zionism is grounded in a reductionist ecclesiology in which the state is elevated above the church.
There will surely be occasions on which the state must intervene in the life of families in order to protect children, but it is more likely to be effective in acting against manifest evils than in positively restructuring families.
The degree to which the state unfolds, and the recession of prior states within the present, give the «specious» or phenomenal present.
Here the Supreme Court began to set in legal concrete the notion that sexual morals and patterns of family life are matters of private choice or taste, not matters of public concern in which the state has a legitimate interest.
When the holiness of the land (a divine proclamation) becomes the holiness of the state (a human creation) we all too easily move in the direction of theocracy veiled as statism (in which the state is the embodiment of divine will).
See which state's residents pay the most federal taxes, shouldering the greatest and least shares of this burden.
Congress should provide a direct - payment bond option, in which state and local governments receive direct federal payments to subsidize a portion of the taxable interest paid to private bond holders.
It appears Tesla Motors has found a place for its Gigafactory, with the company saying that it has broken ground on a new site near Reno, Nev., which could end speculation on which state will have the honor of the electric automaker's first major battery factory.
The debt was structured as a moral obligation bond in which the state promises to pay back the principal plus interest, but is not legally required to do so.
Your loan agreement should include a sentence about which state law governs.
The city and the state of Michigan entered into a consent agreement in early April by which the state's government has greater oversight of Detroit's finances.
The factors that most impact timing are how quickly you file the necessary paperwork, the speed at which your current custodian (the firm that handles your original retirement account) releases your funds and which state the corporation is filed in (some states are faster than others).
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